above the influence.com

Mr Kush

Active Member
ahh :D
im glad you liked it,
heres the link for anyone interested
AboveTheIGNORANCE.org, Live Above The Influence Of Ignorance | Marijuana Facts |
its a good site i enjoyed reading it!:peace:
Haha, nice! I can't believe they're still trying to feed kids that "Marijuana is harmful" bullshit. In my opinion if something can't kill you it's no health risk I should be too worried about :blsmoke:

The dumbasses are still happy selling and killing everyone with tobacco though - not that they've done anything about that one. Yet a harmless plant that has killed no one is apparently the most evil death hungry thing out.

Governments annoy me to no extent but yet at the same time you can't help but laugh at their asses.


Well-Known Member
Have you guys seen the one where the kid makes a weed cocoon then hatches into a bald fat dude? That one is awesome!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
man why didn't i think of that, a weed cocoon! then I'd actualy have something to smoke right now.

the ones that realy piss me off, is any of them that show dealers right out in the open offering MJ.
fuck not in this day and age! its coming to the point where people are so paranoid or stingy / lazy or greedy, that if you even wanna smoke weed you'll have to grow your own.
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