Why do you like to smoke?


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieSmoking for me calms me down,sooths me,takes away the anger and gives a new perspective towards life.

i love it,escpecially high grade smoke it taste so good,smells so good,and is so fresh and so clean.

smoking is like desert:weed:,u love the taste the color,the smell, and everything its an indulgence.

:leaf:its like zen:leaf:

who feels me?what are some reasons u smoke that great herb?


Well-Known Member
who feels me?what are some reasons u smoke that great herb?
Exactly.....Great herb.

I feel good when I'm smoking "GREAT HERB". I can't stand smoking shitty weed.
Great Herb doesn't take much (for me) to get high. I can take 1-2 bong hits and it lasts all night.
Now for crappy weed, I'll have to smoke a whole 1/8th just to get a buzz.

I don't smoke everyday, I smoke maybe 2-4 times a week, depends on the week. This week I've been smoking everyday for the last few days, because I've been stressed out and it's been hard to get to sleep.

I run a business, so I have to be coherent most of the time. It's hard for me to give a shit about the little things when I'm high. So I only get high when I don't have alot going on.

But, Getting high for me is like medicine. I use it when I need it.


Well-Known Member
because life is hard. managing to go to work everyday, dealing with a pregnant gf, soon to be dealing with a baby, dealing with everything in the house, paying all the bills, dealing with my car, dealing with other stuff that needs to be sorted, looking after my grow, being bored, etc etc.

smoking is great. calms me down abit and i kinda just take a step back an cooldown for a minute. a chance to relax.

ofc i did used to smoke back in high school bcoz it was fun. ahhh good times.

now im normally sat down with a joint in 1 hand, pen in another and doing work or reading something or other hand on the mouse.


Well-Known Member
because life is hard. managing to go to work everyday, dealing with a pregnant gf, soon to be dealing with a baby, dealing with everything in the house, paying all the bills, dealing with my car, dealing with other stuff that needs to be sorted, looking after my grow, being bored, etc etc.

smoking is great. calms me down abit and i kinda just take a step back an cooldown for a minute. a chance to relax.

ofc i did used to smoke back in high school bcoz it was fun. ahhh good times.

now im normally sat down with a joint in 1 hand, pen in another and doing work or reading something or other hand on the mouse.
Just don't go smoking ganja in front of that baby ;)

As for why i like to smoke weed..
Well i love the feeling of being stoned, and sometimes getting the munchies is the only way to get me through a big Christmas dinner ;)


Well-Known Member
Keeps me in my own little world where the stupid shit can't bother me nearly as much plus it makes me make waaaaay better meals for the family.:mrgreen:


Active Member
the best body high i got was when i was running on 2 hours of sleep for two days and we smoked alot, it was amazing, it was pure nirvana, it was the best high ever,

but i like smoking because it helps me cope with life, and im not one to be lazy when i smoke, i actually do more when im high


Well-Known Member
I think the vast majority of folks smoke cannabis to escape the monotony life becomes when it's realized that life usually isn't a bowl of cherries. More like a crock of _____ ! (fill in the blank)
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