Gb 2014

TE="angryblackman, post: 10616057, member: 256100"]Looking great as usual! I am so far behind it's not even funny![/QUOTE]
Dont worry I'm a little behind also but I did veg since Feb and still vegging inside planning on planting this weekend way late for me (usually plant end of may) yooooo GB what's up with that 80 dollar maxsea hookup I could use that mannnn lol just paid 105
Hey I forgot where you said I could get the maxsea
Should I be looking at more like hydro shops
Or will like a Home Depot or lowes garden center have it also?
Thanks again ha
Its hard to find in sd doubletake. There was only like three places last year.. I think one is in fallbrook and I think it was a garden center...
I ended up ordering mine from Ebay for this season. The local shops are all smoking crack with the prices I have seen!
What's up ABM, long time-
What are they charging at your local shops?
The cheapest I seen on e-Bay was $50+ for the 6lb and free shipping, $129 for the 20lb + $32 to ship it. Just curious... I pay $100 for 20lb if I pay in cash!
I'm going way smaller than you guys so I opted for the 1.5lb. The hydro stores that I found them in were charging close to $30 for the 1.5lb and I paid $16 shipped and they are selling the 6lb can for $50 and the 20lb for $140 on ebay as well. I order so much random shit that I doubt anyone would notice.
Hey I forgot where you said I could get the maxsea
Should I be looking at more like hydro shops
Or will like a Home Depot or lowes garden center have it also?
Thanks again ha
Feather acres in Del Mar has the little containers but will order you the bigger one for $120. SD hydro can order it too but could take a long time to get, about $100 for the 20 lb.
I'm going way smaller than you guys so I opted for the 1.5lb. The hydro stores that I found them in were charging close to $30 for the 1.5lb and I paid $16 shipped and they are selling the 6lb can for $50 and the 20lb for $140 on ebay as well. I order so much random shit that I doubt anyone would notice.
You should try 'Good Time Garden Supply', 65th & Folsom Blvd. Sac they always have good price on Maxsea .;-)
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We need some pics on this page, too muck talk...
Here's some before and afters of 'bottom clearing'



And my Orange Bud.. that's a huge bitch :)