Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

@ GreenGenes707: Hi, i just want to say how much your work was inspiring for me. Thanks a lot for sharing your work with us. I can't wait to see the result your next round, i follow you on YT in the meantime.
Keep up the good work, don't listen to the haters, they're gonna hate anyway.
I send you a big UP from Belgium. (sorry for my really poor english)

Anyone that has the nuts top speak their mind....or not agree with the poster, is a hater?...Hmmmmmmm.....odd? :) You guys Communist? :) lol

Speaking your mind is one thing... but being misinformed is another...

the fact is no one really cares..... if you want to continue to grow with HPS go for it but what are you trying to achieve by telling people not to grow with it...
Are you on crack bro?...Chick? Misinformng? I never once said..."Don't grow with LED"..I just try and ask people to NOT say crazy, unproven comments, that can cause wasted money and time for the average JOE...Buddy is telling people that LED's grow better buds than HPS...and your telling me..I'm misinforming people? lmao Good luck with that.....maybe try more "Will", and hope....it may work for ya all? lol
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Are you on crack bro? What misinformation? So....you are telling people that LED's grow better buds than HPS...and your telling me..I'm misinforming people? lmao Good luck with that.....maybe try more "Will", and hope....it may work for ya? lol
yes I am clearly stating that.... if you took off your rose coloured glasses you may in fact learn something...

you HPS guys are always amusing... will see you in a years time when you realise you've been missing the boat and come in here pontificating about how good LEDS are...

thanks for the chuckle
Were talking from exp warrior some of us have been putting hundreds of hours maybe thousands of hours researching leds.. i myself have tested with commercial panels and now due to break in im doing diy which i can say is just as good if not better cause i pick color ratios... point being as leds becoming better they could phase out traditional hps... maybe yu are not willing to accept that but maybe even one day decide to do a run... and even better you will save $$$ too sad to see your being thick skinned and not do the simple math the numbers speak louder then words

Whats even worse is LEDs are made for someone like you just doing small grows with small plants. AT 600 is the first commercial panel I have seen that is ready to go into big grows to replace 1000s and pull the same yield. This was an organic grow to mind you and he still pulled impressive ass numbers imo.

Like Diy said above me we are speaking from lots of experience, I have not researched as much as GG, supra or others but I still know a thing or two and LEDs are making huge strides right now. Just waiting for commercial panels to use COBs and shit is gonna get real:fire:
See you guys at the Plasma light store in 10 yrs..be sure not too pick the wrong "horse" and waste your time and money...Some people believe in something so much...they miss the point! ...lmao
Awesome thread....finally got over here and read it. Too bad there is so much bullshit to wade thru..lol. propps for keeping itup!!
I will be sending some nugs in for testing also. look forward to ur results
Cant believe the fucking haters here...I guess the world is FULL of duche-bags!
dont know if y'all seen this over here


KeepOnKillinIt, BB
And then....you guys go and throw bullshit around like......" to replace 1000s and pull the same yield"....or "phase out traditional hps " lol You never hear an HPS grower say..."We are going to put these LED's out of business".....why? They have nothing to prove!!!! They are the #1 proven and tested way to grow BUDS.....period! :)


You fine people assume I haven't put in 4 yrs of research and trials with LED'S......why? Hmmmmmm
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Anyone that has the nuts top speak their mind....or not agree with the poster, is a hater?...Hmmmmmmm.....odd? :) You guys Communist? :) lol
nothing wrong with what you did/say/text.....you just came to hardcore/matter of fact type of way..
and that makes some people feel some type of way.

i do not understand when people use the word "hater"....is that not what all LED user do to HPS BULBS

i just do not get it...i have seen more LED ON LED crime in the section,than anything.
[/QUOTE].and that makes some people feel some type of way.

i do not understand when people use the word "hater"....is that not what all LED user do to HPS BULBS

i just do not get it...i have seen more LED ON LED crime in the section,than anything.[/QUOTE]

Best post I have ever read.....EVER!.....Thanks genuity for keeping it "light" and civil......amongst the animals! lol
OMG...."LED crime on crime".....:hump: :clap: :clap: OMG that's funny!!! lmao
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nothing wrong with what you did/say/text.....you just came to hardcore/matter of fact type of way..
and that makes some people feel some type of way.

i do not understand when people use the word "hater"....is that not what all LED user do to HPS BULBS

i just do not get it...i have seen more LED ON LED crime in the section,than anything.

See you guys at the Plasma light store in 10 yrs..be sure not too pick the wrong "horse" and waste your time and money...Some people believe in something so much...they miss the point! ...lmao

Hi Warriorbuds,

I wasn't include you in my previous post.
I'm not a hardcore fan of LEDs but here, in Europe, all the SODIUM and MERCURE bulb will be banned start 2015 ( European directive n°2005/32 - EUP- Energy Using Products). We won't have a lot of choice, plasma or LEDs. I choose LEDs and don't regret it for now.

IN order to get the penetration you need to have results with LED's......because of beam angle and other factors......you are going to use almost the same amt of power......wait 10 yrs boys....stop wasting time now...and the research I would be doing would be anything NASA has released for starters.....hint hint! ..:) GL Led lovers! :)

By the way.....why when growing with LED's....do you change the characteristics of the plant.....and actual makeup? Why do things like "paper leave feel" happen? Hmmmmmmm.....:)
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Hi Warriorbuds,

I wasn't include you in my previous post.
I'm not a hardcore fan of LEDs but here, in Europe, all the SODIUM and MERCURE bulb will be banned start 2015 ( European directive n°2005/32 - EUP- Energy Using Products). We won't have a lot of choice, plasma or LEDs. I choose LEDs and don't regret it for now.


In that case......you are obviously in a jam....and a change is needed......your street lights there are all changed or going to be changed to LED from HPS, Metal Halide? Wow! :) Parking lot lights...and such? That would not only be expensive initially,,,but take a lot of time as well.....Although....its good too hear that you guys are "feeling the squeeze on our planet"! Cheers! Thanks for adding that post!

Also...I KNOW induction lighting works fantastic with MMJ.....but more so for vegging....similar to LED.....Have you looked in that direction as well to replace? Would that be acceptable in Europe? :)
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And then....you guys go and throw bullshit around like......" to replace 1000s and pull the same yield"....or "phase out traditional hps " lol You never hear an HPS grower say..."We are going to put these LED's out of business".....why? They have nothing to prove!!!! They are the #1 proven and tested way to grow BUDS.....period! :)


You jackasses assume I haven't put in 4 yrs of research and trials with LED'S......why? Hmmmmmm

I dont know any company that says they will put HPS out of business but you seem defensive that technology is moving fast with LEDS and is all but stagnant with HPS....were you upset when they phased out steam trains and phased out brick mobile phones....
the fact is that GG's light does replace a 1000W HPS... he proved it...

what lights have you tested for the past 4 years?
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This guy is a fucking troll. I just looked up his history and has no grows under his belt. But only stupid fucking questions.
If everyone reports him, im sure we can kick him out.

Lul at his statements.

Obviously a little kid with nothing better to do.

I was originally going to un follow this thread because of the amount of idiots showing up, but in respects to GG, ill keep a eye out.

Sometimes i wish the Internet web was real life, wonder if these trolls still talk shit in real life? I think not because they kno better or would end up on the floor with a hps bulb up their @$$ just how he likes it.

Anyways im sure some have seen this,
CraZy to think this is happening now! Oh yea btw, these solar roads are led powered. Who figure?