School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

This whole Darwin lie propaganda is pushed so government doesn't have problems when people are killing people in the holocaust coming.
When they start killing millions of people and claim they are doing it for the greater good religion is the worlds problem.
Then you will realize their religion, darwins religion is worshipping the anti Christ.

How obvious things are it's painfully hilarious.
This brain washing anti Christ religion is like the Nazi Holocaust.
Will you care if you see people being killed for no reason? You just consider yourself pond scum, and other human beings too why is murder not okay right?
The population is going to have a shock when they realize they are in a battle of Good vs evil. And they willingly let themselves be exterminated like sheep. Lets see the Georgia guidstones say reduce the population to 500 million, we have like what 7 Billion?
You think you will be one of the "elite" that doesn't get killed? LOL no they will disarm the people, kill the threats first, drag masses to fema camps, kill them in groups there, keep a small amount of people to be slaved and make slaves.

Just like how people are scared to read THE HOLY BIBLE people will be scared to even watch these videos.
A lot of people think they can just stick their head in the sand like a ostrich, and continue to waste their life away doing whatever it is they do in their little hole they have created from reality.
Movies, Shows, videogames, facebook, pornography...
"Nothing bad could ever happen to me" they think." Not here not now.... I will deal with it when it happens haha no use worrying now! haha.........." - That's the devil stealing the truth form you...
People don't like talking about death, talking about hell and sin... Because it makes them FEEL uncomfortable so they avoid it..
They avoid PAIN...
Prolonging the pain is making it unfathomably worse for yourself.... Stop procrastinating and address the issues.
Stop being afraid.
Hallelujah that we get to be here in this pivotal point in time before the great judgment day of THE LORD. Glory to LORD THE CREATOR and HIS Son LORD JESUS CHRIST forever and ever Amen.
Early English settlers in America viewed the right to arms and/or the right to bear arms and/or state militias as important for one or more of these purposes.

  • deterring tyrannical government
  • repelling invasion;
facilitating a natural right or self defense.

- Aired on the news multiple stations.

Lets see what the Anonymous and Alex Jones says on some issues, this seems to be everywhere on the internet but not on the news. Try getting your own information while you can before it's too late thanks to (internet Neutrality)

Lets look at some interesting things I have seen on the internet shall we.
Then they give jones Proof.... You can look up the hour long video I won't because the thumbnail is too gorey here is a shorter clip

So conspiracy theorist predicted this outcome of banning guns which seems to be happening <---- LOL
And now <----

LOL! JESUS CHRIST Son of GOD will be returning soon, to immediately stop their fun.

FEAR GOD <------- <-------[/QUOTE]

reported for boring the audience again. -5 trophy points. "orders of operation" attached to guide you.


liberals and their push for move gov't control... we dont need it.
i almost dont believe that they believe their position.
so because there are more crazies who will shoot unarmed people, take EVERYONE'S guns away? so now regular men and women will be at the mercy of criminals who have illegal guns? and when potus starts marching us all off to death camps like hitler did after he took away the guns in germany, we wont be able to defend against that? all because some psycho got a gun and nobody else had one to shoot back?
but hey, this is the opinion of the same political party that deems robbery okay, so long as the proceeds go to poorer folks.
Who w
This whole Darwin lie propaganda is pushed so government doesn't have problems when people are killing people in the holocaust coming.
When they start killing millions of people and claim they are doing it for the greater good religion is the worlds problem.
Then you will realize their religion, darwins religion is worshipping the anti Christ.

How obvious things are it's painfully hilarious.
This brain washing anti Christ religion is like the Nazi Holocaust.
Will you care if you see people being killed for no reason? You just consider yourself pond scum, and other human beings too why is murder not okay right?
The population is going to have a shock when they realize they are in a battle of Good vs evil. And they willingly let themselves be exterminated like sheep. Lets see the Georgia guidstones say reduce the population to 500 million, we have like what 7 Billion?
You think you will be one of the "elite" that doesn't get killed? LOL no they will disarm the people, kill the threats first, drag masses to fema camps, kill them in groups there, keep a small amount of people to be slaved and make slaves.

Just like how people are scared to read THE HOLY BIBLE people will be scared to even watch these videos.
A lot of people think they can just stick their head in the sand like a ostrich, and continue to waste their life away doing whatever it is they do in their little hole they have created from reality.
Movies, Shows, videogames, facebook, pornography...
"Nothing bad could ever happen to me" they think." Not here not now.... I will deal with it when it happens haha no use worrying now! haha.........." - That's the devil stealing the truth form you...
People don't like talking about death, talking about hell and sin... Because it makes them FEEL uncomfortable so they avoid it..
They avoid PAIN...
Prolonging the pain is making it unfathomably worse for yourself.... Stop procrastinating and address the issues.
Stop being afraid.
Hallelujah that we get to be here in this pivotal point in time before the great judgment day of THE LORD. Glory to LORD THE CREATOR and HIS Son LORD JESUS CHRIST forever and ever Amen.
who will be dragging us to FEMA camps and killing us? Don't say US soldiers because I served my country and I have friends still serving my country. We all took an oath to up hold the constitution. They will not turn on Americans.
Great scam.

Make up hell and then try to SAVE us. Stupid.
That's the devil stealing the truth form you...
People don't like talking about death, talking about hell and sin... Because it makes them FEEL uncomfortable so they avoid it..
They avoid PAIN...
Prolonging the pain is making it unfathomably worse for yourself.... Stop procrastinating and address the issues.
Stop being afraid.

Without this, bullshit Christianity lies of Hell and lies of some Devil, there is no reason to be afraid.

Christians are what we are afraid of. And since they began their lies by messing with the Jews are we surprised the Muslims, will mess with Christians?

All should be afraid of that. It is the worst snake oil since the mind poison fear, comes before the made up cure and the rip-off of your free will.

Be afraid, be very afraid of Religion. The idea of Sin is just make up for GUILT and control.
Who w

who will be dragging us to FEMA camps and killing us? Don't say US soldiers because I served my country and I have friends still serving my country. We all took an oath to up hold the constitution. They will not turn on Americans.
some will.........some won't. go read an LAPD oath, an' see if its far off the military oath. they swear to uphold the same US Constitution. don't make everyone who's in sound like John Wayne.



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Who w

who will be dragging us to FEMA camps and killing us? Don't say US soldiers because I served my country and I have friends still serving my country. We all took an oath to up hold the constitution. They will not turn on Americans.

Cops shoot innocent people every day.
Cops shoot innocent people every day.

Was I speaking about cops. I'm speaking about the military. Much bigger difference between cops and the military. Both risk there lives and both have people that shouldn't be in them. But for the military every one I've came into contact with had said the same thing. Being in the military this is something we talking about on the daily. I have no idea about police officers because I'm not one and do not talk to any about the subject. It does seem more prominent in the special operations community that we won't turn on our own. Once again that's from friends I served with who are now currently active in special operations units.

Also no one will drag me to a FEMA camp I have strong beliefs and will die for my beliefs lol people have forgotten about rising up against the oppressor and in this situation it would be our own government.
Was I speaking about cops. I'm speaking about the military. Much bigger difference between cops and the military. Both risk there lives and both have people that shouldn't be in them. But for the military every one I've came into contact with had said the same thing. Being in the military this is something we talking about on the daily. I have no idea about police officers because I'm not one and do not talk to any about the subject. It does seem more prominent in the special operations community that we won't turn on our own. Once again that's from friends I served with who are now currently active in special operations units.

Also no one will drag me to a FEMA camp I have strong beliefs and will die for my beliefs lol people have forgotten about rising up against the oppressor and in this situation it would be our own government.
lol........who do you think these cops are? soldiers. returning soldiers who are quietly, and subtly being transformed into .......SSWAT.
some will.........some won't. go read an LAPD oath, an' see if its far off the military oath. they swear to uphold the same US Constitution. don't make everyone who's in sound like John Wayne.

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Trust me I know a lot of shit bags in the military. Less than like 20 % of the miltary would probably be anywhere near John Wayne. John Wayne was a bad ass haha but seriously what happened to the response of fighting back if something were to happen? Ben Franklin said one of my favorite quotes. Those who are willing to sacrifice liberties for security deserve neither
lol........who do you think these cops are? soldiers. returning soldiers who are quietly, and subtly being transformed into .......SSWAT.

You have no backing to that. Most combat MOS return and work as a contractor or go on with there lives. Guys I were with never thought about being a cop. But that's besides the point. Is the SSWAT stand for super swat? If so where are you getting this from?
Trust me I know a lot of shit bags in the military. Less than like 20 % of the miltary would probably be anywhere near John Wayne. John Wayne was a bad ass haha but seriously what happened to the response of fighting back if something were to happen? Ben Franklin said one of my favorite quotes. Those who are willing to sacrifice liberties for security deserve neither

back from the Raq, two years on the streets of E. St. Louis, a little social unrest, and.................


.....neutralizing home-grown terrorists
DonVega is only pointing out how easy it is to use our past training and experiences to further wreck our lives after service.

He wasn't saying everyone who was infantry, or a scout is guaranteed to become a cop only that a large portion of police officers are veterans.

Some guys in my units were murderers with a license to kill in Iraq.

Welcome home.