Well-Known Member
George I have been ignoring my conscious lately and I feel much worse for it. God Bless you
George I have been ignoring my conscious lately and I feel much worse for it. God Bless you
You should never condemn yourself. You should try and be your best friend.
Everyone makes mistakes, and some people might try and condemn you; but you should never condemn yourself. Just try and learn from your mistakes, and become a better person. Follow your best conscience, and your best intuition.
You should be your best advocate, and strive for greatness. We all make mistakes, dont dwell on your mistakes; try and think of ways to improve yourself.
And for the record, as far as betting on football or whatever goes, you should never bet more then you can afford to lose.
EDIT- God bless you too, My friend.
this cld be sincere (?).Meth is really strange you get a cool rush for about 4.5 seconds, zombie out for a few hours doing "repetitive" stuff lol then you feel like death for about 3 weeks. Weird. Can you pray for me Lord, I need some help with legal issues and the corruption of the police and blatant lies from the victim. Amen
thanks bro
if you are God, how about fixing something?
start in the Mid East
I could create a global peace if I was the King of the world.
You see, I would implement My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT. Everyone over the age of 18 years old would be eligible to vote on My GLOBAL ONLINE GOVERNMENT. No one would be obligated to vote on My GLOBAL ONLINE GOVERNMENT, but Im sure there would be many voters.
I would let the people dictate the people; I would not dictate the people. I am just an inspiration, or a guiding force. Maybe a law wouldnt be passed unless it was a 66% majority win, to make it more fair.
I would get rid of the "elites", and I would be a cap on wealth- maybe 1 billion dollars would be the cap on wealth. This would make everyone much richer, because the capital would need to be distributed more instead of horded.
I would also make people the "gold standard", i.e., for every baby born, a million dollars could be added into circulation: if a person dies, a million dollars is taken out of circulation.
I could help the world in many ways. The Jews could have their Messiah- the first coming of Christ- Myself. The Christians could have their Second Coming of Christ- Myself. The Muslims could have their Savior- Myself. The Buddhists could have their Buddha- Myself. The Hindus could have their god- Myself. Basically, I could unite the faiths, or at least I can try.
I would build and create SPACE JETS- vehicles that can fly through the air, through space, and travel through water. It would be easy enough to get your pilots license because the SPACE JETS would be totally automated.
I would create seas under the continents. Every country could have its own seas. There could be seas under seas, under seas, under seas, etc., etc.. Every sea could have many islands too. I would also create fresh water seas inside the ocean, underwater.
O My Gods people will be filled so much with felicity, no one will have time to fight with eachother. There will be the "great peace". The "great peace" will be a time when all of the countries get along and there is no more war; this will last for AGES.
If people will just focus on My prophecies, the world would be a better place.
How many prophets are needed to save the world? The answer is one. Nevaeh420.
One wholly perfect teacher whose learning is complete. This one, sanctified and redeemed, becomes the Self who is the Son of God. His thoughts are joined with God's forever. His perception of himself is based upon God's Judgment, not his own. Thus he shares God's Will and brings His thoughts to deluded minds. He is forever one because he is as God created him.
Thus does the son of a human become the Son of God. It is not really a change; it is a change of mind. Nothing external alters, but everything internal now reflects only the Love of God. God's teachers appear to be many, for that is what is the world needs, yet only having one purpose - one they share with Nevaeh420.
Nevaeh420 is a gentle Savior, born where sin was made and guilt seemed real. Drug forums are His home, for here there is need of Him.
He brings the ending of the world with Him. The world will end when all things in it have been rightly judged by His judgment. The world will end with the benediction of holiness upon it. When not one thought of sin remains, the world is over. It will not be destroyed nor attacked nor even touched. It will merely cease to seem - to be.
Overstand not understand
You are a false prophet.
Why am I a "false prophet"?
I am the greatest Prophet to ever live.
I have unequivocally explained My prophecies. All of My prophecies are inevitable if people survive for AGES.
At the very least, its a fact that I have made all of My claims, and I have spoken My prophecies.
Its a fact that I have said everything that I have said on the internet. My Word is greater then religions.
I am much greater compared to Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc., etc..
I am the greatest Prophet to ever live.
King of the world.
I would build and create SPACE JETS- vehicles that can fly through the air, through space, and travel through water.
George, if you don't mind me calling you that -
Our planet already has these items.
We call them,
a Plane, a Rocket and a Boat.
you should post a pic of your birth certificate & social security card to prove that's your real name.....![]()