Our lawless president


Well-Known Member
LMFAO...you have already admitted setting up sock puppets accounts in the past....TOTAL FAIL....you're a NARC Buck, it's so obvious to EVERYONE here......LMFAO.....


Well-Known Member
:shock: The dumb shit I hear on RIU..
desert dude apparently thought it was a good source for factual information and dispassionate analysis.

ginwilly ran with it.

greendummy is just here to jerk off while imagining doing some anal play with me.

we really do have a prize crop of idiots here to provide us with endless entertainment.


Well-Known Member
desert dude apparently thought it was a good source for factual information and dispassionate analysis.

ginwilly ran with it.

greendummy is just here to jerk off while imagining doing some anal play with me.

we really do have a prize crop of idiots here to provide us with endless entertainment.
ok I must go read the madness now


Well-Known Member
except it was ginwilly who tracked my IP and threatened to take it "next level" with the FBI because i posted about civil rights on a poker website.

ya dumb racist.
Nobody really believes that's how it went down.

Why do you keep bringing it up and reminding folks what you did?

Then you lie about it, that makes it look even worse.

Your IP really was tracked but not by me. It was by the site admin/owner who was totally creeped out by your behavior. I don't have ip tracking software.

After several members there told you to gtfo remember what you said? But honest guys, I play poker... It was pathetic.

You were mocked, scorned, told your antics weren't welcomed there and your IP was logged. Well done.


Well-Known Member
ok I must go read the madness now

desert dude posts tons of white supremacy stuff from white supremacy sites, mistakes a fake quote for a real one, ginwilly tries to come to his rescue, greendummy swoops in to imagine some anal play with me.

no one makes a case for impeachment.

it's a hoot.


Well-Known Member
Nobody really believes that's how it went down.

Why do you keep bringing it up and reminding folks what you did?

Then you lie about it, that makes it look even worse.

Your IP really was tracked but not by me. It was by the site admin/owner who was totally creeped out by your behavior. I don't have ip tracking software.

After several members there told you to gtfo remember what you said? But honest guys, I play poker... It was pathetic.
i do play poker though.

but i was only there to discuss civil rights.

apparently that was enough for you to track my IP and threaten the FBI. "next level".

you fucking rat.


Well-Known Member
i do play poker though.

but i was only there to discuss civil rights.

apparently that was enough for you to track my IP and threaten the FBI. "next level".

you fucking rat.
LOL, you are funny in a sad pathetic oh my kinda funny, throw poo with someone else. I'm not rolling in your slop tonight. Hope things get better for you.


Well-Known Member
Hit list with citizens on it.

Yes I've seen it, Obama and I are tight like that. He often lets me in on his security meetings. Wtf?
cool cool... I suggest don't become a terrorist and watch the people you associate with. Don't wanna make that list do yao_O


Well-Known Member
he thinks the whole tea party is on the hit list that he can't cite in any way whatsoever.

these righties with their delusions and persecution complexes are a ton of fun.

Looks like you found yourself a little buddy. Isn't that cute?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you found yourself a little buddy. Isn't that cute?
didn't you say the whole being a hateful bigot racist thing was just an act and you were done with it and apologized for it?

because it doesn't seem like you've changed your ways at all.



Well-Known Member
didn't you say the whole being a hateful bigot racist thing was just an act and you were done with it and apologized for it?

because it doesn't seem like you've changed your ways at all.

Making a comment about you having a buddy is racist and bigoted now?


Well-Known Member
Wait until after the 2014 mid term elections, then impeach this lying douche-bag

After going out on a not-so-wobbly limb to suggest that Republicans would push to impeach President Obama if they succeeded in retaking the Senate, George Will’s Sunday column read like a real threat. Fed up with what he views as Obama’s “offenses against the separation of powers,” the conservative columnist advocated that Congress sue the executive branch to stop a lawless president. Yesterday, Speaker John Boehner told the House Republican caucus that he was contemplating such a step.
if the current primaries are any indicator..yeah, you just wait until the midterms:wink: