Low Dose LSD

Ive had an australian friend gift me two tabs recently. He says acid is the only decent drug around in australia after meth. HBe said to take half a tab at a time cause theyre ridiculously potent. Ive only had tabs a few times before and you needed at least 2 to get you there. Can tabs really be that strong?
Also he kept going on about how acid isnt the same as it used to be back in the day where youd literally be tripping for 2 days straight off a dose. I wonder what thats like, getting a bit tired of mushrooms to be honest..
I don't know what acid is like now, I do remember what it was like then.

yes, tabs were often strong enough to be split in half and even in quarters and have each person get quite high. I have read that the average pill was in the 200ug range back then, I dispute that, calling the majority if what I got in the 300's with the occasional 400 (four way).

I never took acid of any strength that had me tripping for more than about 18 hours.
I've gone through 3 10 strips so far this summer. Its been a blast. I have no experience with back in the day, but this stuff has had effects for a good 13-14 hours most of the trips we've taken. I've been mostly eating 2 at a time, this last strip I cut into 4 pieces making each about 2.5 hits. One of those was pretty awesome last weekend!! I think we might eat some more tonight. Sadly I have no idea the actual strength of any of the tabs I've had. I would guess based on how the various tabs I"ve had over the last few years have felt, that they were all similar in potency though. I was told at one point that the batch had been tested at about 100ug a hit, but we all know how reliable that sort of info usually is.
a friend also in australia also says the same thing..meth,coke,acid..and the acid is strong..yes tabs can get that strong,ive eaten a. quarter hit before and it had me doing windsprints till i puked,literally!..i have had some acid plenty of times thats had me up for over 24 hours,about 18 was tripping..the rest was come down,after glow time...
i think im up to a half sheet of wow(a little more actually) and 3/4 of a vial this summer so far..been nice weather this summer..good for lots of spun-shine:-D
but i dissagree..acid is not the same as it was..1.harder to find quantity..used to be there was 3 acid dealers in ever bar.in every city/club/rave/show you could find quantity..i mean ten sheets easy to find..i found a half sheet of green gels on the ground in a quiet community in d.c. once..prevalant is an understatement
2. it came in all forms,liquid,gels paper,microdots..all forms,prints,colors..crystal was easyier to get also..

3. it was purer and more potent on a regular basis..silver,fluff,needlepoint and lavendar was everywhere,doses were high,250ug usually..average use was 2 hits,but one would ALLWAYS get you spun,and very occasionally it was so strong that you could split it,but it would be a regular trip..nothing intense..
4.prices..i had someone sell me a tenstrip 2 weeks ago at a sho for 50 bucks..i used to pay 75-100$ for a SHEET.600 for ten sheets...now its 200 if youre lucky and know some one..i had old friends get taxed so bad recently,they had to sell vials for 500$!!!rediculous..i remeber touring and if you just wanted to get spun,you asked total stragers and theyd light you up!..15 dollar tenstrips..but,like i say,never pay more than 5..guy sold me the ten for 50$,after he realized i know some fam,he said "oh,you know about prices then.." and the ten dollar hits wer five bucks magically...people paying 10 buck outta desperation are driving the market up for unimformed customers everywhere..dont do it.there is acid everywhere,and dealers are relying on that veil of scarcity to make more profits..itll be like the 90s again in a couple of years imo..i hope:-)
you go to a show with 5k people,and 3 guys have doses,and want ten each..if no one buys it unless they will take 5 each,youll see what happens....:-)
I still havn't gotten word on the liquid that was supposed to be coming around. We'll see if that pans out, it would be cool.
i was waiting on some also,when it came i realized i wasnt paying 5bucks a hit for a vial..lol..friends need money,thats fine,but im not the one to give money,and get buffalo billed either..
True story right there. I've been very happy with this last batch now. Still trippin face this morning and loving it :). Happy Sunday guys!
whats it say on the bears leg? bear drop?
im looking out for those..
and i recount my previous statement about the 300ug..thats probably close..fam lays nice shit like that pretty heavy..the "happy birthday jerry" blotters were about that,and looked like quality prints you have..just a different design.