airy bud slow bud growth


Well-Known Member
Hi iam growing some nl autos and to mixed success 1 plant is boomin while a other has really fcking small airbuds thet seem to grow extreamly slow all seed from same seed shop I got them absolutely boomin during veg now its 3 week into flower and iam not likin what iam seeing what do u think20140627_085043.jpg 20140627_085054.jpgis it just me or does this look lacking for 3 weeks flower no trichome development or anything here a pic of whole plant20140625_141707.jpg 20140625_141714.jpgok u wil say fck thats nice I thouht so to till it started to dissapoint me or is it just that my 1 plant thats nice is a freak heres a pic of it20140627_085107.jpg


Well-Known Member
I forgot to me mention there both the same age tho boomin buda is got crystal all over it the other plant is 4 times as big tho does that matter?


Well-Known Member
Different pheno huh. Hopefully the other will fill in. My pandora is doing shit and a rabbit ate the best one lol. Me thinks I'll stick to photo's. Not done yet though. Gonna start some new ones under lights tomorrow. Did you get the one to start flowering?


Well-Known Member
Different pheno huh. Hopefully the other will fill in. My pandora is doing shit and a rabbit ate the best one lol. Me thinks I'll stick to photo's. Not done yet though. Gonna start some new ones under lights tomorrow. Did you get the one to start flowering?
I gave it 2 a mate and put my sick one in its spot at least its buddin iam never do autos again


New Member
I think the problem with auto is that you can't clone them, therefore the seeds are produced with many different mathers and that's why
you get different fenos.


Well-Known Member
(give grow details in posts)
Temps about 30 degrees celcius
Why would u ask temp when 1 plants is massivly growing buds there all on the same feed same temps ect do u think he airy bud will fill out
I think the problem with auto is that you can't clone them, therefore the seeds are produced with many different mathers and that's why
you get different fenos.
Its def a diff feno I think u r correct bud have u seen any feno with airy bud that will grow big eventuality


Well-Known Member
Yes i have had a few different photo's that were airy and grew out to be very good. Your only option is to keep going at this point and see what you get. Seed grows are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get. I have no experience with auto's but it is what it is. I just did a Kosher grow and only one out of six was a real keeper, the other five were just so so. Good luck! Yup sure was a disappointment for me as well for my first run of an auto. It was my fault though due to lack of planning and proper location.


Well-Known Member
Temps about 30 degrees celcius
Why would u ask temp when 1 plants is massivly growing buds there all on the same feed same temps ect do u think he airy bud will fill out

Its def a diff feno I think u r correct bud have u seen any feno with airy bud that will grow big eventuality
too hot


Well-Known Member
Researching phenotypes and genotypes is a must when growing....makes for less worries when one plant acts different from the other. Yeah too hot...agreed .back off a bit on temp, you are on the borderline of causing them heat stroke. unless youre running co2 of course..


Well-Known Member
I have had whispy buds before and it wasn't due to heat just a whispy pheno I assumed. My outdoor grows were subjected to 30C on occasion as well with no ill effect other than they needed watering more, but they have always been clones. If OP is able to cool room somewhat would his plants tighten up?