Job Offer


Well-Known Member
I just received a job offer with a $10,000 raise. Comparable benefits, 15 minutes from house rather than 45 minutes (save big bucks on gas and tolls), small company but industry leader - currently with Fortune 100 big business. The new company has extreme / fast growth potential.

Been with current Fortune 100 company 4 years.

Would you accept the offer?
I just received a job offer with a $10,000 raise. Comparable benefits, 15 minutes from house rather than 45 minutes (save big bucks on gas and tolls), small company but industry leader - currently with Fortune 100 big business. The new company has extreme / fast growth potential.

Been with current Fortune 100 company 4 years.

Would you accept the offer?

What are the downsides? Sounds like you don't have much to think about with that offer.
What are the downsides? Sounds like you don't have much to think about with that offer.
Downside is I wasted 4 years busting my ass proving myself and no one gave a fuck. I really wanted to move up where I'm currently at. I got awards for my work and all but since I'm a straight shooter management hates me.

Where I'm at it's not what you know but who you know. I don't kiss ass until I get mine kissed first.
Sounds like you're unhappy at your current job. I think you've already made the decision, you just want moral support. You need to get that from your friends and/or family. Strangers on the internet aren't really your friends. But good luck whatever you do.
Thanks. I have gotten moral support from friends/family. Mix results. I do hate my current job, but I know if I ever got out of the department it would be smooth sailing... the question is when? Have an interview with my current company Tuesday for a different position... Corp can take forever with interview process.

Here's the kicker, I also have an interview with a creative design firm that is who I really want to work for. My interview isn't until the 9th of July, I need to sign the new offer by Monday.

Do I be honest with creative design firm and tell them if they're interested we need to meet by Monday? Or do I sign the new offer and go on the interview and if offered the position back out?

I feel if I'm not upfront with creative design firm and or fuck over current new company offer it's bad juju.
You could call the new firm and see if they can move up the interview, but that doesn't mean you would start any sooner. The "new offer" from your current employer isn't binding on either party. I would call and ask about moving the interview date up, but wouldn't blow them off if they can't do it. Sign the new offer if it appeals to you. Back out if the new firm makes a better one. The higher your current pay (assuming the new offer from your current employer is for more pay, or a better position and not along the line offer "We need you to take a paycut due to blah, blah, blah), the more the new firm will offer. Remember, they're trying to entice you to leave a steady job you've had for years. Bad juju is when you spend the rest of your life saying "If only I had.......".
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What ever you decide, personally, I ALWAYS give two weeks notice, unless they're real assholes. Employers are loathe to give a bad reference, due to liability issues, but lack of notice is one thing they can say bad about you without fear of reprisal.
The bit about the new place being closer is a real lifestyle improvement. I've taken a lesser paying job to cut drive time. If it takes you 1-1/2 hours each way, you're working 11 hours but only getting paid for 8. I hate fighting traffic.
i say go for it.. a, how long realistically would it take you to get that much more money an hour? if you got a dollar an hour raise every year, that'd be 5 years minimum, not to mention col increase... shorter drive time, like red said, i hate driving far around here.. traffic is murder on the east coast, as i'm sure it is in say cali.. that alone is worth a few bucks an hour easy..
the only thing i'd try and do is hit them up for a few weeks or so of vacation per year.. it seems a lot of places are willing to throw vacation at people if you ask for it up front, plus you'll probably be losing a few weeks from your last job, so yeah, fuck it, ask for 3 weeks off the bat, see what they say..
good luck.. :D
You could call the new firm and see if they can move up the interview, but that doesn't mean you would start any sooner. The "new offer" from your current employer isn't binding on either party. I would call and ask about moving the interview date up, but wouldn't blow them off if they can't do it. Sign the new offer if it appeals to you. Back out if the new firm makes a better one. The higher your current pay (assuming the new offer from your current employer is for more pay, or a better position and not along the line offer "We need you to take a paycut due to blah, blah, blah), the more the new firm will offer. Remember, they're trying to entice you to leave a steady job you've had for years. Bad juju is when you spend the rest of your life saying "If only I had.......".
Funny thing is one of the owners of the creative firm I haven't met with yet (July 9th) is a friend. Just feel bad about putting them in the position of rushing.
What ever you decide, personally, I ALWAYS give two weeks notice, unless they're real assholes. Employers are loathe to give a bad reference, due to liability issues, but lack of notice is one thing they can say bad about you without fear of reprisal.
Def 2 weeks. This coming week I'm only working until Wednesday. The second week I'll use time off ; ) I'll probably work the last week so I get that time off in cash.
The bit about the new place being closer is a real lifestyle improvement. I've taken a lesser paying job to cut drive time. If it takes you 1-1/2 hours each way, you're working 11 hours but only getting paid for 8. I hate fighting traffic.
Yeah it's huge. Gas and tolls on the low end I'd say would save me $4-5k annually.
i say go for it.. a, how long realistically would it take you to get that much more money an hour? if you got a dollar an hour raise every year, that'd be 5 years minimum, not to mention col increase... shorter drive time, like red said, i hate driving far around here.. traffic is murder on the east coast, as i'm sure it is in say cali.. that alone is worth a few bucks an hour easy..
the only thing i'd try and do is hit them up for a few weeks or so of vacation per year.. it seems a lot of places are willing to throw vacation at people if you ask for it up front, plus you'll probably be losing a few weeks from your last job, so yeah, fuck it, ask for 3 weeks off the bat, see what they say..
good luck.. :D
I'm on the east coast. It sucks traffic wise. Fortunately for the last 2 years my current employer has allowed me to work 6am - 2:15pm, no traffic. New offer company is normal business hours and gives 2 weeks vacation annually accrued monthly and more after based off years, less than what I get now. Current company gives me of 2 days per month.
Flip a coin. Or consult your crazy eight ball.
Wish I had an eight ball. Shit would be gone by now.
idk, i know the place i worked at last, if you weren't in with the management, you weren't going any where.. and that ass kissing and nepotism to the extreme, and i didn't win the sperm lottery, nor was i ever good at kissing some jerk off's ass just to get ahead, i stayed pretty much put.. mean while those who had dirt on their knees, got ahead..
Funny thing is one of the owners of the creative firm I haven't met with yet (July 9th) is a friend. Just feel bad about putting them in the position of rushing.

Def 2 weeks. This coming week I'm only working until Wednesday. The second week I'll use time off ; ) I'll probably work the last week so I get that time off in cash.

Yeah it's huge. Gas and tolls on the low end I'd say would save me $4-5k annually.

I'm on the east coast. It sucks traffic wise. Fortunately for the last 2 years my current employer has allowed me to work 6am - 2:15pm, no traffic. New offer company is normal business hours and gives 2 weeks vacation annually accrued monthly and more after based off years, less than what I get now. Current company gives me of 2 days per month.

Wish I had an eight ball. Shit would be gone by now.
That extra 4-5k you'll save is like tax free income, too.
Downside is I wasted 4 years busting my ass proving myself and no one gave a fuck. I really wanted to move up where I'm currently at. I got awards for my work and all but since I'm a straight shooter management hates me.

Where I'm at it's not what you know but who you know. I don't kiss ass until I get mine kissed first.
Just dont expect the other place to be different. Even if this happens you will still be making more and less commute.
Just dont expect the other place to be different. Even if this happens you will still be making more and less commute.

yup, more then likely the new place will be more of the same, but you'll be making more per hour, and spending less time flipping people the bird when they cut you off on the road... win win really..
I just received a job offer with a $10,000 raise. Comparable benefits, 15 minutes from house rather than 45 minutes (save big bucks on gas and tolls), small company but industry leader - currently with Fortune 100 big business. The new company has extreme / fast growth potential.

Been with current Fortune 100 company 4 years.

Would you accept the offer?
yes.......the commute, more than any factor, would sway me.
I hear ya brotha. For me it's a right now thing. Ultimately I'll be working for myself again soon enough, just need to appease the wife and kids for a few years then jump ship. Hopefully by then I'm the dankest grower around.
I'm going to leave my current company regardless after I've thought about it. I guess the main thing on my mind is do I tell my friends creative firm about the offer and maybe get an early interview or sign the current offer and say sorry to new company if they want to hire me...

My main problem right now is do I take a shot or smoke a bowl first?