Texas Sends Armed Troops to Defend the Border


Well-Known Member
link the evidence that proves you had nothing to do with it.
why don't you link the evidence that you had nothing to do with it, snitch?

while you're at it, you should also probably prove that you're not a pedophile, because word around the grapevine is that NONTHEIST IS A PEDOPHILE.

i don't believe that NONTHEIST IS A PEDOPHILE, but you should probably prove that is is not the case that NONTHEIST IS A PEDOPHILE.


Well-Known Member
why don't you link the evidence that you had nothing to do with it, snitch?

while you're at it, you should also probably prove that you're not a pedophile, because word around the grapevine is that NONTHEIST IS A PEDOPHILE.

i don't believe that NONTHEIST IS A PEDOPHILE, but you should probably prove that is is not the case that NONTHEIST IS A PEDOPHILE.

I'll take your barely coherent lash out as an admittance of guilt. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Why? Because your cybersex buddy won't admit to truths? That makes me an ass? No, that makes him what everyone here knows he is.....the list is too long to type.
"urban welfare rat porch sitting anchor baby HIV infested salami smokers. i'm not racist" - you


Well-Known Member
don't get him thinking about ass, he's already anally fixated with me.
LMFAO...is mommys wittle baby afraid to answer a simple question? Does wittle bucky need need his cybersex friend to vouch for him? It's so funny how you are so quick to jump on a thread when it benefits you, but you can't answer a simple question when it is posed to you. Talk about being EXPOSED !!!!! You have just been EXPOSED for who you are.


Well-Known Member
"urban welfare rat porch sitting anchor baby HIV infested salami smokers. i'm not racist" - you
LMFAO...you going to answer the question or not? Or does one of your libturds need to come and bail you out? You have succeeded in making every thing you post = bullshit.


Well-Known Member
This is another canard the left throws out.

If you are allowed to have rights as a private business owner then you are against civil rights.

That is confusing the government with private society. People who set up private businesses should not lose their freedom of association and the accompanying freedom of disassociation.
Why you such a ratfucker, Buck?
Because he is an unemployed drunk that hates himself and must put other people down for whatever imaginary reason to make himself feel better.


Well-Known Member
This is another canard the left throws out.

If you are allowed to have rights as a private business owner then you are against civil rights.

That is confusing the government with private society. People who set up private businesses should not lose their freedom of association and the accompanying freedom of disassociation.

Because he is an unemployed drunk that hates himself and must put other people down for whatever imaginary reason to make himself feel better.
Explain ??? If you have a private business, charge some type of membership then you are well in your rights to even make it fuck club or motorcycle club or whatever fucking club you so desire. Please explain a private business owner, does this business do open interstate commerce ???? Does it pay taxes ??? Charity ??? What's the angle here ??? Please tell me what this private business does and how it would operate. Is it legal. Does it want to bring down the Gubberment? Please share


Well-Known Member
That is confusing the government with private society. People who set up private businesses should not lose their freedom of association and the accompanying freedom of disassociation.
so you're saying tha business owners should be allowed to deny service to blacks because of their skin color?


Well-Known Member
so you're saying tha business owners should be allowed to deny service to Nazis because of their political beliefs?

you won't hear that argument from him......no.


Well-Known Member
so you're saying tha business owners should be allowed to deny service to Nazis because of their political beliefs?

you won't hear that argument from him......no.
tell me more about the equivalence between someone's CHOSEN political affiliation and their GIVEN skin color, you dumb racist shit.