How do i get my plant bushier


Well-Known Member
It still looks too young to top, wait until about a week from now. To top your plant you want to clip off the two newest leafs leaving a small piece of stem at the top above what were your second leafs. A new branch will grow from each node (intersection of the leaf and stem) and instead of devoting all of its energy into one growth tip and growing upward it splits its energy between two V angled tops and grows slightly outward. The lower nodes will also develop branches but since they are lower they will not be as dominate.


Well-Known Member
You can also Lst. In Lst you tie your plants main stem down vertically so that growth tips grow from each node. You want to first make a counter tie in the opposite direction you are bending the stem so that you don't uproot your plant. Also be careful not to bend it too far at a time and break your stem. GROWFAQ


i've noticed w/ my plants that the further away the light is the more they stretch and the closer the light is the bushier or closer the nodes grow just dont get too close to burn the plant

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
my plant is 6inch and has a few branch's and hardly and leave's. Does anybody know how to get it busier? :confused::confused::confused:
Topping, LST and move the light closer. Personally I don't think your plant is too young or small to top now. I would start topping and LST now.

Good luck :)