The forbidden TRUTH


If you had an ant farm, would you slaughter them for not praying to you and doing what you say?

If I made a creation and it became some evil spawn of satan and was killing things.. I would utterly destroy it.. I can't let it continue to be Evil after I created it.

And I would be very angry that it became evil with the freewill I gave after it.

Instead of making it a mindless robot, I would of made a outstanding miracle blessing.....Not to mention is created.. Life.. Cognitive thought, in a Human Body Form. HIS form.

And it attempts to mock me and slander my name by doing and saying evil?

And I warned it, and even sacrificed My Son by nailing Him to a Cross just so it has the ability to stop being evil and live.

But it continued to not stop but increase and mock the sacrifice which I did t save it.

I would send it to Hell...

Killing and raping and torturing people yeah..... Lake of Fire..

The bible is proof of Jesus like the Quran is proof of Muhammad.

P.S. I don't need help on how to post on a forum. I will address your points one by one, if that's difficult for you to understand or respond to, too bad. KTHNXBAI!

Well actually we can go into the quran and clearly see how The Old Testament Clearly disagrees with their Religion which is their religion. The Old Testament that is.

And predicts the future events written in THE HOLY BIBLE.
Also you don't know who the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost is?

Father is GOD.
Son is Jesus Christ.
HOLY GHOST is your soul when it is saved.

GOD and HIS Son have different thrones GOD's is THE HIGHEST, lower to HIM on HIS right side is the Son of GOD.
The bible doesn't say that Jesus is 'gods human son', Jesus is co-eternal with god. They're both god, unless you're suggesting there's more than one god?

To your earlier post;

God created mankind knowing full well EXACTLY what they would do, even though he had the ability to not do so or to change how we would behave, or how our brains worked, etc. Then, god punishes anyone who falls victim to his poor design.

What kind of person creates something 'sick' and commands it to be 'well'? That's just immoral and terrible.
Besides the fact it makes absolutely zero fucking sense for god to send himself (but a different part of himself, that still does his will but somehow isn't him) to die and be tortured, to absolve a race of people from a mistake that he made in the first place (by designing faulty people). If god is all powerful none of that needed to happen. It's a useless human story created by primative goat herders that had no concept of reality. Floods, pests, sickness, famine, were all gods actions.

Now we know that's not true. We have germ theory, meteorological studies, and biology to explain these things for us.
Well I just told you how the quran is a txt with that mankind has altered to create war, and I appreciate you "addressing my points" I know I have been having to make a lot of obvious one because of the spam, answering outside the text will use less space and also it would be interesting to see a paragraph filled with just insults, maybe it would be more obvious to you what you're saying.
The bible is no better than the Qur'an, no more authentic, and has the same amount of evidence.

Didn't you know the qur'an is gods word, written by the prophet Muhammad? It has first hand accounts of miracles, and has an iron clad creation story. Lots of events from the Qu'ran have come true too.

Every bit of evidence you think you have to prove Christianity is true, can be said about Islam.

You realize the only reason you're a Christian is because of where you were born, right? If you were born in the middle east, you'd still be religious, but you'd be posting online about how after praying to Allah you saw blue lights in your backyard.... and how strange noises are proof that Allah's angels are sounding trumpets....

Please keep that in mind. Geography pretty much decides religion, how shitty is god at PR?
The bible doesn't say that Jesus is 'gods human son', Jesus is co-eternal with god. They're both god, unless you're suggesting there's more than one god?

To your earlier post;

God created mankind knowing full well EXACTLY what they would do, even though he had the ability to not do so or to change how we would behave, or how our brains worked, etc. Then, god punishes anyone who falls victim to his poor design.

What kind of person creates something 'sick' and commands it to be 'well'? That's just immoral and terrible.

LOL JESUS CHRIST IS GOD's only BEGOTTEN SON, if you think JESUS CHRIST isn't GOD's son you're wrong. You clearly have shown no knowledge of THE HOLY BIBLE yet claim it makes no sense. JESUS CHRIST IS A GOD of mankind, he can choose to save someone's soul or not. GOD ALMIGHTY who's name I wont print is GOD over everything including HIS SON. You expect me to sit around and explain THE HOLY BIBLE to you word for word? It's really long. I have a life that doesn't revolve around you. Stop spamming my thread when you can just look the answers up in THE HOLY BIBLE, if you get confused or have a question you can't find the answer to then post. Not twenty post in five minutes about incorrect things because your "angry"
LOL JESUS CHRIST IS GOD's only BEGOTTEN SON, if you think JESUS CHRIST isn't GOD's son you're wrong. You clearly have shown no knowledge of THE HOLY BIBLE yet claim it makes no sense. JESUS CHRIST IS A GOD of mankind, he can choose to save someone's soul or not. GOD ALMIGHTY who's name I wont print is GOD over everything including HIS SON. You expect me to sit around and explain THE HOLY BIBLE to you word for word? It's really long. I have a life that doesn't revolve around you. Stop spamming my thread when you can just look the answers up in THE HOLY BIBLE, if you get confused or have a question you can't find the answer to then post. Not twenty post in five minutes about incorrect things because your "angry"
Countering bullshit with truth is hard work, and you spew a lot of bullshit! The more you post the more I have to post... lol

And again, Jesus and god are both co-eternal, they have always existed...according to the bible.
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The bible is no better than the Qur'an, no more authentic, and has the same amount of evidence.

Didn't you know the qur'an is gods word, written by the prophet Muhammad? It has first hand accounts of miracles, and has an iron clad creation story. Lots of events from the Qu'ran have come true too.

Every bit of evidence you think you have to prove Christianity is true, can be said about Islam.

You realize the only reason you're a Christian is because of where you were born, right? If you were born in the middle east, you'd still be religious, but you'd be posting online about how after praying to Allah you saw blue lights in your backyard.... and how strange noises are proof that Allah's angels are sounding trumpets....

Please keep that in mind. Geography pretty much decides religion, how shitty is god at PR?

GOD in the Old Testament which is the first five books of THE HOLY BIBLE and the Islamic religion (and Jewish) is contrary to what their religion continues to state. The whole chapters about the talking of The Son of GOD, and How GOD will sacrifice HIS child to save Abrahams descendants which is why he tested Abraham to see if you would sacrifice his son for GOD ( GOD obviously stopped him)
And how GOD said not to do all these things which they do, and how they claim GOD has a brother... If I grew up in a different country no doubt their would be propaganda from pagan religions, however their is also a over abundant of satanic propaganda in USA so the mankind's has consumed the nations.
Countering bullshit with truth is hard work, and you spew a lot of bullshit! The more you post the more I have to post... lol

No when I post things talking about GOD and exposing the illuminati it's not to hear what "Ceepea" thinks on the subject. This thread isn't made to have a conversation with you. It's to inform people.
Your not even making a point other then you have very improper speech and communication skills.
You don't have to post your ignorant blaspheme insults.
You do it out of rage that this thread had changed your life.
Letting you know that their will be no excuse for you
Just another I'm sure countless time GOD has sent someone to inform you on the subject.
No when I post things talking about GOD and exposing the illuminati it's not to hear what "Ceepea" thinks on the subject.
This thread isn't made to have a conversation with you. It's to inform people.
Then make a blog, and moderate comments yourself. This is a public forum and you have no say in the matter whatsoever.

You are 'informing' people about lies and irrational bullshit, and I will counter it at every turn.

Your not even making a point other then you have very improper speech and communication skills.
You can barely throw together a grammatically correct sentence, let alone a logically sound one.

If you were thinking about creating someone and knew exactly what they were going to do, would you get mad at them for doing it if you decided to create them?

It's completely irrational and immoral. What you call 'religion' I call an immoral cult, which just happens to be the chosen cult of your geographic area.

You don't have to post your ignorant blaspheme insults.
You do it out of rage that this thread had changed your life.
Nothing you've said has any effect on me. You've said the same shit they teach in Sunday school, no cognitively mature adult or teen is going to believe a thing you've posted.

Letting you know that their will be no excuse for you
Just another I'm sure countless time GOD has sent someone to inform you on the subject.

What you're saying is nothing new. Every religion throughout history has pretty much tried to chastise non-believers in...every other religion. There have been over 1000 gods in mankind's history, it's absolutely absurd you not only believe god exists based on ZERO evidence, but you think you picked the correct god... lol
So other then insults, you have only stated that mankind has done thousands of pagan worships.
And GOD's words. Which all the main religions of the world, Islamic, Catholic, Jewish, Christian. Agrees that The Old Testament is The Word of God. Clearly tells mankind what will be happening in the future.
It happens...And now time is recorded by The Son of GOD B.C and A.D and The strongest Nation in the World, your Nation is based from this.
It's the only "Religion" if you want to call it that, that has literally had everything proven to be true. And nothing ever proving wrong with millions of witnesses to miracles and events and explains everything in detail. ect ect ect

But you think what some other pagan religion like thor or something is true? NO you don't..... this is just your futile attempt to try to express why you think doing your own evil, which corrupts and destroys the body's and soul.

Also if I leave a certain word uncapitalized it's because that word is blasphemous.
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Free will and an omniscient god are incompatible concepts.

And this is true because you say it is right? Please elaborate.

The bible is proof of Jesus like the Quran is proof of Muhammad.

Although proof of any person living so long ago is hard to obtain, there is much evidence that he did exist.

It is abundantly clear you have little knowledge of that which you dispute.

Your own ignorance leads you down a bad path. And in your ignorance you close your eyes and ears to the truth.
And this is true because you say it is right? Please elaborate.

Although proof of any person living so long ago is hard to obtain, there is much evidence that he did exist.

It is abundantly clear you have little knowledge of that which you dispute.

Your own ignorance leads you down a bad path. And in your ignorance you close your eyes and ears to the truth.
If god has a plan, knows all future events, and set everything in motion, your actions are already pre-destined. Pre-destination leaves no room for free will.

Example; if god knows that you're going to eat an apple @ 11:37am on June 23, 2016, what is the probability that you 'choose' to do another action? Zero. It doesn't matter if you don't want to eat that apple, you will because it's already pre-determined.

Although it might seem like you 'choose' a particular outcome, if everything is pre-determined it's simply an illusion and the choice you make is the only one you could have made. That's to say, your choice has already been made before hand without your knowledge.
If god has a plan, knows all future events, and set everything in motion, your actions are already pre-destined. Pre-destination leaves no room for free will.

Example; if god knows that you're going to eat an apple @ 11:37am on June 23, 2016, what is the probability that you 'choose' to do another action? Zero. It doesn't matter if you don't want to eat that apple, you will because it's already pre-determined.

Although it might seem like you 'choose' a particular outcome, if everything is pre-determined it's simply an illusion and the choice you make is the only one you could have made. That's to say, you choice has already been made before hand without your knowledge.

I thought the same thing in my younger years. But knowing the choices you will make before you make them doesn't make the choices any less yours. It just means god can see through us like glass.

And it's not the only choice you could have made, it's the only choice you did make.
I thought the same thing in my younger years. But knowing the choices you will make before you make them doesn't make the choices any less yours. It just means god can see through us like glass.

And it's not the only choice you could have made, it's the only choice you did make.
It IS the only choice you CAN make, because god knows it's going to happen.

If god only suspected you would make a certain choice, it would be different. But the fact that god is apparently CERTAIN of your choices makes the possibility of another choice impossible.