Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah, good times

Now you see why people do it here? Though, mostly amateur...mostly.
one time i found nietzschekeen's POF profile (he was from stormfront), created a fake account as a woman, put up the picture of a little known democratic candidate as the avatar, and he messaged me within 10 minutes.

i got all of his personal information and then gave away who i was and that i was a fake profile.

pro trolling.


Staff member
fucking idiots honeslty glad i have riu...seriously....these people need help werre so much more open minded kinda


Well-Known Member
RIU is pretty much my main form of social interaction...lol...Besides work.

Well, I have two friends, one of which I see on a regular basis.


Staff member
riu isnt that bad dunno why people bitch i almost got banned on that one site and have to wait for mod approval on another ....like srsly. you gotta protect yourself thay much


Well-Known Member
This is pretty much the only forum I belong to. I was on a reef tank forum for a while, but once I learned what I needed to know, it got old, fast.


Staff member
I was lost when RIU was down for a couple weeks. I must have checked to see if it was back like 50 times a day. Pretty pathetic, I know. But all I really have time for is work, girlfriend, and sitting on my co

Haha...you choo choo choose me?