Status of Attitude Seed Orders


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was "most people" I think quite a few did get snagged and they were very vocal about it.

You are ordering something illegal there is a chance it is going to get confiscated, if you're willing to accept the risk make the order if not find someone domestic so you don't have to deal with customs inspections. I've made three orders all after all those posts started showing up on here. I got 2 and 1 was snagged, I was refunded pretty quickly after sending attitude the tracking # and showing it hadn't moved in a month.

I think a lot of it has to do with whether or not your packages come through Chicago or LA. They seem to get the most complaints as far as customs seizures.
nine went thru san ffrancisco, and was seized. 75$ down the shitter. yea, people tend to get a little vocal about losing money. I don't think anyone would be happy.


Well-Known Member
My order is also sitting in LA customs. Ordered with guarantee, sent to friends address.

Edit: literally updated after I posted, sent to USPS sort facility. Only sat in customs a day.
mine too cleared customs in one day, then, my package reached me today, completely fucking empty, except for this letter they were kind enough to leave for me.... thanks for "protecting" us, U.S. customs. I feel safer now that you rid us of our seeds. fuck.


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Well-Known Member
does anyone know if ATTITUDE will work with me on this, or did I just eat the 75$ bill? anyones input will be helpful, I want to know what usually happens in this situation...I am guessing I am just fucked....


Well-Known Member
If you got the guarantee they will reship till you get the package. If you didn't pay the few extra dollars to ensure your package gets to you then sadly you won't be getting a reship.

I wish you the best sir. Always pay for the guarantee.


Well-Known Member
mine too cleared customs in one day, then, my package reached me today, completely fucking empty, except for this letter they were kind enough to leave for me.... thanks for "protecting" us, U.S. customs. I feel safer now that you rid us of our seeds. fuck.View attachment 3178872 ....
Sorry they got your gear. I've gotten nabbed twice this year already. Your tracking number is visible in your intercept letter if you give a shit.


Well-Known Member
If you got the guarantee they will reship till you get the package. If you didn't pay the few extra dollars to ensure your package gets to you then sadly you won't be getting a reship.

I wish you the best sir. Always pay for the guarantee.
I didn't get the garentee, because the first order went thru, with no probs I had no idea I was even in the wrong. I alwayts thought seeds were legal, just not pot, well, even pot is legal in Washington state, where I am from, but I guess that don't matter. fucking really irks me man.


Well-Known Member
Unrelated I got my normal mail before 10:00am today?!?! It's usually here by 4:30-5:00pm. Maybe usps has a big ass party they need to get to so it's hurry the fuck up time.


Well-Known Member
You can try contacting attitude and explaining your situation very politely, more bees with honey etc.etc. But I wouldn't expect to get very far.

If you're lucky they might say they will give you the seeds you ordered if you make another order or something :) If you order again make sure you pay the few dollars extra.

I had one get snagged, when I contacted them the beans were out of stock, they refunded my card promptly. With the guarantee.

Customs sucks, hopefully some day soon none of us have to deal with the nuisance.


The guarantee option on Attitude is great. Expensive but u get a cool t-shirt or coffee mug out of it. I just received my re-shipped order that I bought during the 420 sale.


Well-Known Member
My order arived today, damn that was fast. I let the tude chose the stealth shipping and all I can say is lol, I wish I could have kept what they sent but I had to break it open to get my beans. I ordered one pack of barneys kritical kush and got a ton of freebies, th seeds auto bubblegum, g13 white critical, barneys chronic thunder, barneys lsd, barneys blue cheese, barneys pineapple chunk, and barneys critical kush. Most freebies I ever got.


Well-Known Member
oh, believe me man, I am kicking myself. I sat there for at least 5 minutes looking at the t-shirt option, or whatever, and thought, nah, the last one got thru, it'll be fine......sure sure. lol oh sucks, but I will be doing that next time darnit!


Well-Known Member
mine too cleared customs in one day, then, my package reached me today, completely fucking empty, except for this letter they were kind enough to leave for me.... thanks for "protecting" us, U.S. customs. I feel safer now that you rid us of our seeds. fuck.
I was taking the fast clearance as a good sign, you burst my bubble... sorry about your seeds.


Well-Known Member
no, I dont...well, should I? ......maybe I should.
If you didn't get any guarantee the number means nothing. You can try and call customer service but sadly sounds like customs got your money bro. Sorry to hear that.:(

Sent from my SM-N900V using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
Your item departed our LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 sort facility on June 13, 2014 at 11:29 pm. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

Hoping for no green tape... :shock:

Anyone get sorted through LA and have their shit intercepted?