Low Dose LSD

they cannot test for lsd with avregular standard pee test...extensive blood work has to be done,and even then its hard to prove its there,and they dont test for lsd in standard professional settings/jobs..eat up!.
btw,i urge you to get a tes kit..you seem interested but unimformed on lsd..you dont wanba eat any nbomes thinking its lsd(well,id eat nbomes,but not if i wanted lsd)...they look the same and have similar effects but tgey are not the same..people say nbomes are sold all the time as lsd,but its never occured to me,nor have i heard of it from friends ect,but it does happen...

my friend did morning glory seeds(lsa) anything like lsd?
Not in the slightest really. Other than they both are psychedelics

most of the ones you buy in the store have a poisonous coating to prevent consumption and he made an idiot of himself when he did it so i doubt i'll be eating morning glory seeds anytime soon lol
I found injecting lsd to be profoundly disturbing. The transition from baseline through energetic euphoria and into the first waves of emersion are very compressed and you are not allowed the "well heeeere we gooo" experience that you only realize is necessary after you are in an experience that didn't have it.
There really is acid everywhere. This is what I'm sitting on.

That's a little less than half of what I had, but I bought a sheet for $350

These are so strong that taking two had me frying from noon to 2am.
Not sure what these are dosed at but they are at least 200mics from what I know about LSD dosages.
Taking a small dose for energy I would cut that thing into 4 pieces. And I still think it's be too 'trippy' to carry on with a normal day. Not that I haven't done it, it is possible and interesting but.. Ehh.. I'd rather melt with the grass. And keep my tolerance low so that the fireworks look more pretty tomorrow.

Taking small dosages before school and stuff is fun but at work IMO it's pointless.. Interesting.. But pointless. There's no learning, just routine, weird ass people and clocks. Fuck clocks.
The only death of LSD I have ever even heard of was an elephant taking a bunch or something let me find that source.

297mg got em. Haha except it says some of the revival drugs after his fainting(which I would do too on that much LSD) are speculated to have killed him as well.
I found injecting lsd to be profoundly disturbing. The transition from baseline through energetic euphoria and into the first waves of emersion are very compressed and you are not allowed the "well heeeere we gooo" experience that you only realize is necessary after you are in an experience that didn't have it.
i felt the same way when i laced up some mdma...
niiice!hoffmans are allways good times ime..i had the oldschool ones..half a hit and you were frying..where abouts those from,in case i need to find some people to callz..:-)?
Uhhhhhh no. Taking any amount of acid before work is a bad idea, in my opinion, unless you don't care if you lose your job. I have friends who took acid before school but there is no way in hell I could have handled doing that and I handle my psydelics well.
That acid I bought from a group of hippies in the middle of nowhere here in Missouri.
There's a couple dozen of them they just flip sheets all day, I could get 5 sheets of all different kinds of prints from them. I believe my next re up is gonna be Lavender? Haven't had that before.

Great people, naked hippy chicks everywhere.. Their 'family dog' is always on at least a ten strip and it loves life.
that campground where they hold schwagstock?..i know that place,and its in the middle of nowhere in Missouri..lol..
lavendar is ok..not strong,but good..just gotta take a few.ime it was more mental than visual..unless you took alot,but that could get too wierd in your head..hope you have fun..
I'm honestly not sure, way south. Near St. Genevieve. I don't know where they hold shwag since I've never been and I'm pretty sure that it's discontinued.
I'll ask my buddy where it was because there was a lot of sleeping involved in that driving. And etizolam.. You know.. To keep me asleep.. Haha
I'm going down there again in a week to get more, a couple of them don't live with in the and live about 5 miles from me(hence why he even knows them) so when I go get more.. I just need to talk to them more. And pay attention.. And not be Benzoes out like a zombie. All the acid I ate there though.. I needed some benzos. Shit got intense. There were these two dudes just screaming at these rocks, bent over, arms stretched out. I was advised to not try to interact with them because they were in their own little world.
I just wanted to tear apart trees and go insane. Which I did. Fires are fun.
These hoffmans are mind blowing, I'll just ask for something more visual this time. Or go 50/50 on some stuff. They have a bunch of prints. I could probably get 1000000 different kinds.

I always have fun but these Hoffmans make me have to sit back for a sec and take a breather. God DAMN those are packed.
I do know that the peyote festival is in Ava, don't remember where that is, but I'll find out when Mr. Medicine man drives me down!
LOw Dose was nice. The visuals were meh ok, I only saw colors breathing and waving. However the stimulation was about the same, I could control my crazed thoughts to some point allowing me to learn more about myself and those around me.