Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
he's a great man.

salt of the earth type, started out as a union carpenter in northeast new jersey. his work is still up in the rafters of brendan byrne arena, a few other stadiums, bridges, and just about every hospital in the area.

great sense of humor, likes his beer and his animals and astronomy. moved out to the rural NW corner of new jersey around the time i was born and put an addition onto the house upstairs so my brother and i had a huge room to share as kids. eventually put an addition on the front of the house as well and then even built a new bedroom in the basement once my brother and i decided we were too old and too cool to be sharing a room anymore.

even put up an above ground pool for us and had a huge garden behind it every year. later in life i found out that he always tried to grow pot back there, but the corn would turn yellow at about the time the pot plants were big and green and budding, so kept on having to cut them down.

he went from doing high end interior renovation work on old, old estate houses in NJ to less sophisticated carpentry after we moved out to cookie-cutterville, AZ. got his contractor license without ever having to study a single book and now gets to pick and choose what work he wants to do, if any. sometimes he'll take a few weeks off in the heat of summer just because he can, or to help me and my brother in whatever we happen to be doing.

every year for christmas he puts a new tool in my carpentry arsenal and we go out to the garage for a tutorial on how to use it. then a bonfire later that night in the backyard, but only after we've looked at the rings of saturn or whatever other interesting thing is out in the sky that night.

he treats my mom like royalty, still happily married after almost 40 years together, and never even heard him raise his voice to her in all that time. recently he learned to cook and cook well and has dinner waiting for my mom every day when she gets home from work, a habit i'm slowly adopting over here.

answers and ends phone calls with "aloha" ever since he and my mom visited hawaii for the first time for their 30th anniversary.

except for the fact that mom wants to downsize and move into a new house (meaning he has to move his garage workspace), he is a completely contented man.

and he would call you a piece of shit like you a nigger.

He must be really disappointed with you.


Well-Known Member
He must be really disappointed with you.
on the contrary, he's very proud of me.

none of the men on my father's side of the family work for anyone else, we all practice our own trades, whether it be landscaping, plumbing, farming, or in my dad's case, carpentry.

my brother is an expert in car audio and electronics, but he's giving it up to join me in the growing business.

my dad doesn't smoke much anymore, and never expected his two sons to become growers, but he absolutely loves to see how we do what we do for a living. he has helped me in designing any grow space i have asked for advice on. he even built my brother's personal grow space for him as a birthday gift.

he's trying to break into the business of designing and building grow spaces now that AZ has legalized MMJ too.

perhaps you should think before opening that fat cake catcher of yours, shamu.


Well-Known Member
The fact that I getting any emotion out of you, in any way, is a testament that my trolling is working. Whether you agree or not. I'm satisfied with the way things are going with my posts. I'm here for me, not you.

And the only reason I told you I was trolling is so you can see how stupid you are for believing me. And even after I tell you I'm making all this up just to get at you you still allow it to get to you. Thanks for playing along.


Well-Known Member
on the contrary, he's very proud of me.

none of the men on my father's side of the family work for anyone else, we all practice our own trades, whether it be landscaping, plumbing, farming, or in my dad's case, carpentry.

my brother is an expert in car audio and electronics, but he's giving it up to join me in the growing business.

my dad doesn't smoke much anymore, and never expected his two sons to become growers, but he absolutely loves to see how we do what we do for a living. he has helped me in designing any grow space i have asked for advice on. he even built my brother's personal grow space for him as a birthday gift.

he's trying to break into the business of designing and building grow spaces now that AZ has legalized MMJ too.

perhaps you should think before opening that fat cake catcher of yours, shamu.
Do you think I really care?

Got all up in your feelings, did I?


Well-Known Member
I know, I've met hate-filled, not-too-bright "comedians" before. usually on-line.......funny.

I hold no hatred towards anyone. I accept people for what they are. If black people what to go around portraying themselves as ignorant victims that's on them. I don't hate them for that. Why would I? It doesn't hurt me in any way. I find it rather amusing. Kind of why I joke about it so much. I'm not denying anyone of anything. I'm not burning crosses. I'm not out committing hate crimes. I haven't lynched anyone. I find it hilarious people here can get soooooo offended by a few simple words. I think people need to toughen up and stop being such whiny little bitches. It's ruining our country. Ahhhhh, did I hurt someone's wittle feelings? Booo fucking Hooo.


Well-Known Member
on the contrary, he's very proud of me.

none of the men on my father's side of the family work for anyone else, we all practice our own trades, whether it be landscaping, plumbing, farming, or in my dad's case, carpentry.

my brother is an expert in car audio and electronics, but he's giving it up to join me in the growing business.

my dad doesn't smoke much anymore, and never expected his two sons to become growers, but he absolutely loves to see how we do what we do for a living. he has helped me in designing any grow space i have asked for advice on. he even built my brother's personal grow space for him as a birthday gift.

he's trying to break into the business of designing and building grow spaces now that AZ has legalized MMJ too.

perhaps you should think before opening that fat cake catcher of yours, shamu.

LOL your dad has to be a worst carpenter ever helping you build that monstrosity of a greenhouse. Bucky the only reason you troll on here 18 hours a day is because you have no skill at anything else.

this is more structurally sound than you and your daddy’s greenhouse. lol Maybe you should send him to a third world country to learn better skills for father day. He's proud of you yeah fucvking right lol.


Well-Known Member
on the contrary, he's very proud of me.

none of the men on my father's side of the family work for anyone else, we all practice our own trades, whether it be landscaping, plumbing, farming, or in my dad's case, carpentry.

my brother is an expert in car audio and electronics, but he's giving it up to join me in the growing business.

my dad doesn't smoke much anymore, and never expected his two sons to become growers, but he absolutely loves to see how we do what we do for a living. he has helped me in designing any grow space i have asked for advice on. he even built my brother's personal grow space for him as a birthday gift.

he's trying to break into the business of designing and building grow spaces now that AZ has legalized MMJ too.

perhaps you should think before opening that fat cake catcher of yours, shamu.
So, you are unemployed, your brother is unemployed and your father is unemployed. And your father is damn impressed at your unemployment... You are all probably on disability and welfare too!!


Well-Known Member
So, you are unemployed, your brother is unemployed and your father is unemployed. And your father is damn impressed at your unemployment... You are all probably on disability and welfare too!!
easy there, my bitter little drunkard friend.

having the ability to take work only when you want to is not the same as unemployed.

and it's way better than "servicing" a dozen dudes daily at $20 a pop.


Well-Known Member
LOL your dad has to be a worst carpenter ever helping you build that monstrosity of a greenhouse. Bucky the only reason you troll on here 18 hours a day is because you have no skill at anything else.

this is more structurally sound than you and your daddy’s greenhouse. lol Maybe you should send him to a third world country to learn better skills for father day. He's proud of you yeah fucvking right lol.
you didn't notice my post the other day?

i needed a sawzall and a sledgehammer to knock that thing down last month. it was built to last for a season, this was after three years.

the untreated lumber sitting right on top of the wet portland soil wasn't even rotted either. fully intact still.

you can go overbuild all the shit you want, i will stick to building for the purpose intended.


Well-Known Member
you didn't notice my post the other day?

i needed a sawzall and a sledgehammer to knock that thing down last month. it was built to last for a season, this was after three years.

the untreated lumber sitting right on top of the wet portland soil wasn't even rotted either. fully intact still.

you can go overbuild all the shit you want, i will stick to building for the purpose intended.
Muh daddy is proud of me....


Well-Known Member
you didn't notice my post the other day?

i needed a sawzall and a sledgehammer to knock that thing down last month. it was built to last for a season, this was after three years.

the untreated lumber sitting right on top of the wet portland soil wasn't even rotted either. fully intact still.

you can go overbuild all the shit you want, i will stick to building for the purpose intended.
Get on with your bad self.

Notice I used a meme of a black man?


Well-Known Member
easy there, my bitter little drunkard friend.

having the ability to take work only when you want to is not the same as unemployed.

and it's way better than "servicing" a dozen dudes daily at $20 a pop.
Well, at least we know where you got your shitty entitlement attitude. Rotten fruit doesnt fall far from the tree...


Well-Known Member
Hey UB,

Is the ability to take work when you want to code speak for *in between benders*???

Your dad is impressed because you can grow a weed. What a fucking high bar to set for his kids...