Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
"full moon" and "fried food buffet" mean two different things.

Shouldn't you be embarrassing yourself trying to argue about shit you know nothing about? Or is it just easier to attack me? Figures you would take the easiest path. Just goes to prove how shallow you are.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't you be embarrassing yourself trying to argue about shit you know nothing about? Or is it just easier to attack me? Figures you would take the easiest path. Just goes to prove how shallow you are.
and you're deep. so deep. and profound.

but not profound in the adjective sense. you are profound in the literal, noun sense. as in, your mass and girth makes you very profound.

i hope you choke on a funnel cake you fat racist coward.


Well-Known Member
and you're deep. so deep. and profound.

but not profound in the adjective sense. you are profound in the literal, noun sense. as in, your mass and girth makes you very profound.

i hope you choke on a funnel cake you fat racist coward.

You bore me. Even your insults are lame. Someone of your caliber should be able to do better. How disappointing you are.

Did you call your Dad yet?


Well-Known Member
You bore me. Even your insults are lame. Someone of your caliber should be able to do better. How disappointing you are.

Did you call your Dad yet?
have any of the survivors of your litter (the ones you didn't eat) contacted you yet?


Well-Known Member
So you'll brag about fucking your own wife, which is pretty much what married people do, but you can't tell us whether or not you've called your Dad?
if anyone else who didn;t weigh 340 pounds asked me, i would have answered by now.