Newbie question about tying up heavy buds


Active Member
Planning ahead for hopefully some heavy buds. I have read that one of my strains tends to have large buds on small side branches and this can be problematic.

I have heard of people "stringing up" their buds to stop stems snapping etc. How do you do this exactly? What do you tie them *to*? I don't have a scrog.

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Hahaha riiiight, so, basically, suspend some bamboo from the tent frame, and tie the buds up to that. What are you using there? Looks like electrical tape or ribbon.

Thankfully I only have two autos and two photos to look after so not as much work as you had!


Well-Known Member
i have a similar prob, i LST my plants to keep the low to the ground and to help spread the light evenly, but when the buds form im worried they will snap the plant. how could i harden the stems?


Active Member
i have a similar prob, i LST my plants to keep the low to the ground and to help spread the light evenly, but when the buds form im worried they will snap the plant. how could i harden the stems?
Breeze on the stems helps them get stronger. You can wiggle them when you are watering too, just be careful not to wiggle too hard!


Well-Known Member
Planning ahead for hopefully some heavy buds. I have read that one of my strains tends to have large buds on small side branches and this can be problematic.

I have heard of people "stringing up" their buds to stop stems snapping etc. How do you do this exactly? What do you tie them *to*? I don't have a scrog.

Thanks in advance
I have used two of those nets they sell a garden stores, the ones with about 4" squares. One 24" up, the next 24" above the first.


Well-Known Member
What do you tie them to? Just the tent poles?
Yes, exactly. You may have to run a pole horizontally under the net down the middle to keep it from sagging too much if you have a large area. Its easy and cheap. I just cut away the net when harvesting.


Well-Known Member
The best way I know of is trellis netting off the bat. They make these retractable hooks that can be suspended from anywhere. These are quite effective but can be expensive if you have to use a lot of them. If you add a little silica into your nutes it will increase stem and stalk strength but this is a measure you want to start with. If it is very delicate I would lay down string and thread it in a cris cross fashion below the bud level. Slowly, you and another person can raise up the string and give support from below. Even, tape directly on vulnerable spots can be helpful in a pinch. Hope this is of some help.


Well-Known Member
Also, if the strain has a genetic character for weak stems and big buds you might consider topping only once. Leave two or four bud branches and just grow more smaller plants.


Well-Known Member
2 or 3 trellis set up from the start is the best.
SILICA is a nutirent that makes your stems less prone to snapping.
Strong air does help strengthen the branch. SCROG my friend SCROG


Well-Known Member
The picture on my avatar is of a 2 trellis setup with all the suggestions I gave you. There was almost 3 weeks left and very heavy flowers had great support.


Active Member
hydropharm plant yoyos on amazon, check them out, then go to your local shop i suppose and get them if you dont want interweb purchases. they work really well if you have a place to attach them. extremely fast compared to stringing up individual strings and tying each end, will cut your time down infinitely on supporting phat buds. 20 bucks for 12 usually. i put off getting them until one day i spent 90 minutes in my garden stringing up etc etc. then for flushing if you dont have a drain under them, then youll have to untie every branch and retie after your done.