I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Hi George, I have a friend that interviews experts, in any given field, on skype... Or, really he'll interview just about anyone. Is that anything that you may consider as a possibility for the future. think about it anyway... you can discuss a topic of your choice and it will be done professionally, as well as archived on youtube.

btw my friend is famous.

I will have to think about it, thanks for the offer though.

I have My youtube videos that you guys can watch, of Me talking to the camera.

Did you watch My videos of Myself, yet? I should have six videos and I played them in this thread.

Maybe your famous friend can watch My videos of Myself first, to see if I am worth his time. You should have your famous friend check out the link below.


You should have your famous friend check out the link above.

For the record, I am a little camera shy. I dont really like being recorded because I can be a dolt.

I could definitely use some famous people to check Me out. I would actually like to publish My autobiography, but I dont know where to start, or who to talk to.

Have your famous friend check out that link, and tell Me if he is interested in doing the interview after he reads that thread.

Thank you for your offer, I will have to think about it: Im more interested in getting My autobiography published.

So are you saying the messiah only comes around to allow technology to take off and not the self empowering thing it's led us to believe.

I honestly dont know what the Messiah is supposed to do; Im just being Myself.

I believe that a Messiah can do different things. Christ just means "the Anointed One". I am the Anointed One to teach the things I do. I believe that there will be a Christ at every new AGE. The Christ should be a great teacher, with many novel notions. The Christ should be very humble, and not cantankerous. The Messiah should have great plans for the future- aka prophecies. The Savior should be benevolent, and kind. The Lord should not be a racist bigot. The Christ should be a revolutionary, a renegade.

how about you tell us how we can fly and how we can have super natural ability because after all that is what your message brings does it not,

No, we will all fly in the future when SPACE JETS become full automated- autopiliot. But first, SPACE JETS need to be engineered and built. I would hope that after a few years, SPACE JETS will become very affordable, even for the poor; but this will take some time.

I dont know where you are coming up with this "super natural ability". Even I dont have any supernatural ability, but I might have witnessed some "miracles".

let me ask you who will be god in a world of technology?

These are all very good questions, and I am a little stumped. Some people dont need a "god", like the Atheists for example.

Why do we even need a "god", when you guys have Me? What does God do now? Nothing? All you need is to do is live your life to the fullest. The afterlife is not guaranteed, so why waste your time preparing for the afterlife? For the record, I do believe in reincarnation, but that is just My unproven BELIEF.

I can fill in that spiritual void that some people have. I can entertain you, while I fill you with pleasure. I can teach you things that you cant find in the Bible. I am much greater compared to Jesus. When God shows up, we should all pay attention; until God shows up, why should we have a god that we dont even know?

I can terraform this world, once I am the King of the world.

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. I dont really like being recorded because I can be a dolt.
No shit?
I could definitely use some famous people to check Me out. I would actually like to publish My autobiography, but I dont know where to start, or who to talk to.

Yeah, info like that would require a google search, that's way too much effort. Based on the support and interest you garnered so far, I can see why you'd want to publish something no one would care to read...

I can entertain you, while I fill you with pleasure.

:shock: Sodomy is how many of the religious start to get into trouble...
So you're the guy everyone is talking about? Sup bongsmilie

What is "everyone" saying about Me?

I could care less what anonymous people are saying about Me; as long as they dont tell My friends and family, Im good. I would like to keep My "online life" seperate from My personal life; My friends and family dont need to know what I blog about.

So what is "everyone" saying about Me?

Don't fall for his bs. If he is Jesus then I AM BUDDHA! YES I HAVE COME TO FREE MY PEOPLE!! :bigjoint:

I am not claiming to be "Jesus".

I am claiming to simply be the Prophet Christ. I am the very best Prophet, and I am the very best Christ, ever.

One day, I will be the King of the whole world, whether I am dead or alive. My government will be a one world online government. Most people will appreciate My online government, because it will innately bring a global peace and a global prosperity.

I, the Christ, have come to free My people from the bondage of the "elite" class. There will be no more "elites" in My Kingdom, because no one should be able to own more then 1 billion dollars. Some of My elect will own the maximum capital, but they will do good works and help the less fortunate.

I will free My people from sin, because sin is just disobeying your conscience. My people will obey their conscience- their god. My people will be so rich that they will never need to disobey their conscience, because all of their needs will be met.

You have no idea what I am capable of.

I think the aliens got to you bro,, too much probing perhaps? :hump:o_O

I have never been abducted by aliens!

I thought for a couple of years that I saw an alien, in the year 2012. Now, Im not sure if I really saw an alien or an "above top secret" military person, on top of My neighbors roof in 2012. Regardless if it was indeed an alien or military, I witnessed some very advanced technology. It was very cool.

For the record, I dont believe in "alien abduction", that could be a logical fallacy. I dont believe aliens would need to take the person out of their own home, if they wanted to "study" them.

I have never been abducted by aliens!

I thought for a couple of years that I saw an alien, in the year 2012. Now, Im not sure if I really saw an alien or an "above top secret" military person, on top of My neighbors roof in 2012. Regardless if it was indeed an alien or military, I witnessed some very advanced technology. It was very cool.

For the record, I dont believe in "alien abduction", that could be a logical fallacy. I dont believe aliens would need to take the person out of their own home, if they wanted to "study" them.

Alright, what are you smoking and how do I get some?
Also, are you basing the whole I am Christ thing on what your partner screams during sex? Cuz that would make me JesusChristHolyShitYeahFuckAngie.
I have never been abducted by aliens!

I thought for a couple of years that I saw an alien, in the year 2012. Now, Im not sure if I really saw an alien or an "above top secret" military person, on top of My neighbors roof in 2012. Regardless if it was indeed an alien or military, I witnessed some very advanced technology. It was very cool.

For the record, I dont believe in "alien abduction", that could be a logical fallacy. I dont believe aliens would need to take the person out of their own home, if they wanted to "study" them.


For the record, you should be aware that most of your thinking process is based on logical fallacies (and alien abduction is not a logical fallacy). For a full list of these fallacies, you can look here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies

You seem to be on the look out for logical fallacies, yet you constantly misuse the term. If you'll familiarize yourself with these fallacies, you'll be able to weed them out of your own thought process. Of course, you then wouldn't have the crazy beliefs that you do, and that would be an amazing improvement...
Alright, what are you smoking and how do I get some?
Also, are you basing the whole I am Christ thing on what your partner screams during sex? Cuz that would make me JesusChristHolyShitYeahFuckAngie.


If you want to go on a crazy mind trip, I will give you the link in a minute.

I am actually not smoking marinuana anymore. I quit smoking cannabis about a year and a half ago. Its a long story, but the herb was making Me psychotic, delusional, paranoid, and just crazy. Im much better off just smoking cigaretts and drinking alcohol.

Anyways, I did learn a lot while I was smoking cannabis every day; I came up with many cool prophecies, inventions, and novel notions, while I was stoned. I remembered a lot of the cool ideas that I got from being high, and I will give you the link to My autobiography. It might take you a few hours to read through this whole thread, but you can take breaks. I guarantee that this thread will entertain you, or at least, there are some interesting things in here.

To go on a mind trip, click on the link below!


To go on a mind trip, click on the link above.

For the record, Im single right now. I havent had a girl friend for about 6 months, so I dont have a sex partner that screams "JesusChristHolyShitYeahFuckGeorge".

I actually like you and there is no doubt in my mind that there can be any doubt in your mind about if there could be any doubt to begin with , therefore i call you by who ever you so please, be it old school or some other new age shit, were just waiting for that to start happening. But before you go please put a better picture of your self up.
Can i ask you a question?
I actually like you

Thanks, you seem cool too.

and there is no doubt in my mind that there can be any doubt in your mind about if there could be any doubt to begin with ,

Huh? You lost Me on that one, lol.

therefore i call you by who ever you so please, be it old school or some other new age shit,

Please, call Me "George". All of My friends and family call Me "George". I would consider you all My online friends and family, so feel free to call Me by My real Name- George.

were just waiting for that to start happening.

Your just waiting for what "to start happening"? The coming of the Savior? The revolution? The Second Coming of Christ? My global online government? What are you talking about?

But before you go please put a better picture of your self up.

The next time I get a haircut, I will try and take a better picture of Myself.

Can i ask you a question?

You can ask Me any question, while I am still alive, and I will try and give you a sincere answer.

As long as your not being rude and cantankerous, I will try and answer all of your questions.

This is a public forum, anyone in the whole world that has access to the internet can ask Me questions, any question.

Ask away...

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Yeah..... ever heard of him?

So have you begun to outline what may make a nice presentation for an interview, or are ya more comfortable winging it?

Let's make this happen.... it'll be legendary George!


Im good for now.

I have read a few of Finshaggys threads, and I have watched a few of his videos, too. They dont get too many views, in My opinion.

I dont believe Finshaggy is famous. What makes Finshaggy famous?

I am a blogger too, does that make Me famous? Lol!

I have My youtube videos of Myself, what more do you need? You can already see My face and hear My voice, My videos of Myself are in this thread.

George there's a chemistry that happens between an interviewer and interviewee...... I think you may enjoy coming out of your messiah enclave more..... It'd be fun. Consider it would ya? Don't sweat that he's not too famous yet, neither are you. This is how things begin.

discuss your prophecies....
tellin ya, LEGENDARY.
George there's a chemistry that happens between an interviewer and interviewee...... I think you may enjoy coming out of your messiah enclave more..... It'd be fun. Consider it would ya? Don't sweat that he's not too famous yet, neither are you. This is how things begin.

discuss your prophecies....
tellin ya, LEGENDARY.

I just posted the thread that I want Finshaggy to read, in that thread you linked.

It depends what he wants to talk about.

For the record, I have never done Skype, and Im using a smartphone, so I dont even know if I can Skype anyone.


If you want to go on a crazy mind trip, I will give you the link in a minute.

I am actually not smoking marinuana anymore. I quit smoking cannabis about a year and a half ago. Its a long story, but the herb was making Me psychotic, delusional, paranoid, and just crazy. Im much better off just smoking cigaretts and drinking alcohol.

Anyways, I did learn a lot while I was smoking cannabis every day; I came up with many cool prophecies, inventions, and novel notions, while I was stoned. I remembered a lot of the cool ideas that I got from being high, and I will give you the link to My autobiography. It might take you a few hours to read through this whole thread, but you can take breaks. I guarantee that this thread will entertain you, or at least, there are some interesting things in here.

To go on a mind trip, click on the link below!


To go on a mind trip, click on the link above.

For the record, Im single right now. I havent had a girl friend for about 6 months, so I dont have a sex partner that screams "JesusChristHolyShitYeahFuckGeorge".

It sounds like a lot of work, I'll do it later, lol. I have my own fun in my own mind to keep me busy. Listen, I haven't smoked in a while, but that's just because I have kids and I don't like to get all buzzed in front of kids. Doesn't mean I'll never do it again...but, well, pot gives me hope and I've learned to live without that for now!