Club 600

Big fukin trees, love it.

Now THAT'S what you call sportin' wood!
HB #3, Purple pheno. Day 50 12/12.

She's not very vigorous but can take a beating and throws out some beautiful colors and huge fat close pistils! She loves her food. Doesn't like to be topped. Smells are off the chart, I'm hoping it carries over to end of flower. She's deff a keeper.

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HB #2 Day 50 12/12, very picky bitch, next time I've got a better idea what she likes, she doesn't like as much food as HB 3, she responds well to toping, maybe with a little training would be better. Still very nice looks buds though, not much color but I'm hoping in the next couple weeks that will change.
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This run was a lil rough but will turn out better next time. The next run is looking great, now that I know how these girls like to be treated. Can't please a woman the first time, gotta keep wooing them until they give you that sweet sweet sticky icky goodness.

If no one has figured out by now that I'm baked and have been working on this post for hmm now lets see 45 minutes, yep. Well enjoy the porn.

Oh wait, whodat that tree is fucking awesome! I'm going to be out in your neck of the woods maybe this summer, see how things go.

Giggles out....