The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

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I suppose such an approximate estimation of the number of CO2 emitted via geological processes is impossible because you said so.. You should let all those scientists know..

You're incapable of having a civil conversation with somebody you disagree with. I haven't said anything inflammatory towards you this entire thread and every post you add something like this into it. Why can't you just state your opinion and leave the emotion at the door? You cry about how Buck responds to you and other members all the time and yet you're the exact same way, it's completely hypocritical. The difference is he does it to troll, you're actually an asshole.

So if you want to have dialogues like you and Buck do with me, you're going to be expending a lot of energy for no benefit. I don't read half the long winded posts you make already.

People with points don't need pages to prove them

people with points that can fit on a bumper sticker dont have a point, they have a slogan.

again, the emissions of specific known sources can be estimated, but under the seas, vents, fumaroles, volcanoes, seeps, black smokers, etc are UNKNOWN.

also unknown are unexpected events like eruptions, even from "known" sources on land.

mt aetna, the most heavily studied volvano on earth recently nearly doubled it's previous co2 emissions, and nobody saw it coming.

you cant estimate an unknown, and if you ask a geologist to tell you how much co2 geologic sources produce every year he will tell you, "Nobody Knows."

there is also weathering of carboniferous rock formations to contend with, and yes, even NEW volcanoes.

termites are far less unpredictable.

and if you were less of a self-righteous twat, you might recall that you too received the kind of long suffering patience that led me to explain to tobinate why chemtrails are bullshit over 5 motherfucking pages.

and then, when he went right back to making the same arguments (like yourself), yeah, neither he nor thee deserves any coddling.

you dont accept the explanations, the citations or the patience in dealing with your stupidity, and then you go right back to making the same bullshit claims in another thread.
BULLSHIT. You and every lib in this section, read every fucking word he types. Only an idiot would believe you don't.

And, on the off chance you don't, who fucking cares wtf YOU do or don't do. Kynes is the most interesting person contributing in the Politics section, whether I agree with him or not. On the other hand, almost to a person, you fuckers are dull as shit.

If you think brevity is a noble trait, go post on Twatter.

You're an idiot then I guess

People with points don't take pages to make them
You're an idiot then I guess

People with points don't take pages to make them


how long was the last IPCC report?

Protip: it spanned 5 volumes including the Executive summary.

by your... ummm.... lets call it Logic?

the IPCC report is both TL;DR and irrelevant.
again, the emissions of specific known sources can be estimated, but under the seas, vents, fumaroles, volcanoes, seeps, black smokers, etc are UNKNOWN.

why did CO2 remain at around 280 PPM for tens of thousands of years, right up until the industrial revolution, when it shot up to 400 PPM over a mere century or so?
A bunch of new volcanoes popped up all at the same time and the industrial revolution was just a coincidence

and thats why i have no patience with your retarded bullshit.

theres a lake in cameroon that periodically farts, releasing clouds of co2 killing THOUSANDS of people by asphyxia
i know you have no clue how many PPM of c02 are required to cause asphyxia, so ill tell ya, it's 100,000 ppm, which is 10% by volume.

the global average for co2 is 0.035% by volume.

did industry make that lake fart?


and co2 levels were NOT stable you dillhole.

they have been as high as 15X current levels, and also far far lower.
again, the emissions of specific known sources can be estimated, but under the seas, vents, fumaroles, volcanoes, seeps, black smokers, etc are UNKNOWN.

If they were known it wouldn't be a scientific estimation. The same math involved in determining how many termites are in a given area is used to determine unknown amounts of CO2 emissions caused by geological activity, which makes up a small percentage of the CO2 emissions we do know about that's caused by geological activity. Furthermore, we know where volcanoes and geological activity is likely to occur, which is why it's rare for volcanoes to form in the middle of tectonic plates, they form at the edges. I find it pretty strange you seem to believe we simply can't get an accurate physical measurement and the unknown estimated amount via mathematical formulas. We can. IPCC is very clear on the significance of naturally occurring carbon dioxide that's released into the atmosphere and the scientific consensus is that the anthropogenic factor is the most significant factor that is currently changing the climate.

you cant estimate an unknown

Yes you can. That's what math is for.

How do you think scientists estimate the amount of dark matter in the universe?

and if you were less of a self-righteous twat, you might recall that you too received the kind of long suffering patience that led me to explain to tobinate why chemtrails are bullshit over 5 motherfucking pages.

I remember once before you became so fanatical, I asked you how you thought something about taxes worked, and due to your extremist conservative teaparty viewpoint and my center/left take on it, you simply couldn't handle it.

you dont accept the explanations, the citations or the patience in dealing with your stupidity, and then you go right back to making the same bullshit claims in another thread.

The same thing could be said about you, I proved it when you said scientists in STEM fields are more conservative, I proved you wrong with evidence and citations that you first ignored and claimed they weren't scientific, then said it didn't matter when you were the one who initially brought it up in an attempt to prove the point that conservatives are obviously smarter than liberals. Then the next thread, I said "science has a liberal bias" and you chimed back in with the exact same argument as before.

Perhaps you have some evidence to show the RIU court that your allegation that I make the same arguments in different threads after they've been proven wrong is true?
and thats why i have no patience with your retarded bullshit.

theres a lake in cameroon that periodically farts, releasing clouds of co2 killing THOUSANDS of people by asphyxia
i know you have no clue how many PPM of c02 are required to cause asphyxia, so ill tell ya, it's 100,000 ppm, which is 10% by volume.

the global average for co2 is 0.035% by volume.

did industry make that lake fart?


and co2 levels were NOT stable you dillhole.

they have been as high as 15X current levels, and also far far lower.

but CO2 has nothing to do with temps, it's all water vapor.

good job on studiously avoiding my termite farts question...again.
If they were known it wouldn't be a scientific estimation. The same math involved in determining how many termites are in a given area is used to determine unknown amounts of CO2 emissions caused by geological activity, which makes up a small percentage of the CO2 emissions we do know about that's caused by geological activity. Furthermore, we know where volcanoes and geological activity is likely to occur, which is why it's rare for volcanoes to form in the middle of tectonic plates, they form at the edges. I find it pretty strange you seem to believe we simply can't get an accurate physical measurement and the unknown estimated amount via mathematical formulas. We can. IPCC is very clear on the significance of naturally occurring carbon dioxide that's released into the atmosphere and the scientific consensus is that the anthropogenic factor is the most significant factor that is currently changing the climate.

Yes you can. That's what math is for.

How do you think scientists estimate the amount of dark matter in the universe?

I remember once before you became so fanatical, I asked you how you thought something about taxes worked, and due to your extremist conservative teaparty viewpoint and my center/left take on it, you simply couldn't handle it.

The same thing could be said about you, I proved it when you said scientists in STEM fields are more conservative, I proved you wrong with evidence and citations that you first ignored and claimed they weren't scientific, then said it didn't matter when you were the one who initially brought it up in an attempt to prove the point that conservatives are obviously smarter than liberals. Then the next thread, I said "science has a liberal bias" and you chimed back in with the exact same argument as before.

Perhaps you have some evidence to show the RIU court that your allegation that I make the same arguments in different threads after they've been proven wrong is true?

ZOMG!! how dare i question your OPINION POLLS???

opinion polls only poll the OPINIONS of those who bother to sit and answer their questions.

people who have shit to do (like real scientists) rarely have time for bullshit polls.

you want to fight facts with Feels, and cant seem to understand why Feels dont matter.

if you go to a place where real science is carried out, the persons carrying it out will generally be much more conservative than the population at large, because they dont decide shit on Feels.

among the psychology majors, liberal arts students and "serious academics" in the field of comparative religion, and womyn's studies, sure, youll find a huge lefty bias, but that doesnt mean science = democrat beliefs.

the few REAL scientists i have known were all pretty conservative. including a mathematician, an industrial chemist, and an actual Rocket Scientist (he worked for Nasa when they actually launched shit into space, instead of making moslems feel better about their failures)

of course among college and university faculty members, leftism rules supreme: bias.pdf
but CO2 has nothing to do with temps, it's all water vapor.

good job on studiously avoiding my termite farts question...again.
nobody said shit about temps you desperate whiney whore.

co2 is not all about the "global warming" buggaboo
ZOMG!! how dare i question your OPINION POLLS???

opinion polls only poll the OPINIONS of those who bother to sit and answer their questions.

people who have shit to do (like real scientists) rarely have time for bullshit polls.

you want to fight facts with Feels, and cant seem to understand why Feels dont matter.

if you go to a place where real science is carried out, the persons carrying it out will generally be much more conservative than the population at large, because they dont decide shit on Feels.

among the psychology majors, liberal arts students and "serious academics" in the field of comparative religion, and womyn's studies, sure, youll find a huge lefty bias, but that doesnt mean science = democrat beliefs.

the few REAL scientists i have known were all pretty conservative. including a mathematician, an industrial chemist, and an actual Rocket Scientist (he worked for Nasa when they actually launched shit into space, instead of making moslems feel better about their failures)

of course among college and university faculty members, leftism rules supreme: bias.pdf


You spent the entire first half of this post saying opinions don't matter, then at the end the only evidence you provided to support your opinion that scientists are more conservative was a pointless anecdote about a few people you know, who presumably don't have shit else to do with their time or else they wouldn't have given you their opinion...

I hope you're enjoying this lolercoaster, I certainly am!

You also didn't address how we can accurately measure the known natural carbon emissions and accurately estimate unknown carbon emissions and accurately base climate models accordingly.

Do you have any more of those "pro-tips"?
You're incapable of having a civil conversation with somebody you disagree with. I haven't said anything inflammatory towards you this entire thread and every post you add something like this into it. Why can't you just state your opinion and leave the emotion at the door? You cry about how Buck responds to you and other members all the time and yet you're the exact same way, it's completely hypocritical. The difference is he does it to troll, you're actually an asshole.

So if you want to have dialogues like you and Buck do with me, you're going to be expending a lot of energy for no benefit. I don't read half the long winded posts you make already.

People with points don't need pages to prove them

Well there went that.
pro tip: turning the volume on the TV up louder will make it less likely that your brother detects when you pilfer his last eggo waffle
I would like to recommend a book I just scooped.
Clouds in a Glass of Beer: Simple Experiments in Atmospheric Physics

The first chapter is thrilling--to me... It explains some basics about nucleation (using beer as an example) then quickly moves to experiments of cloud formation in bottles by pressure changes!!! Now, you may have noticed little clouds in a bottle of beer when you first crack it, but he takes it a step further with a simple experiment you can perform.

I noticed it in the references of Thermal Physics by Daniel Schroeder (which is a great textbook IMHO).
As he describes it:
Short, elementary, and delightful. Begins by observing that "a glass of beer is a cloud inside out".

While it is short (~200pgs on paper), and delightful, it is not elementary; perhaps in relation to a textbook, sure, but not in terms of prerequisite knowledge. However, if you really like "climate science", it looks to be a good book that explains some of the physics in a way that savvy people can appreciate, without needing to be a geek.

Note though, he does not apparently agree with the AGW hypothesis (at least in the original 1982 version) from what I've read by other reviewers. There are updates in this later edition (2001, IIRC), it seems, where he adds postscripts. I'll be curious to see if he changed his mind.
this thread is stupid. Who ever thinks global warming is not real is an idiot. For one all volcanoes in the world only make up 2% of the co2 emitted into the atmosphere. Man made machines account for over 90% of co2 emmissions. If all the forests weren't chopped down for lumber. They would be able to process more co2. Now Obama was a dumbass for giving a speech about global warming I front of air force one and using to hop from airport to airport and back that's only a 2 hour drive each way.. Spending 5 million of tax payer money on his weekend that should be for another thread. Al gore is a dumbass and Obama is the worst president in history. Global warming is real.