apache tech at600/aeroflow setup


Well-Known Member
First, I want to thank greengenes for his apache tech posts. His last at200 run and par meter results convinced me to go with apache. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that and the discount code. Thanks again!!

I am paranoid about posting, but have learned a lot and wanted to share some of what I have learned. I have pics and videos, but am not sure about posting them yet.

I decided to make the switch from 600w hps over a year ago. Its been an expensive process, but I'm completely satisfied with apache. Some others not so much.

I run an aeroflow 60 staggered. It ends up being two 4x6 grow areas. I used to use 4 600 w hps in cool tubes. The reason for my switch was heat problems. I was faced with shuting down for the summer or go with led. I started with two hydrogrow led at189pro on one side and hps on the other side. I liked the results of the hydrogrow, but the coverage area is very small. No where near the 3x3 that they claim. I got better results directly under the light then hps, but its a small area.

I still wanted to get rid of the hps and didn't know what led to buy yet. A friend was selling his dormgrow 900 and 450 for cheap, so I decided to give them a try. I started researching light movers and tried the dormgrow 900 on one side with a lightmover and the two hydrogrow led 189s on the other. The results with the dormgrow on a light mover were ok, but the dormgrow doesn't cover the stated area either. Convinced about the mover though.

I tried a lumigrow 325 in a 3x3 and now use this light for cloning. The buds are probably the most dense I have ever grown, but small and the coverage area is absolutely tiny. The light also bleaches the shit out of the buds.

Now I have settled on two apache tech at600 and two lightrail 4.0. I just harvested and the results are better than the 4 600s. The size and density are better and the quality is also better. Most importantly, my room temperatures are under control. Never over 80 degrees, where I was over 100 with the 600s. The only problem that I have is that the light is so heavy that it wears out the wheels on the light mover. The solution is to change the wheels every couple of months. As you can see from the par results, the at600 covers a 4x4, so adding an extra 2 feet works well.

Another unrelated thing that I learned is Actinovate for root rot. I recommend it highly.


Well-Known Member
Don't want to get off topic here Lennox, but since you mentioned it about paranoia regarding pics and vids....

Does anyone here know where RIU servers are located? On US soil or overseas?


Well-Known Member
Nice set up

I dont think we should b all that paranoid, thats becausse the graand larger picture. And that is thaat the police state knows everything wheter or not we post pics on riu. Trust me they long before knew wht ur up to before u even thought of growing. Paranoia will destroy u