quick lighting question


Active Member
I have 4-400watt dual spectrum bulbs what size area will this cover I currently also have been gifted 3-4'x2' trays.Any help is appreciated


New Member
5x5 is asking alot of a 400, try 3x3 for 44.44 watts a sq foot. You could always go bigger but you will need to rotate the plants around alot to keep them uniform.


Well-Known Member
so the 1600watts would be adequate for 4'x8'
Absolutely! The rule of thumb is "50watts of HID lights (MH or HPS) per square foot of growing space". So, 32 sq. ft. is dead on! Actually, you will be getting "better" coverage from 4, seperated, light sources than you would from a, theorhetical, single "1,6oo"watt light source because the light only has to travel about half as far, don't forget about "The Inverse Square Law".

The shape of the grow space is also important! A 6'x6' = 36 sq. ft. grow should give you much better results (at 44.4watts per sq. ft.) than a 4'x8' = 32 sq. ft. grow (at 50watts per sq. ft.). It's all about how far the photons have to travel through the air!