the reason i was asking about your phone is because most have "hotspot" in which your phone doubles as the just have to turn it on..big feature on smart phones literally can have wifi anywhere your cell works..just make sure you have charger plugged in to phone while you're hotspotting.

in my i5, you go to settings>personal hotspot>links to laptop>voila!

I have an old iPhone and the service on the ocean is limited. It depends where I am fishing if it works or not but it seems like I can send a text most anytime and it still works when the phone won't. I am due for an upgrade with the flash feature.
I have an old iPhone and the service on the ocean is limited. It depends where I am fishing if it works or not but it seems like I can send a text most anytime and it still works when the phone won't. I am due for an upgrade with the flash feature.

I am moving to Verision at the end of the year. You can get a hotspot device.

But, one of the main reasons I sail out of sight of land is precisely that. :)

No cell phones. The world completely changes for me after a few days. It is sort of the same on my motorbike.
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I am moving to Version at the end of the year. You can get a hotspot device.

But, one of the main reasons I sail out of sight of land is precisely that. :)

No cell phones. The world completely changes for me after a few days. It is sort of the same on my motorbike.

Hey Doer..

I have used verison for a long time. where I live ATT doesn't work as good off shore a few miles.On land where i live att works better than verison.

When I go tuna fishing hundreds of miles out all I have are my radios and satellite email through skymate, and it works pretty good for now. I am waiting for the cost to come down to get satellite internet service. Fishing has been pretty good so the way things are going we don't have much time to play with computers other than the ones that run the boat.

The bike defiantly takes me to a happy place.
Why do let him to this to you time after time?

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Why do I let him let me make a simple claim and then watch him spend hours scouring the interweb, trying to disprove my claim while I mock him along the way?

I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment OR I like pulling his chain.
I am fine, just been working a lot. I am training a new young boat captain, he should be ready in a few more weeks and then I will be semi retired. I have been looking at a boat in Hawaii that I can fish for AHI in the winter just to stay busy and active. No wifi just cell service.
Doesn't that disappear when you go offshore?
Fuck off Doer.

Pro-tip: America is not the greatest and most free country in the world.
fuck you your whole country almost starved because you ginger pieces of shit couldn't even fucking potato right. then I can see your jellyness about us telling england to fuck off but you pussies couldn't even fucking tell them to fuck off like us bad asses over here. go drink your fucking rat meat guiness beer or suck down some black and tans cuz that's what you irlands fucking suck down. and you were our slaves too. USA USA USA USA WE RULE THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD USA USA USA USA
No it wasn't. You substituted your own ridiculous conclusion and then took a few playful jabs at it.

Neither I, nor Ted Cruz asserted anything resembling your meandering straw man.

funny, i'm quoting your own words directly, and you are quoting ted cruz nearly verbatim.

run away from your own indefensible nonsense, it's really funny to watch.
No I didn't. You constructed a straw man based LOOSELY on the actual claim, then thought you burned it down. Sadly, your lighter was out of fuel and you didn't even manage to get it started.

loosely does not mean verbatim. you used the wrong word, dipshit.

Worn out phrase? How the fuck did it get worn out? The bitch slap for using the pin and the phone just happened yesterday. It wont be worn out for another two more years.

as you can see, the "pen and a phone" meme has been very popular with the white supremacrists on stormfront since january.

funny how the white supremacists tell him to "go back to kenya", exactly where ginwilly says obama is from.

but you guys aren't racist at all, just misunderstood.
...the IRS helping him get elected.

the rate of success on conservative causes was as low as 1% in some cases in 2012.

turns out when more people come out to vote, they vote against your racist nonsense and regurgitated, unpopular ideas.

if the IRS did anything, they saved you guys some money. you should thank dog for that "scandal".

as you can see, the "pen and a phone" meme has been very popular with the white supremacrists on stormfront since january.

funny how the white supremacists tell him to "go back to kenya", exactly where ginwilly says obama is from.

but you guys aren't racist at all, just misunderstood.

yeah donvega got mad at me because racism was on the list of how the republicans are ruining this country in jibber jabber.

wonder why he was being really mean to me?
Why do I let him let me make a simple claim and then watch him spend hours scouring the interweb, trying to disprove my claim while I mock him along the way?

I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment OR I like pulling his chain.

you and ted cruz (eh) are trying to say obama lost SB1070.

the bill was gutted, you retarded fuckface.

we haven't even barely scratched the surface of the rest of your tripe, which you are too much of a pussy to even cite, much less defend.

the rate of success on conservative causes was as low as 1% in some cases in 2012.

turns out when more people come out to vote, they vote against your racist nonsense and regurgitated, unpopular ideas.

if the IRS did anything, they saved you guys some money. you should thank dog for that "scandal".

when posed with conservative or's a fact that the liberal idea is the idea the US eventually adopts..

and look at the cantor upset..the party is starting to crumble.

it was only a matter of time before the republican in-fighting caught up in their lack of duty to the american people by not legislating.
loosely does not mean verbatim. you used the wrong word, dipshit.

Well, you finally made a true statement. I used loosely because your description of the Cruz report and the hair-brained conclusions you attributed to said report are so far from accurate, they couldn't catch a train BACK to accurate. The only reason they even qualified for "loosely" is because you did use the actual case as the foundation for your bullshit construct.

Which is better than you usually manage. Well done you!