heyman looking good. any newer pic for us to see?
Very niceis that an Advanced LED panel? What size?
nice man but am not HYDRO GUY lol dont like it to much light gets to the roots lol soil all the way. if you fk up 1 plant with hydro you have no time to fix it,.
brother if it your first time growing please grow in soil it will help you learn more an give you time to sort out on issues you get over the growing time
Yea oil maker taking a seat and getting tuned in best of luck mate.
coco soil is good soil ao you good there dude
are you still using your grow nutes for veg? if not thats why your seeing yellow so early brother
ok so give the grow nutes untill wk2 then swap ?yeah i noticed the yellowin week 1-2 so did a bit reading i realised they still need the grow nutes with the higher N then stop give them it after 2 weeks then fine from there
What kind of lights are those lights in the veg room? CFL's? How many watts they look nice!