Should women be required to...

Ha, reminds me of when i was a teenager i tried to fingerbang one girl on my couch and her lips hung down like an inch it boggled my 15yr old mind, she was a year younger but much more sexually active and i litreally got intimidated after that luckily our freindship wasnt effected

Mind boggling lol.

Worse thing to do is look at her pussy for the first time directly because if it's hairy or unique the look on your face will beyup.jpg
But u really thing a girl is gonna come at me with a "there are dudes that fuck anything that walks" approach.

Apparently there are:

Who gives a shit. Give me any unhealable hatchet wound and I'll take the plunge once. Won't put my face near that bacon strip if something seems off, but I'll even diddle a leather cheerio instead if the vertical smile seems foul.
Mind boggling lol.

Worse thing to do is look at her pussy for the first time directly because if it's hairy or unique the look on your face will beView attachment 3200170

What qualities make a vagina unique? lmao...I mean I know they somewhat vary but what makes one truly 'unique'? Like the holy grail of vaginal oddities - landing strip starting from the ass with a left to right opening rather than up and down n maybe an extra clit or summ??
See? this is what I'm talking about. On one hand you men all say how it's the holy grail, then proceed to make fun of it and comment about how disgusting it looks… I don't get it.
...not like you ladies think dicks are beautiful either...right o_O? This is one of those times when "it's what's on the inside that counts" applies...I guess

I'm too immature to not find vagina jokes funny. Sorry XD
...not like you ladies think dicks are beautiful either...right o_O? This is one of those times when "it's what's on the inside that counts" applies...I guess

I'm too immature to not find vagina jokes funny. Sorry XD

Vagina jokes ARE funny. I meant when posters on this thread are calling lady bits "wagon ruts" and stuff like that. I didn't want to go all double standard on your asses, but I just had this convo w/ husband and his reposnse was, "cry me a river honey. Dicks aren't ever going to win beauty pageants. At least yours isn't used to describe someone who's a douchebag or an ass hole."

as in , "what a dick"

* I had no retort to that….. LOL
what is a wagon rut , doesn't sound very nice

Axe wound ?
According to urban dictionary lmao:
A word for describing when a woman's pants are pulled up so tight you can see her beef curtains. This has the resemblance of tracks left by a wagon wheel. Observing said event can be enjoyable yet leads to penis frustration since it makes you want to have sex with her. The term is synonymous with camel toe.
1. "Her wagon ruts made my dick want to travel the oregon trail."

2. "I'm no Stephen Hawking but her wagon ruts are sooo deep her vagina might be a black hole."

3. "The fabric of her pants created wagon ruts as it tried to traverse her cavernous poon."


I'm going to go ahead n assume this is some oldschool "old enough to go to the store and get bread" - some dude I work with said that to me n I almost spit my coffee out. Learn something new everyday :)
According to urban dictionary lmao:
A word for describing when a woman's pants are pulled up so tight you can see her beef curtains. This has the resemblance of tracks left by a wagon wheel. Observing said event can be enjoyable yet leads to penis frustration since it makes you want to have sex with her. The term is synonymous with camel toe.
1. "Her wagon ruts made my dick want to travel the oregon trail."

2. "I'm no Stephen Hawking but her wagon ruts are sooo deep her vagina might be a black hole."

3. "The fabric of her pants created wagon ruts as it tried to traverse her cavernous poon."


Hmm interesting camel toe with visible flappage
According to urban dictionary lmao:
A word for describing when a woman's pants are pulled up so tight you can see her beef curtains. This has the resemblance of tracks left by a wagon wheel. Observing said event can be enjoyable yet leads to penis frustration since it makes you want to have sex with her. The term is synonymous with camel toe.
1. "Her wagon ruts made my dick want to travel the oregon trail."

2. "I'm no Stephen Hawking but her wagon ruts are sooo deep her vagina might be a black hole."

3. "The fabric of her pants created wagon ruts as it tried to traverse her cavernous poon."


I'm going to go ahead n assume this is some oldschool "old enough to go to the store and get bread" - some dude I work with said that to me n I almost spit my coffee out. Learn something new everyday :)

Hahahahahahaha I never new that ur not kidding when u said u learn something new everyday :D
See? this is what I'm talking about. On one hand you men all say how it's the holy grail, then proceed to make fun of it and comment about how disgusting it looks… I don't get it.
Lol that's a funny assumption. . That's kinda like assuming all BMW'S ARE equal!!!


Is not this!!images-174.jpeg
See? this is what I'm talking about. On one hand you men all say how it's the holy grail, then proceed to make fun of it and comment about how disgusting it looks… I don't get it.

i think this might be the internal battle between cognitive logic thought reason and instinct (lizard brain)
can i fuck it
can i eat it
will it harm me

i would suggest it is mainly the lizard or primitive brain that is attracted to vagina
if it wasn't for this ladies would most likely find themselves being used as fire-wood or something

when the cognitive brain (logical) sees the vagina it notices that in some cases it resembles an axe wound etc
and it other cases it looks neat and tidy

see the bmw example above for more clarification
See? this is what I'm talking about. On one hand you men all say how it's the holy grail, then proceed to make fun of it and comment about how disgusting it looks… I don't get it.
I seen one once. Looked like a mud puddle that a bunch of kids rode their bikes through. Then there was the one that looked like a piece of liver.
See? this is what I'm talking about. On one hand you men all say how it's the holy grail, then proceed to make fun of it and comment about how disgusting it looks… I don't get it.
What qualities make a vagina unique? lmao...I mean I know they somewhat vary but what makes one truly 'unique'? Like the holy grail of vaginal oddities - landing strip starting from the ass with a left to right opening rather than up and down n maybe an extra clit or summ??

Unique ahaha, try all of em except for the gross looking ones, girls with unfuckable pussies often have similar pussies to those of the same quality of vagina.