Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

that's not true, you just told another demonstrable lie.

still waiting on citation for your claim that "forest fires create global cooling".

or you can just keep lying and running away when you get caught lying.
another "thats a lie" accusation. you got some evidence to prove india and china aint making more co2 than the us and europe?



see what i did there?

i posted relevant information, and where i got it, so you can check for yourself.

look, europe and the USA both are far lower than africa, south america and asia in both images

maybe the satellites are racist, and are trying to blame brown people for global warming
I preface this statement with the statement that I don't know everything about everything.

Now, the statement.

China is not a free state. I doubt we know exactly how much co2 they produce. I doubt they let people in there to monitor, I doubt they keep accurate accounts of how much they produce.

The west is probably over reporting. China is probably under reporting.
Anyone happen to watch Nova tonight?
Good program and they didnt bitch about man made influences until the last ten minutes.

"Earth From Space" is a groundbreaking two-hour special that reveals a spectacular new space-based vision of our planet. Produced in extensive consultation with NASA scientists, NOVA takes data from earth-observing satellites and transforms it into dazzling visual sequences, each one exposing the intricate and surprising web of forces that sustains life on earth.
I preface this statement with the statement that I don't know everything about everything.

Now, the statement.

China is not a free state. I doubt we know exactly how much co2 they produce. I doubt they let people in there to monitor, I doubt they keep accurate accounts of how much they produce.

The west is probably over reporting. China is probably under reporting.
The joke among economists and statisticians is China's data. Gross under reporting from the government on negative statistics and over reporting positive statistics.

If the source of data is estimates based on data, factories approximate, fire fuels burned etc. then it stands as reasonable.
The joke among economists and statisticians is China's data. Gross under reporting from the government on negative statistics and over reporting positive statistics.

If the source of data is estimates based on data, factories approximate, fire fuels burned etc. then it stands as reasonable.
I saw a documentary about Chinese cities.

They have cities that have apartments and office space for hundreds of thousands of residents and they're all empty.
I always hear the libtards say the US, at 5% of global population produces more than its share of co2 because we're greedy or some shit.

So Russia with even less people, produces so much more than everyone else?
Correct. At a population of about 143 million Russia does indeed have far less then the US (320 million).

They have the luxury of extremely cheap natural gas, many homes are built with this in mind. In the past this was the embraced attitude: why insulate better or make the walls thicker? Gas is cheap as FUCK.

Lots of wasted therms and gases,extreme inefficiency and overuse.

About 68% of their power is fossil fuel generated.
you assumed my math was right

assuming you to be right is almost always a big mistake, especially on this particular topic. thanks for warning us against doing that.

the biggest mistake is carrying the water of certain idiots in this thread. you're not so dumb, but you have made some poor decisions on whose arguments to defend. why? fucked if i know.
Hacker war, special forces missions back and forth, then direct conventional boom boom if civil unrest 'demands' it.

Man, humans are violent.
I don't think China has the capability to do a fraction of what we can do on any of those fronts.

I don't think we could conquer them. Too big, too many people.

But within 4 months they wouldn't be able to put a ship in the sea, or a plane in the sky if we went to war.

A war with China would be a massive air campaign over their skies. We win. We bomb them at will.

I suspect that our black projects are 30 to 40 years ahead of anything they have, and 60 years ahead of what's public.
Unless really crazy people are in power on both sides conventional warfare would be unlikely in my opinion.

Warfare is moving into the digital spectrum. A few highly trained field operators with a well funded NSA hacking division can carry out some exceptionally well coordinated missions.

Think STUXNET + Delta or SEAL team 6, the capability is almost endless.
you got a citation for that??

cuz i got one that says youre wrong:



you must be literally retarded, by the way.

i usually don't, but just to amuse myself i actually look at your source.

look at the next graph down, then look back at your graph, and tell me where you think your interpreting kills went to shit.


clearly, as i claimed, china does not even produce twice as much as we do.

india comes nowhere close to us, much less "multiple times".

sadly for you, thumbelinna, is the fact that the numbers you chose to cite (and also misinterpret hilariously) agree exactly with what WIKI!!!MOTHERFUCKING!!!!!!PEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says.

seriously, just give up.
Unless really crazy people are in power on both sides conventional warfare would be unlikely in my opinion.

Warfare is moving into the digital spectrum. A few highly trained field operators with a well funded NSA hacking division can carry out some exceptionally well coordinated missions.

Think STUXNET + Delta or SEAL team 6, the capability is almost endless.
Seal Team 6 was nearly completely wiped out by an RPG striking their helicopter.

Only months after apparently killing Osama bin Laden too.

That's not suspicious at all, right?