Keeping Potted Plants Cool


Well-Known Member
I've been having issues with high temp's recently & need to keep my gals in containers for this season.

Easy solution is to burry the containers, but I will be doing light-dep w/ 20 Gallon containers & have a torn shoulder so cant lift them up that often so out of the question.

What is the best way to keep roots cool? From what i've read, place them inside another container (preferably ceramic) &/or provide shade. I thought about building a box around the container or trying to put reflective material/white material around the containers.

I've been watering with cold water.



Well-Known Member
My seedling pots are baking my seedlings roots they have been so stunted because of this.

Putting your pots into another pot filled with mulch or something might keep roots cooler.


Well-Known Member
How small? I've transplanted out of 1 gallon pots and never had an issue. Most people step up from party cups to pots without issue. Go for it, these plants are so resilient. Give them some space and let them do their thing as best as they can.


Well-Known Member
How small? I've transplanted out of 1 gallon pots and never had an issue. Most people step up from party cups to pots without issue. Go for it, these plants are so resilient. Give them some space and let them do their thing as best as they can.
Half of them have 3 sets of true leaves and the other half have 1-2 sets of true leaves. I think I am gonna say fuck it and transplant them. They are in cup size pots right now. getting BAKED lol. I am pretty good about transplanting anyways. Thanks for the motivation man. I usually step up from cups-1 gallon-harvest pot or hole


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Im getting to the point where I am going to skip intermediate pots and go from start cups to finished pot and be done with them. Keep my messing with the root system to as little as possible. Im still pretty new but dont seem to have a lot of the issues others have with their plants so I kinda push them a little harder and ask more of them than others might. Im really getting to the point where I might just start my seeds where they are going to finish and not transplant at all. Who knows, good luck with whatever you do.


Well-Known Member
Anything that you can lean against the pot to block direct sunlight will help. You can paint the pot white, as well. I've used old shingles, boards, newspaper anchored to the pot, and whatever else is handy. Air space between the shading material and the pot will help as well. Just avoid letting direct sunlight hit a black pot. Top the pot off with mulch to help insulate the soil. Good growing!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all so much for your help, you are to awesome! We've got a couple 100 degree days coming up in a row here soon so I appreciate the fast responses, just in time!


Well-Known Member
My seedling pots are baking my seedlings roots they have been so stunted because of this.

Putting your pots into another pot filled with mulch or something might keep roots cooler.
I love the mulch idea man, thanks! I had thought of something similar, just with soil which would have been wayy to heavy for my poor shoulder, so I truly appreciate this idea!


Well-Known Member
Anything that you can lean against the pot to block direct sunlight will help. You can paint the pot white, as well. I've used old shingles, boards, newspaper anchored to the pot, and whatever else is handy. Air space between the shading material and the pot will help as well. Just avoid letting direct sunlight hit a black pot. Top the pot off with mulch to help insulate the soil. Good growing!
I appreciate the advice & ideas!

What I came up with yesterday while working outside was putting up chicken wire around them in a big square then covering the bottom half with some material to provide shade to container (haven't figured out the material just yet)

Then I also have a structure to drape a tarp or something over if we're getting a hail storm.

So Now I am thinking this plus the mulch idea in bigger containers, spray painting them white and mulching the top as you suggested. Thanks, all!


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have that much of a problem in 20 gallon containers
Alot of container veggie grows wrap their plants in burlap to keep the roots cool
Thanks, brother. That is reassuring.

Really, think that could help? Maybe wrap in burlap, then inside another container with mulch? I've got a ton of burlap sitting around I have been using to create little shade huts/protection from hail,etc.

You have helped me out a ton over the past couple months, I really appreciate it.

Wish there was +Rep or some way to return the favor ha. Hope your plants are doing great this season!