Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC


Well-Known Member
"thug" is racist......lol. what isn't, Buck? can we call Rayban a pharmaceutically-alterred allocator of others' assets?
a thug would have a history of violence. martin had none.

zimmy, however, loved to assault people. especially women.

but do ignore the facts, ya fucking piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
...cast aspersions on one of the most esteemed RIU members, AKA red1966.
never a good sign when a white supremacist has good things to say about you.

last person that desert dude praised was bignbushy for his brave stance of protecting his child porn loving roommate.


the white supremacist really is off his fucking rocker now.


Well-Known Member
says the guy who did opium on a regular..lol you people
what's funny is that donvega is not only a drug addict, but an admitted THIEF for decades.

just a lowlife piece of shit.

and he tries to act like a thug online. probably because he is so much of a pussy in real life.


Well-Known Member
what's funny is that donvega is not only a drug addict, but an admitted THIEF for decades.

just a lowlife piece of shit.

and he tries to act like a thug online. probably because he is so much of a pussy in real life.
you had an opportunity to test that theory
I said I was a crook; never said I was a thief.
sure; I did dope. what of it?

you funny, sad boy :)


Well-Known Member
what's funny is that donvega is not only a drug addict, but an admitted THIEF for decades.

just a lowlife piece of shit.

and he tries to act like a thug online. probably because he is so much of a pussy in real life.
hold on..he admitted to being a thief ???


Well-Known Member
It seems he believes you have the right to be left alone..unless you are a black kid walking home with skittles
or if you're growing weed but not voting for his racist savior rawn pawl, who has his own section on stormfront.

desert dude is a white supremacist and a SNITCH.


Well-Known Member
ah....."thugs" are violent criminals, not black people. so again, where's the racism?
the automatic assumption from you, desertdude, and so many other white supremacists that black = violent.

you have revealed in this thread that you are indeed a white supremacist as well.

that goes well with you being a thief and an addict.