The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
how do u posts pics on this new riu? when i click on the image button in this quick reply box it asks for the url of the pic?


Well-Known Member
dead wolf.jpg

this is the pic i was trying to upload, fucking el never new wolves got that big must be a direwolf lmao

i wont post the pics of the dogs it ate they really aint pretty.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me wouldn't want a pack of them hunting ya down would ya...that porkwidge looks the bollocks
it really is the bollax is a taste sensation geezer lol

i never knew wolves got that big.

change of subject but when was the last time u had a double yoaker egg? ive had i think 2 in me lifetime, bar when i lived in oz years ago n you could fucking buy em by the dozen! why carnt we get em!!!

sorry bit pissed, spose talking bout double yoakers is better than being a nobhead as per lol


Well-Known Member
ok ill talk to meself, i dont take it personally even me own family wont answer the phone if they think ive had a drink lol

i was trying to think of sumfing to talk to meself about but im still stuck on the double yoaker mystery lmao

bedtime me thinks.
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Well-Known Member
good morning peoples

think its the hottest day of the year in parts today, seems like it too is pretty hot out there already, think even ill have to put the laptop away for this weather n do something although i was sat in the garden most the day yday with the laptop mind lol glare on the screen was abit of a pain tho.

feeling wild might venture out to the park or maybe even go mental n go out of town, whatever happens im having a porkwich for lunch lol

still wana know why we carnt buy double yolkers too! lool
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Well-Known Member
i haven't had one in years but i heard it on saturday kitchen or radio two or some other bollocks.
it's supposed to be the same in humans, more likely to have twins the younger the woman.
everybody prefers the yolk so it's a no brainer if you can get them.

made a lovely welsh rarebit the other night on tiger bloomer, seperating the yolks was a bitch, would have only needed one egg if i had doubles :(

don't be crying poverty then buying your food from waitrose, that won't wash with me!, get on the no frills seagull eggg mmm protein.


Well-Known Member
i think i can afford £2.65 G just about lol

ive only had 2 double yolkers from normal eggs in me life but abroad ive seen places that sell em just never in the UK not till now that is, i had to double check google after ya post, young hens,hens at the end of there laying days,fat hens,hybrid hens all more likely to get doubles can be genetic to tho aparently.

im google taught double-yolk master now.

enjoy the sun peoples my work here is done, gotta get out or ill just fester here all day lol