Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

6 Leaf General

Well-Known Member
cant be fake, to many fails with fake piss in the oilfield. im usually more prepared but i wasnt exoecting a call for 2 more weeks. ive been slamming back the cranbery juice
worked in the "oilfield" for 10yrs caught once..good thing union saved my ass with our policy..1st time counseling 2nd time your fired..I was caught once without my fake urine and failed miserably no matter how diluted my piss was even catching it mid-stream..I used the quickfix thing and have been going strong ever since..our random testing was done pretty intense also..a nurse stood behind u to make sure you werent doing anything funny..then you would snap and seal shut the urine and sign it to be sent fedex to another offsite lab...funny thing is I work in the lab myself in the refinery :clap:


Well-Known Member
A little of what I have been up too iv been Mia for a while getting into a new place for the season and what not.
Got my autos about a month away kicking as 6 at my house and 24 at the spot
There loving the 10 gallon pots I was getting a lot of grief that it was a waste of soil but it's totally worth it. There like shoulder high and I'm 6'3 big ass autos.

Then The fabric pots are tan smart pots my biggest pots yet 45s I know nothing compared to gb or double jj or some of the other guys but can't wait to see what I can pull out of them.
Got 4 in the ground and 4 in 45g smart pots.
Keeping it 4 under my limit.
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
A little of what I have been up too iv been Mia for a while getting into a new place for the season and what not.
Got my autos about a month away kicking as 6 at my house and 24 at the spot
There loving the 10 gallon pots I was getting a lot of grief that it was a waste of soil but it's totally worth it. There like shoulder high and I'm 6'3 big ass autos.

Then The fabric pots are tan smart pots my biggest pots yet 45s I know nothing compared to gb or double jj or some of the other guys but can't wait to see what I can pull out of them.
Got 4 in the ground and 4 in 45g smart pots.
Keeping it 4 under my limit.
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Never done autos before do u mind me asking wat strain they are


Well-Known Member
I've seen a fair bit of caterpillars lately. I'm kinda scared, I've seen them litterly rain from the trees. How does this BT work? Do I have to spray the actual caterpillar or do I spray the plant?
Spry the plant. BT is bacteria. The cats eat the BT on the plant and the BT eats the cats from the inside out. Spinosad works on cats. Spinosad works on contact and if they eat it. Alternate between the 2 products every 5-7 days.


Active Member
Spry the plant. BT is bacteria. The cats eat the BT on the plant and the BT eats the cats from the inside out. Spinosad works on cats. Spinosad works on contact and if they eat it. Alternate between the 2 products every 5-7 days.
I'd be lucky to see the ladies that often. I try not to use anything during flower, but I'll ask anyway. Safe during flowering?


Active Member
Oh I see, guerilla guy. And yes.
Not guerrilla, well kinda. There at my family farm an hour an a half away. My rents are dare but they are more set and forget then I am. My dad has a separate grow.
On a different note, I was gonna plant my auto seeds outdoor today but Im unsure cause it's been raining a lot. I may have a three day break. Should I hold off for more sun or will they be okay either way?
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Well-Known Member
I pulled like 7-8 pillars last season. That's when I learned about Spin. And it all starts with controlling the moths/flies that lay eggs . I blame the fly overs - they spraying eggs. My highdea anyways.

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Well-Known Member
BT is actually a byproduct from a bacteria that the the pillars can't stomach. They stop eating and die. I spray the whole yard with a double strength dose. Next day there will be dying budworms hanging from your plants. When you harvest you will find one or two worm mummies in your buds and that's it! No swiss cheese buds, no moldy buds, and no black poops all over the place. Best thing ever! Just make sure you spray once a month until you are close to harvest and then you can stop - unless it is really bad. Then you can spray right up until harvest. Smoked some the other day and it was good. No bad taste or ill effects.

Spray at sundown for full effects. Sun deactivates the BT action.