The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i will have to check it out thanks for the info about the doc!

What wait a minute is it about pedophiles? Men who like boys? Shit I don't want to watch that.

Ok I looked up the Author of the book and it is military, I was shocked to see all the pedophile doc's pop up when I searched for "chicken hawk"
Yep.....sorry. Its Chickenhawk, all one word. Didnt know about the pedo reference. Its a pretty stunning book in its simplicity. He choose Chickenhawk cause he said that when he was flying into a hotzone to rescue troops he flew like a hawk cause men depended on him but all the time he was terrified and scared like a chicken.


Well-Known Member
great book,he was also a toker, think he use to smuggle hash to spain and got busted in columbia. if you like restrepo then theres the newer one korengal, havent finished it ,not as good as restrepo so far but still decent.

korengal linky -
Hi @tonto. Cool, never knew that. Thanks for the link and will check it out. Gonna go through that Combat Rescue series first and then have a look. Somebody mentioned a docu about a danish team in afghan in 2011 but cant remember name at the momment.

In other news, knocked over seedling in rush to answer phone about work. Think it gonna be ok


Well-Known Member
Hi @tonto. Cool, never knew that. Thanks for the link and will check it out. Gonna go through that Combat Rescue series first and then have a look. Somebody mentioned a docu about a danish team in afghan in 2011 but cant remember name at the momment.

In other news, knocked over seedling in rush to answer phone about work. Think it gonna be ok
Nothing more nervous than when u knock one of the girls over :)


Well-Known Member
Hi @tonto. Cool, never knew that. Thanks for the link and will check it out. Gonna go through that Combat Rescue series first and then have a look. Somebody mentioned a docu about a danish team in afghan in 2011 but cant remember name at the momment.

In other news, knocked over seedling in rush to answer phone about work. Think it gonna be ok
The Danish one is called Armadillo, its good I liked it.


Well-Known Member
I got into Restrepo after hearing about one of the directors, Tim Hetherington, who was a war photographer. He had an interesting view about war and the bonds that form between soldiers and how that bond changes in peace time.
He is absolutely right about the bond, in combat you only have each other, you sleep next to each other, eat with each other, play/work/laugh/cry with each other. You aren't worried so much about the war but taking care of your brothers and trying to keep them safe and you trust them with your life and know they are watching your six (back). But once you get back to Civilian life that adrenaline doesn't shut off, I still dream about it every night with out fail, and I rarely speak to my old friends I served with although there are a couple I still keep in contact with and one shot himself I guess life after war was to much for him. He was a crazy bastard for sure.


Well-Known Member
I was out at a 30 birthday party last night.
My head feels like its split in fucking half !
Im an Irishman who isnt afraid to say "i hate drink" :mrgreen:

Lovely weather thou :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
He is absolutely right about the bond, in combat you only have each other, you sleep next to each other, eat with each other, play/work/laugh/cry with each other. You aren't worried so much about the war but taking care of your brothers and trying to keep them safe and you trust them with your life and know they are watching your six (back). But once you get back to Civilian life that adrenaline doesn't shut off, I still dream about it every night with out fail, and I rarely speak to my old friends I served with although there are a couple I still keep in contact with and one shot himself I guess life after war was to much for him. He was a crazy bastard for sure.
I can only imagine @md. It must be tough experiencing life at both extremes's......from the combat experience to the Civilian life must be hard to find a middle ground.
Is there much support available after discharge? Or is it hard to get?


Well-Known Member
I was out at a 30 birthday party last night.
My head feels like its split in fucking half !
Im an Irishman who isnt afraid to say "i hate drink" :mrgreen:

Lovely weather thou :eyesmoke:
Sounds rough dude. Nothing beats a hangover like a good sleep and a few dubes. But drinking in this type of weather just melts my head. I cant handle heat when sober and with a few beers its a nightmare. Then again, this is from a recovering alco so my views on drink are a bit warped. Funny thing is though, when the sun is splitting the stones on a nice weekend I still think that pint of cider/cidre with ice in the backgarden is to die for, even though I hated cider/cidre when I drank.


Well-Known Member there anybody out there just nod if you can hear me is there anybody home
hehehe....I wish I could be on here more. I have a shitty 2mb adsl line, so its either laggy from doing work stuff, laggy from the kids on Netflix or laggy because the wind is blowing from the southeast on a Tuesday and I am wearing my blue jumper. I dream of a fiber connection.


Well-Known Member
mkay....back to basics. The seedling I knocked over/ranover with me office chair/and then stood on is fine. Good bless the hardy cannabis plant. I put the seedlings among a tray of hedging plants and stuck them in the back garden to get the benefits of the few rays. I am actually more excited about the 2xbagseed than the white domina. Either way there is gonna be a long gap between the end of the weed I have and the next crop.
The cure on the Expert Mazar Auto went well in the end. Couple of weeks of a hay smell but has settled down to a nice citrus tone. Stone is medium to high, but its a functional stone rather than the couchlock from the Blueberry. The Missus quite likes it but finds it works better with her evening meds rather than her morning ones. Think its a conflict with the faster oxy meds she is on.


Well-Known Member
mkay....back to basics. The seedling I knocked over/ranover with me office chair/and then stood on is fine. Good bless the hardy cannabis plant. I put the seedlings among a tray of hedging plants and stuck them in the back garden to get the benefits of the few rays. I am actually more excited about the 2xbagseed than the white domina. Either way there is gonna be a long gap between the end of the weed I have and the next crop.
The cure on the Expert Mazar Auto went well in the end. Couple of weeks of a hay smell but has settled down to a nice citrus tone. Stone is medium to high, but its a functional stone rather than the couchlock from the Blueberry. The Missus quite likes it but finds it works better with her evening meds rather than her morning ones. Think its a conflict with the faster oxy meds she is on.
Glad to hear the seedling is doing well


Well-Known Member
I can only imagine @md. It must be tough experiencing life at both extremes's......from the combat experience to the Civilian life must be hard to find a middle ground.
Is there much support available after discharge? Or is it hard to get?
yeah there is lots of places for "wounded warriors" that are free and the VA Hospital points you in the right direction then its up to you to get the help. I currently see a psychotherapist.