Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
I suppose such an approximate estimation of the number of CO2 emitted via geological processes is impossible because you said so.. You should let all those scientists know..
You're incapable of having a civil conversation with somebody you disagree with. I haven't said anything inflammatory towards you this entire thread and every post you add something like this into it. Why can't you just state your opinion and leave the emotion at the door? You cry about how Buck responds to you and other members all the time and yet you're the exact same way, it's completely hypocritical. The difference is he does it to troll, you're actually an asshole.
So if you want to have dialogues like you and Buck do with me, you're going to be expending a lot of energy for no benefit. I don't read half the long winded posts you make already.
People with points don't need pages to prove them
people with points that can fit on a bumper sticker dont have a point, they have a slogan.
again, the emissions of specific known sources can be estimated, but under the seas, vents, fumaroles, volcanoes, seeps, black smokers, etc are UNKNOWN.
also unknown are unexpected events like eruptions, even from "known" sources on land.
mt aetna, the most heavily studied volvano on earth recently nearly doubled it's previous co2 emissions, and nobody saw it coming.
you cant estimate an unknown, and if you ask a geologist to tell you how much co2 geologic sources produce every year he will tell you, "Nobody Knows."
there is also weathering of carboniferous rock formations to contend with, and yes, even NEW volcanoes.
termites are far less unpredictable.
and if you were less of a self-righteous twat, you might recall that you too received the kind of long suffering patience that led me to explain to tobinate why chemtrails are bullshit over 5 motherfucking pages.
and then, when he went right back to making the same arguments (like yourself), yeah, neither he nor thee deserves any coddling.
you dont accept the explanations, the citations or the patience in dealing with your stupidity, and then you go right back to making the same bullshit claims in another thread.