Eric Cantor... ousted

My Dad doesn't need gifts to know I love him. I have a gift planned for the near future.It's more from the heart, than the store. Anyone can buy a golf club.

Is he proud of the way you treat women?
My Pops is very proud of the way I treat my wife and family. He would not care very much for an unfit mother like yourself. How does your father feel about your weight gain? Did you gain due to depression? Being hateful and jealous can bring about depression. I suggest you get off your couch and go meet some people of different backgrounds. Might open you eyes
My Pops is very proud of the way I treat my wife and family. He would not care very much for an unfit mother like yourself. How does your father feel about your weight gain? Did you gain due to depression? Being hateful and jealous can bring about depression. I suggest you get off your couch and go meet some people of different backgrounds. Might open you eyes

What weight gain? You really are disillusioned.

My kids are fine. Thanks for the concern though.

I live in the city. The type of work I do puts me in contact with a lot of different people, on the daily. It's kind of how I got the way I am. If people didn't behave the way they do I'd have nothing to base my opinions on. My opinions are a direct result of my interactions with others.
What weight gain? You really are disillusioned.

My kids are fine. Thanks for the concern though.

I live in the city. The type of work I do puts me in contact with a lot of different people, on the daily. It's kind of how I got the way I am. If people didn't behave the way they do I'd have nothing to base my opinions on. My opinions are a direct result of my interactions with others.

I'm in it. about 55% black, I think. about 68% of them we go. hair-hatted hooligans, abusing their little boy, fathered by "dude on the el that day," so the little boy can become "dude on the train," wit cases ons him, etc. I'm no fan of Thug Culture. in fact, I view it as a genocide.
that leaves 32%, my man. fuck them? folks who are rapidly willing to tell you that they didn't come in a cargo hold. who get up an' go to work, who maintain their family. who believe in Liberty. no........fuck you, instead.
their society......and our society in general, are being played. and all of you that play the Polo-With-Heads game, or cheer from the side-line, that your Uncle Sammy loves so, can kiss my free ass. there are no "races." my grand-children will be fertile homo sapiens; their parents are the same species. anything below species is made-up bullshit. different flavors at Baskin Robbins.

I hope that I carry immunity to air-borne avian ebola, and have passed it on. I would gladly change my name to Yordrick, and push a cart, chanting, "bring out your dead *snicker*"
What weight gain? You really are disillusioned.

My kids are fine. Thanks for the concern though.

I live in the city. The type of work I do puts me in contact with a lot of different people, on the daily. It's kind of how I got the way I am. If people didn't behave the way they do I'd have nothing to base my opinions on. My opinions are a direct result of my interactions with others.

kids plural? you have one, you have try and keep your lies in order.
What weight gain? You really are disillusioned.

My kids are fine. Thanks for the concern though.

I live in the city. The type of work I do puts me in contact with a lot of different people, on the daily. It's kind of how I got the way I am. If people didn't behave the way they do I'd have nothing to base my opinions on. My opinions are a direct result of my interactions with others.

is that how work-release program at the prison works?
He has never mentioned his dad. His dad probably dropped him like the sack of shit he is...

He has no problem telling us about how he just banged his wife, but is scared to death to tell us if he called his Dad or not. I don't think he understands how insecure he makes himself look.
What weight gain? You really are disillusioned.

My kids are fine. Thanks for the concern though.

I live in the city. The type of work I do puts me in contact with a lot of different people, on the daily. It's kind of how I got the way I am. If people didn't behave the way they do I'd have nothing to base my opinions on. My opinions are a direct result of my interactions with others.
What.. you mean to tell me you have always been this big. DAMNNNN

Do you teach your children to call black people the N word ? Do they also call young black babies "niglets".
In my life I have seen some fucked up white people, some fucked up black people, fucked up Mexicans, etc... I still judge a man and women on their OWN merits. I don't judge a whole race upon one or a few misguided direction. I would be on the losing end if I took that stance in life. I actually feel sorry for you. To walk around like you do, must be absolutely miserable.

I hope your children grow to be nothing like their unfit mother.
What.. you mean to tell me you have always been this big. DAMNNNN

Do you teach your children to call black people the N word ? Do they also call young black babies "niglets".
In my life I have seen some fucked up white people, some fucked up black people, fucked up Mexicans, etc... I still judge a man and women on their OWN merits. I don't judge a whole race upon one or a few misguided direction. I would be on the losing end if I took that stance in life. I actually feel sorry for you. To walk around like you do, must be absolutely miserable.

I hope your children grow to be nothing like their unfit mother.

You do realize I am only pretending to be a racist to get a rise out of people like you, don't you? You really think I'd make it through one day of life acting the way I do in the real world? You're being trolled. I've been telling you all this from the very beginning. Thanks for the lulz.

Yeah, I'd sell my kids to slavery as well. Because "slavery opens doors". Seriously dude, you fell for this? And I'm the stupid one? bwhahaha
You do realize I am only pretending to be a racist to get a rise out of people like you, don't you? You really think I'd make it through one day of life acting the way I do in the real world? You're being trolled. I've been telling you all this from the very beginning. Thanks for the lulz.

Yeah, I'd sell my kids to slavery as well. Because "slavery opens doors". Seriously dude, you fell for this? And I'm the stupid one? bwhahaha
Who pretends to be a racist ? What does pretending bring to an adult conversation ? Are you ashamed of who you are in the real world that you come online to make others unhappy and feel your misery. I have seen some that actually "trolls" and are very funny with it. You seem to be just ignorant, hateful, disrespectful. Hint...if you have to keep telling people that you are a troll...Then your trolling is failing.

DonAlejandroVega trolls pretty well and is funny at times
Wordz is another troll that can make you laugh at times..You are nothing of a troll, but only a seemingly racist person who tries to hide behind trolling.
"....upon one or a few misguided....."

no, no, no. its mostly the black folks in Philly that behave like they are in a mental hospital, instead of on the streets of a land of relative freedoms. I don't give a fuck if that's racist or not. whatever. I have eyes.
and many of the whites I see who are miscreants, adopt Thug Culture, and urbo-black dialect.. Jesse Jackson admitted that he feels relief when them foot-steps behind him turn out to be those of white folk.
wearing clown suits, yelling profanities at each other from 58" away, crankin' out little soldiers, or inmate slaves for Uncle Sam an' rollin.'

high rates of criminality
high rates of domestic violence
high rates of childbirth out of wed-lock

to say there is nothing wrong with what's going on in the black community, is to support it, and I won't. too much personal investment. a couple more generations of Uncle Sam's benevolence and there will be no black people.
You do realize I am only pretending to be a racist to get a rise out of people like you, don't you? You really think I'd make it through one day of life acting the way I do in the real world? You're being trolled. I've been telling you all this from the very beginning. Thanks for the lulz.

Yeah, I'd sell my kids to slavery as well. Because "slavery opens doors". Seriously dude, you fell for this? And I'm the stupid one? bwhahaha
no........most dry up at the door, and put on a crocodile smile, and keep their hate private, as not to get their Chiclets rearranged by those who have not yet found solace in non-aggression :)
a couple more generations of Uncle Sam's benevolence and there will be no black people.
Dude you do realize without me there is no you.
I also hope you realize what genes are dominate and which are more recessive.
I would say you have more worries about you being no more.
He has never mentioned his dad. His dad probably dropped him like the sack of shit he is...

Yep, that's the biggest reason Buckfuck hates white people. After leaving, Buck endured a childhood of being pushed into mud puddles and having his lunch money stolen by the neighborhood bullies. The only white people he likes are the people who agree with him or the ones his wife brings home to cuckold him.
Yep, that's the biggest reason Buckfuck hates white people. After leaving, Buck endured a childhood of being pushed into mud puddles and having his lunch money stolen by the neighborhood bullies. The only white people he likes are the people who agree with him or the ones his wife brings home to cuckold him.
I don't see UB as hating white people. That's foolish and shows that you are not paying attention to what he is saying. He hates racist pieces of shit.