but i dissagree..acid is not the same as it was..1.harder to find quantity..used to be there was 3 acid dealers in ever bar.in every city/club/rave/show you could find quantity..i mean ten sheets easy to find..i found a half sheet of green gels on the ground in a quiet community in d.c. once..prevalant is an understatement
2. it came in all forms,liquid,gels paper,microdots..all forms,prints,colors..crystal was easyier to get also..
3. it was purer and more potent on a regular basis..silver,fluff,needlepoint and lavendar was everywhere,doses were high,250ug usually..average use was 2 hits,but one would ALLWAYS get you spun,and very occasionally it was so strong that you could split it,but it would be a regular trip..nothing intense..
4.prices..i had someone sell me a tenstrip 2 weeks ago at a sho for 50 bucks..i used to pay 75-100$ for a SHEET.600 for ten sheets...now its 200 if youre lucky and know some one..i had old friends get taxed so bad recently,they had to sell vials for 500$!!!rediculous..i remeber touring and if you just wanted to get spun,you asked total stragers and theyd light you up!..15 dollar tenstrips..but,like i say,never pay more than 5..guy sold me the ten for 50$,after he realized i know some fam,he said "oh,you know about prices then.." and the ten dollar hits wer five bucks magically...people paying 10 buck outta desperation are driving the market up for unimformed customers everywhere..dont do it.there is acid everywhere,and dealers are relying on that veil of scarcity to make more profits..itll be like the 90s again in a couple of years imo..i hope