

Well-Known Member
What supplements are you taking? Since I've been growing I've been paying more attention to what I've been feeding myself. I've done hours of reading and research trying to find out what's best for my plants but in the process I realized I've been neglecting my own body.
I'm no vegetarian or vegan or health nut Crusader by any means...I've just made some small changes (eating a lot less sugar, more raw organic foods)
and started adding supplements.
What do you guys take?
Here's my list. Notice it's not that long or expensive.

A multivitamin with 4000iu of vitamin D (most Americans are deficient in vitamin D)
Fish oil
Reishi mushroom powder

if I wasn't using my phone to write this I would list all of the benefits for each of these. Google it yourself, you'll be amazed you haven't heard of these supplements andtheir benefits before.
Well aside from a protein shake cause i work out
I suppose one could consider my almond milk to be a supplement as its fortified with b12, but thats like saying your orange juice is a supplement cause it has added vitamin c

however if you eat all your proper real true natural foods you shouldnt need supplements unless you have a medical problem that allows you not to get something
I agree that a well balanced diet is essential for nutrition and that if you were to eat all of your veggies and lean meats you wouldn't NEED anything additional but you still wouldn't be at optimal levels.
just taking a multivitamin and fish oil greatly reduces your risk of cancer.
it would be difficult if not impossible to eat enough fish to get the amount of omega 3'. In a pill. Omega 3's fight iinflammation and inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases.
I agree that a well balanced diet is essential for nutrition and that if you were to eat all of your veggies and lean meats you wouldn't NEED anything additional but you still wouldn't be at optimal levels.
just taking a multivitamin and fish oil greatly reduces your risk of cancer.
it would be difficult if not impossible to eat enough fish to get the amount of omega 3'. In a pill. Omega 3's fight iinflammation and inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases.

i shouldve been more clear its easy to get to optimal levels through things like juicing, as it contains WAY more than you can eat all day into 1 glass of juice.
if you eat chia seeds you can get way more omega 3s over fish in terms of eating wise and can get as much as a supplement as they are small and can be put in anything

"It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia has eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!"
i am also in no way saying supplements are bad or else well id would be stupid to pick this job as a career just saying that you can get a lot more out of food than most people realize as long as youre already a healthy person who doesnt have any health problems retaining vitamins or allergies to specific foods that contain things you need
i am also in no way saying supplements are bad or else well id would be stupid to pick this job as a career just saying that you can get a lot more out of food than most people realize as long as youre already a healthy person who doesnt have any health problems retaining vitamins or allergies to specific foods that contain things you need
Healthy food is the key though.
I noticed that almost everything I ate was processed. It all came from a factory somewhere. Even my protein like meat and fish were being raised in unhealthy conditions, being fed hormones and antibiotics that I didn't want. I'm trying to eliminate as much as those variables as I can from my diet.. hence the chlorella. It's great at removing heavy metals like mercury and arsenic, boosting your immune system, regulating blood pressure etc.
I'm stepping up from growing the best weed I can to growing the best me I can ;-)
I've recently become interested in biochemistry and the role that nutrition plays in regulating all of your body's functions.
Healthy food is the key though.
I noticed that almost everything I ate was processed. It all came from a factory somewhere. Even my protein like meat and fish were being raised in unhealthy conditions, being fed hormones and antibiotics that I didn't want. I'm trying to eliminate as much as those variables as I can from my diet.. hence the chlorella. It's great at removing heavy metals like mercury and arsenic, boosting your immune system, regulating blood pressure etc.
I'm stepping up from growing the best weed I can to growing the best me I can ;-)
I've recently become interested in biochemistry and the role that nutrition plays in regulating all of your body's functions.
yeah i have chlorella in my house , i use it during the winter not during summer though
A guy from the organics forum takes capsules of neem and fulvic acid. Not only thats incredibly hardcore he must also have a healthy shine.
To be honest neem is the next best plant in the world after cannabis.
This is my perfect list that I've worked on for a couple years.
1) Multivitamin with: Vitamin A, C, E, D, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iodine and Magnesium.
2) 500mg choline
3) 700mg Oxiracetam
4) 20mg noopept
5) 15-20 seeds of Celastrus paniculatus
6) Fish oil
7) 720mg Tumeric
8) 300mg GABA
9) 500mg Bacopa Monniera
10) 500mg Hericium
11) Right before bed a banana joint of 30% cannabis and 70% Calea zacatechichi is smoked followed by a melatonin pill with 3mg melatonin, 25mg L-Theanine.

I will update this when I get off work to tell you what all of those do because googling those all would be quite a task.
I also take peppermint oil whenever I can because it makes burping taste like candy canes and is really good in aiding digestion as I have IBS. Stops really any stomach pains dead in their tracks.
I also take 1-2mg of etizolam if I am having a bad day.
I take kratom by a 'kratom shot' method if I am in any pain.

I also eat psychedelics constantly (the natural ones.. and LSD)
I feel pretty damn clean and healthy.
Hmm. Why not? I'm actually curious I've never heard that before but I want to believe you so I'll do some more reading on melatonin. If you have any links on hand that'd be nice as well.
I don't really take it every night, I tend to forget because the calea zacatachichi tends to immobilize me. Makes for great dreams though. That stuff works well and it's a fun ritual every night to have a banana flavored, dream enhancing herb.

What are your thoughts on the other supplements?
i shouldve been more clear its easy to get to optimal levels through things like juicing, as it contains WAY more than you can eat all day into 1 glass of juice.
if you eat chia seeds you can get way more omega 3s over fish in terms of eating wise and can get as much as a supplement as they are small and can be put in anything

"It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia has eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!"

Our body does not efficiently convert Omega 3 ALA into useful EPA and DHA. Fish oil, or the actual fish, is a much better source. Infinitely so.
Hmm. Why not? I'm actually curious I've never heard that before but I want to believe you so I'll do some more reading on melatonin. If you have any links on hand that'd be nice as well.
I don't really take it every night, I tend to forget because the calea zacatachichi tends to immobilize me. Makes for great dreams though. That stuff works well and it's a fun ritual every night to have a banana flavored, dream enhancing herb.

What are your thoughts on the other supplements?
How do u dry your calea? Do u cure it? I have a massive shrub of it growing and it never really did much for me.