The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
U goin for a new job then relax? last time I quit a job I went downhill fast lol
Well I've not thought that far into it was planning on going on benefits for a while n take advantage of their free courses...always wanted to learn how to drive a lorry...with fas I can do it for free heck I did my java se for free and dreamweaver!!! But yeah I get really productive to combat the boredom trick is do a sport or something to occupy ur thoughts so you don't fall off em rails. Last time I was getting up @ 5am for morning cycles lol


Well-Known Member
weeelll they may have srte dmy lekki n that out

for a quater, it was 364 with 97 owing from last bill dual fuel.

that sound bowt reet? so 364 qwid from feb to now? shit glad they dint have my meter reading wen i was ruing nr 2.1k in the

livers is foxtailing everyware, that bitch is DONE!.:0


Well-Known Member

just fired up the third 600, it hit 92 this afternoon, the thrips have been having a right good time in there.
going to flip at the weekend and run the lights at night so it will be more bearable.


Well-Known Member

just fired up the third 600, it hit 92 this afternoon, the thrips have been having a right good time in there.
going to flip at the weekend and run the lights at night so it will be more bearable.

get the american things that hang like airfresheners, fuk em right off,,,, i use gnat off, works wel to just add to feed.

n wer all having heat isssues, its the releative humidity thats doing it (muggyness)

my flower tent is fine,, yup its the veg tent!!! i think ther getting acustome to the heat tho,,can they get used to it? meh,, tents open at top anwyays, kkeeeping it down to 31

just fired up the third 600, it hit 92 this afternoon, the thrips have been having a right good time in there.
going to flip at the weekend and run the lights at night so it will be more bearable.

thought u was a pro?lol
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Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Well that pink45 is canny lush zeddd, smells fantastic, looks mint, I had to have two bongs I liked the first. Gonna let it jar a bit longer savour it a bit haha

I'm feeling good.


Well-Known Member
get the american things that hang like airfresheners, fuk em right off,,,, i use gnat off, works wel to just add to feed.

n wer all having heat isssues, its the releative humidity thats doing it (muggyness)

my flower tent is fine,, yup its the veg tent!!! i think ther getting acustome to the heat tho,,can they get used to it? meh,, tents open at top anwyays, kkeeeping it down to 31

thought u was a pro?lol

aah she'll be reet!. hot shots no pest strips are those things you are on about but i support my local hydro shop and he doesn't sell them lol.

that plant vitality works i just don't like to use it often cause i can't get any more and i don't want them getting immune to it lol.

back in 12/12 within 5 weeks of harvest in a garden with no veg facility, pro as fuck man!.

pics plzzzz don, finish bud and full report and i might actually buy some lol


Well-Known Member
well I was shaking with rage, jus went out to the city centre for ice cream and a glass of vino with the kids and mrs, one drink on a hot evening ne some miley cyrus lookalike bar manager says its past 6pm no kids allowed...ummm u should have said that when i ordered at 5.45, it went downhill from there on the mrs freakin out when I informed the security I would be finishing my drink and leaving as asked but im not paying the bill as is my right in that situation cos ive been asked to leave and if they wanted to start something then be my guest..what is wrong with this fukin country, anyway free drinks tonite but it wasnt worth the stress


Well-Known Member
Nah that's fucking out of order you're in your right to finish your drinks.was it a chain pub like a weatherspoons?


Well-Known Member
Well that pink45 is canny lush zeddd, smells fantastic, looks mint, I had to have two bongs I liked the first. Gonna let it jar a bit longer savour it a bit haha

I'm feeling good.
its a feel good weed that will cure up a treat and so quick, im missing it already smoked the cola last night


Well-Known Member
the word jobsworth is banded about a lot these days, but for good reason.....

what's wrong with some people?


Well-Known Member
Nah that's fucking out of order you're in your right to finish your drinks.was it a chain pub like a weatherspoons?
yea all bar one, its a fukin nightmare for the mrs when this happens but know your rights, there were so many people supporting me the manager was red, some french dude was incensed at how we were treated lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Get that vape bag filled man!

As for a full report that'll be Saturday I've had a weed cap and other things. A pic is doable later I'm glued to the sofa presently.


Well-Known Member
well do something before you go in full couchlock mode and remain arse bound for the evening.

need pink pr0n, all this green isn't doing it


Well-Known Member
yea all bar one, its a fukin nightmare for the mrs when this happens but know your rights, there were so many people supporting me the manager was red, some french dude was incensed at how we were treated lol
Yeah bud you should be given half an hour by law (ireland) to finish your drinks. write an email chances are she's a power mad team leader and you'll get a voucher or something or better yet an apology! Fucking cowboys but if it's a weatherspoons you'll get a nice voucher n she'll be paped lol


Well-Known Member
well do something before you go in full couchlock mode and remain arse bound for the evening.

need pink pr0n, all this green isn't doing it
ha ha jay will be around later posting pink buds, could do with a bit meself later take the edge off