Well fuck...


Well-Known Member
So found out today that it was an undercover operation. Recognized one of the guys in the clean up crew. He was hanging around during my last buy. FUUUUUCK! I don't think they really care about 1 pothead who bot a 1/4 though. If they did I would have been popped by now.

Rumors are circling the neighborhood. Everything from prostitution, porn, dog fights, to stolen goods, hardcore drugs, and the like are floating about. Honestly nothing would surprise me.
Pray that the cop sized you up as a nobody n dont buy or sell to anyone who wont show you their penis/butthole.


Well-Known Member
Haha racer, rory I know what you guys mean. I had a fucking zip stole from me once. I found out who it was and shit didn't end so pretty. I used to be a very very bad boy, I've since changed my ways but holy shit was a piece of shit....

oh and iamnobody you might wanna change your name to canttouchthis....


a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
My house got raided when I was in college. They raided it when I wasn't home, nor was any of my stuff. Idiots...

They didn't find shit but a roach or two... Judge wasn't too happy bout that...

They were so pissed, got a warrant to search my car and didn't find shit there either.