The Dons' Organic Garden

well the other gravy pheno, even more gravier, the tall one, its really slight… but right under the triches on the edges of the leaves its purple, under a cluster of white..
And are they ever curled up on the edges, with a cluster of wihite triches bedding light purple tips.. do we eva need dat microscope!! buy one today bro i pay.
*One of the gravy-smelling phenos of the Super Lemon Haze x Chernobyl, mon..

*hints of purple coming thru under the clusters of triches that be lining the edges of da leaves.

*Notice the long, glandular, mushroom-shaped triches starting to crowd. MMmmmedicinal
not the cured stuff mon! just a suuuuuper tiny larfy pinner so far!! so tempting.
lil jar here nice and full of frosty ACE now !! gonna try wait for you !!