I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

12 pages of you saying im christ and everyone saying your not, lets see if we can get to page 20 , then and only then will the message be clear.

I unequivocally live vicariously on the internet.

I like to talk about My "deepest darkest secrets" on the internet.

There will always be critics and skeptics, especially when I am creating My very own Spirituality. My Spirituality is all inclusive, but it doesn't seem like that many people want to subscribe to My Sporituality: maybe after I die, more people will subscribe to My Testament.

Of course, I want everyone to know about Me, because I can save the world. But most people are reluctant to give up their religion for a new Savior.

Its all good because I don't want any "disciples" or "followers", I am looking for many witnesses and advocates. I already have a lot of witnesses, but I have no idea who is advocating for Me.

One day, My Spirituality will bloom like a flower in the spring. Its going to take time to build My Spirituality up.

I just hope that after I die, the world will remember Me as a legend, as the Prophet- Christ.

Wish I had better news for ya-
maybe I can help with growing advice one day, but this Jesus Christ shit is for the birds and I'm about to fly my friend.

I can advocate for you as a person, like any decent friend would. But I'm sorry to say, beyond a shadow of a doubt....

you will go your entire life and never find a single soul who believes you are anyone's "savior", unless of course you stumble upon a deranged devotee..

Any 'believers' certainly won't occur after you are gone either.

My guess is that this is somehow the best solution you have come up with to get attention from complete strangers. I'd suggest you focus on more rational productive means of getting attention and furthering your life man. for real bro, you're on a jerking off path that will never allow you to be truly satisfied because the bs is NOT tangible, It Has NO Substance. You have a few good ideas, but you're kinda average joe, moderately bright and very insecure imo... maybe just learn to accept that! Regular Joe ain't so bad man. perhaps the little attention you garner here is far greater than the hum drum dull day to day life out in bum fuk, but I don't believe I can be of any assistance to you any longer until you give up your charade.

I have no intentions of insulting or undermining you, I'm telling you straight. Wise Up for-real or you'll likely ruin your life and possibly finish the remainder of what remains of it under the care of a state run psychiatric facility. If you decide to get average and normal, sure life may stay boring but at least it will be your life, not a fantasy version you've spun in a farcical attempt to be special. peace

I just like to "live" vicariously on the internet.

I enjoy playing out My fantasy on the internet.

Consider it entertainment. It entertains Me to talk about My "deepest darkest secrets" on the internet. Talking about My "secrets" on the internet is like therapy for Me.

I don't tell people in real life that I am the Christ.

I enjoy playing out My fantasy on the internet. Its not like I'm trying to start a cult.

In real life, I'm just a normal dude. I don't let My Christness get in the way of My real life. I don't really think about how I am Christ unless I am online.

I have an agenda on the internet. I don't have much of an agenda in real life.

Please don't let Me offend you. My intentions are not to offend anyone. I just want to amuse and entertain people on the internet, because I entertain Myself at the same time.

I just have different beliefs compared to most people, I believe in Myself. I just like to talk about crazy $hit on the internet.

My real life is kind of boring, so I play out My fantasy on the internet.

I just like to "live" vicariously on the internet.

I enjoy playing out My fantasy on the internet.

Consider it entertainment. It entertains Me to talk about My "deepest darkest secrets" on the internet. Talking about My "secrets" on the internet is like therapy for Me.

I don't tell people in real life that I am the Christ.

I enjoy playing out My fantasy on the internet. Its not like I'm trying to start a cult.

In real life, I'm just a normal dude. I don't let My Christness get in the way of My real life. I don't really think about how I am Christ unless I am online.

I have an agenda on the internet. I don't have much of an agenda in real life.

Please don't let Me offend you. My intentions are not to offend anyone. I just want to amuse and entertain people on the internet, because I entertain Myself at the same time.

I just have different beliefs compared to most people, I believe in Myself. I just like to talk about crazy $hit on the internet.

My real life is kind of boring, so I play out My fantasy on the internet.

So you admit it finally, it's a fantasy.

I watched your videos, and I want to say to you this: I have a knack for reading people by their face, speech, and physical habits. I basically can get a good idea of what type of person you are and I get a semblace of what you've been through, how you think. Don't care if anyone believes me, but it's how I get along with everyone in real life easily.

What I get from you, after watching your videos for almost an hour is this:

You steal existing ideas off the internet, TV, and elsewhere, and claim them as your own inan ignorant narcisstic attempt to appear intelligent.

You really believe you came up with these ideas (like the cellphone charge in five mins with thefuel cell) because you shove the fact of your previous ignorance in the back of your mind. None of your ideas are novel, they are stolen, and retardedly distorted by you jaded view of the world.

you do what you do for the reason mentioned above: you have no real life and are just playing a fantasy, but how much longer until fantasy and real life meld together? I believe it's already begun.

In short your narcissism dominates your entire life and keeps you from forming real relationships in life or even online, so you invite the hate and trolling by saying your jesus, or else you'd be nothing.
Even now now myself and everyone on here are feeding your ego, and blurring your already distorted view ofreality.

It doesn't matter whatyou say to george, he's like a sponge feeding off of your replys and hate, rebuttals ect and good or bad, his little world becomes more and more real.

Basically your a psychic vampire feeding your ego anyway you can.
Its all good. I understand that you must be busy with your kids.

Its only My autobiography. I already have over 7 thousand views in that thread. Its more geared towards My personal Spirituality, and My prophecies, and whatnot. It should be an interesting read, when you have time.

I still like to talk about crazy $hit.

Figured you'd appreciate this. Ever since I had my oldest, who is 17 now-well, with her I got a nice rare vaginal wall tear. And that motherfucker would ache every time the weather changed for years. Then, I got some relief for a few years. Well, the other night, it was back in full force. Kept me up all night with the throbbing and the aching. The next day, we had a weather event called a derecho. Fairly rare, but is basically a powerful windy super thunderstorm.
That evening, the rain was still going and the clouds parted. The rain must have acted like a prism...the whole sky was orange and pink and purple, not just the horizon. And in the darkest almost black part of the sky, there was a rainbow, with lightning streaking all around it. And me without a camera. There are a few posts I found though on google from someone in my town. None match it.

sounds like we agree on most points. just re-read my post once a week or you're mos def going to hell and a mental institution.

I most likely will go to another mental hospital. You see, I like to take little vacations at the mental hospital. I might go take a vacation to the mental hospital this next winter. The people are usually very cool, laid back, friendly, and humble, at the mental hospitals, and I usually make a bunch of friends.

For the record, I don't believe in hell, so I don't believe I am going to hell. I do hope there is a heaven, or some kind of afterlife. Maybe its possible to reincarnate.

glad to learn and know that you don't really take what you're saying seriously and it's more of ass backwards entertainment.

Yes, what I say is for entertainment purposes only. I usually don't dwell on My prophecies or Christhood, I usually save that for when I type on the internet. Its hard to take My prophecies seriously, because its not like they are going to happen any time soon; but I would love to see all of My prophecies fulfilled in My Life, but I doubt it.

not offended, just felt the desire to call you out and remind you of the fact that nobody will ever-ever buy your bs. the truth feels good don't it?

I would consider Myself the Prophet of this coming AGE.

Most of My Word is not meant to be fully understood, until the next distant generations come alive. How can anyone truly fathom My discourse unless they were to see it with their own eyes? Even I can't fully fathom My prophecies, because if all of My prophecies were fulfilled, the world would be a totally different place. Once people fully terraform the world, its going to be a garden paradise, if My prophecies are fulfilled.

I believe that one day, technology will be a lot more advanced, and the machines are going to be doing most of the hard labor thats impossible for people.

But if I am remembered in the distant future, people will believe My "bs".

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So you admit it finally, it's a fantasy.

I watched your videos, and I want to say to you this: I have a knack for reading people by their face, speech, and physical habits. I basically can get a good idea of what type of person you are and I get a semblace of what you've been through, how you think. Don't care if anyone believes me, but it's how I get along with everyone in real life easily.

What I get from you, after watching your videos for almost an hour is this:

You steal existing ideas off the internet, TV, and elsewhere, and claim them as your own inan ignorant narcisstic attempt to appear intelligent.

You really believe you came up with these ideas (like the cellphone charge in five mins with thefuel cell) because you shove the fact of your previous ignorance in the back of your mind. None of your ideas are novel, they are stolen, and retardedly distorted by you jaded view of the world.

you do what you do for the reason mentioned above: you have no real life and are just playing a fantasy, but how much longer until fantasy and real life meld together? I believe it's already begun.

In short your narcissism dominates your entire life and keeps you from forming real relationships in life or even online, so you invite the hate and trolling by saying your jesus, or else you'd be nothing.

Please prove that I "stole" any of My prophecies.

Even now now myself and everyone on here are feeding your ego, and blurring your already distorted view ofreality.

It doesn't matter whatyou say to george, he's like a sponge feeding off of your replys and hate, rebuttals ect and good or bad, his little world becomes more and more real.

Basically your a psychic vampire feeding your ego anyway you can.

I just like to talk and debate about things.

If I was trying to start a cult, I would be telling people in person that I am Christ, and they should follow Me.

I don't have a job, so I have plenty of time on My hands. I'm actually trying to start a knowledge revolution in My spare time. I would like for people to think more about the future, and hear My opinions about the future.

No matter what someone tells Me on the internet, whether good or bad, it doesn't effect My personal Life. My ego doesn't get all inflated if someone calls Me Christ, or whatever. Its only My personal opinion that I am Christ, and I am not forcing anyone to believe anything.

I would love for you all to be My (online) friends, but regardless what you think about Me, My agenda is to just make My prescense known. I want people to know all of My prophecies.

Its not like I am "feeding" off of anyone, I just like to talk on the internet with intelligent people. I don't have much of a life since I am unemployed, so I like to blog about My notions.

All that I am looking for is witnesses (and I hope My witnesses will advocate for Me.) I want to be known. I want to be heard and considered.

I'm just looking to talk to cool people, so I won't be so bored.

In real life, I'm just a humble layman.

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Under The Bridge

"It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there. It's hard to believe that I'm all alone"

I just like to talk and debate about things.

If I was trying to start a cult, I would be telling people in person that I am Christ, and they should follow Me.

I don't have a job, so I have plenty of time on My hands. I'm actually trying to start a knowledge revolution in My spare time. I would like for people to think more about the future, and hear My opinions about the future.

No matter what someone tells Me on the internet, whether good or bad, it doesn't effect My personal Life. My ego doesn't get all inflated if someone calls Me Christ, or whatever. Its only My personal opinion that I am Christ, and I am not forcing anyone to believe anything.

I would love for you all to be My (online) friends, but regardless what you think about Me, My agenda is to just make My prescense known. I want people to know all of My prophecies.

Its not like I am "feeding" off of anyone, I just like to talk on the internet with intelligent people. I don't have much of a life since I am unemployed, so I like to blog about My notions.

All that I am looking for is witnesses (and I hope My witnesses will advocate for Me.) I want to be known. I want to be heard and considered.

I'm just looking to talk to cool people, so I won't be so bored.

In real life, I'm just a humble layman.

No one wants to listen because you offer no real truth, only fantasy. Good luck with your deranged life my man.

I'm done feeding the wolf inside you.
I do believe you have had all the help you would ever need from these posts and you admit that it won't help, i fear the pain that may come, hold on tight and keep going through it all never give up.
What Prophecies....sell me.

I haven't even posted My prophecies yet; unless you went to that link in the OP (Origional Post).

I also state most of My prophecies in My videos of Myself.

I would like to publish My autobiography...

Hey, aren't you an author, BurgerTime? Maybe you can help Me publish My autobiography: or at least get a few publishers to read My work?

EDIT- Sell you what?

I do believe you have had all the help you would ever need from these posts and you admit that it won't help, i fear the pain that may come, hold on tight and keep going through it all never give up.

No one is going to make Me believe that I am not the Christ.

Deep down inside, I will always believe I am the Christ, no matter what other people say.

Its all good, bro.

I haven't even posted My prophecies yet; unless you went to that link in the OP (Origional Post).

I also state most of My prophecies in My videos of Myself.

I would like to publish My autobiography...

Hey, aren't you an author, BurgerTime? Maybe you can help Me publish My autobiography: or at least get a few publishers to read My work?

EDIT- Sell you what?

sell me the story and wisdom of the modern day savior. I cant watch videos now. I want to hear details. How do you know I write?