Well-Known Member
He can't do it in that original order he suggested. Order of operations bro.
The way I saw it, Kynes was probably misreading an engineering notation of the tonnage.
It is normally written 1.23E+2, not 0.123x10E+2 (that's redundant since E is already a representative of 10).
I can see how that might be possible, though. When one is reading from multiple sources, but different notation is used, e.g. 1E+9 = 1x10^9, it can easily become muddled in one's mind. It happens to me at least once in any lab when I have to read different meters at different resolutions, etc. Unless one is working in ranges where there's no need to start changing scales, doing sweeps from nano to kilo (or even Mega) can involve a lot of button pushing.
Well, that is pretty straight forward. Was that the source in question? Regardless, that was one study of one termite species. While you two were arguing over a decimal point, I read another paper that analyzed at least 4 different species in detail.
check how it is written. a fifth grader can solve it with pen and paper.
no "e" need enter the equation, that only complicates things unnecessarily.
"4 x 10^15"
In a discussion about co2 your screaming about water vapour is nothing more than a red herring..any evidence you call a red herring is a red herring because you call it red herring?
If you'd been paying attention rather than dribbling all over your keyboard heckler was doubting just that. And heckler was who I replied to with that vidyou showed NOTHING except a stupid video clip of a dipshit "proving" thats Co2 is a greenhouse gas, as if that were in dispute.
was designed to do none of those things go quote me saying it showed anything of the sortyour video clip did nothing to prove co2 is more powerful than previously recognized, it failed utterly at proving water vapour is a weaker greenhouse gas than asserted,
It's entirely false unless your trying to redefine greenhouse gasi already made clear that you were correct, and i was misspoke. (because it was only half correct)
Wow butt hurt is strongnow you wist to pretend that one error in my prose is proof that i am always wrong about everything?
howlpoint out substantive errors, show how they are wrong, or go back to pimping your Multi-Level Marketing Scheme at "Hawaii is hot dot com".
You been screaming about water vapour not meohh my.
water vapour from combustion of fossil fuels again?
you must really love that particular distraction, or is that the only thin in your satchel full of "evidence"?
Unless termites have started mining and releasing sequestered co2 then we don't need to worry about themtheres water in termite farts too
termites produce more co2 than all human activity si i imagine it's a pretty good bet their fart out more water vapour than all human activity as well, but who cares?
Your the one screaming about water vapourwater is not a pollutant
try to make the claim that water is a pollutant and AGW vanishes like a fart in the wind, since nobody is stupid enough to believe that bullshit.
fortunately Co2 sounds like a scary "CHEMICAL"
youre pretty unoriginal and sophomoric, why dont you try stealing that idea for your next foray into bullshit?
ruh roh raggyThe way I saw it, Kynes was probably misreading an engineering notation of the tonnage.
It is normally written 1.23E+2, not 0.123x10E+2 (that's redundant since E is already a representative of 10).
I can see how that might be possible, though. When one is reading from multiple sources, but different notation is used, e.g. 1E+9 = 1x10^9, it can easily become muddled in one's mind. It happens to me at least once in any lab when I have to read different meters at different resolutions, etc. Unless one is working in ranges where there's no need to start changing scales, doing sweeps from nano to kilo (or even Mega) can involve a lot of button pushing.
EDIT: functionally, you are both correct, but style-wise, this is not a time to wear a fedora. about this 15 micron thing?
and yet, the calculations are exactly as i entered them, i showed you the steps and you still insist that i am off by a factor ten.
i say YOU are off by a factor of ten, so lets check another source:
this study says 5x10 to the sixteenth grams per year which would be even more.
so even if, as you claim, my math is wrong, and i dont know how to use a fucking calculator, this guy says its even MORE
and it's from Nature, which is probably also a right wing think tank.
seriously, i aint even interested in your bullshit.You been screaming about water vapour not me
Unless termites have started mining and releasing sequestered co2 then we don't need to worry about them
You really really need to educate yourself about the carbon cycle as well as greenhouse gas basics
Your the one screaming about water vapour
Does this mean your done screaming about the 5000billion x infinity water vapour?
seriously, i aint even interested in your bullshit.
youre clownshoes.
ruh roh raggy
you and alec the gardener say im wrong huh.
well fuck
pada says im right, so playing off his percentages, that means im fucking wrong.
cheddar biscuits.
well lets try again:
i say termites make more co2 than humans
bucky says "NUH UH!! Prove it!"
i cite a paper from The Journal of Geophysical Studies: Atmospheres which states 4x10 to the 15th grams of co2/anum,
i run that through my calculator (apparently wrongly) as 40 gigatonnes per anum
Bucky says "No Evidence to Support That Claim" (in his own special way)
i say "yes, it's right there" <re-post link>
Bucky says "Right Wing Think Tank"
i say "Youre cracked" and run the math again (apparently wrongly)
Bucky says "you cited no evidence for that claim" (in his own special way)
i say "yes, i did, and i even did the math" <post screenshots of the math>
Bucky says "fedoras" "wal mart employee" "fat" "liar" "That's Racist!!"
by this time i dont even doubt i got the math right, cuz thats bucky's signature move when he is up against the ropes
then. like 4 pages AFTER my math display, he says i got the math wrong...
naturally i dismiss him. who wouldnt dismiss an ASU dropout's boasts of math prowess after that?
then pada chimes in and says im wrong, which only increases my confidence that im right (naturally)
then pada says im right. well that cant be good...
pada starts slinging homophobic slurs, so clearly he is right on Pada-par which means i need to re-think my math.
by now, im getting nervous cuz TWO guys (who arent bucky) say im wrong, and pada says im right.
shit, maybe i got the math wrong after all.
MEANWHILE, ~53 posts ago, in this very thread...
ZOMG!! another source which says that termites produce 5 times ten to the SIXTEENTH grams per anum co2?
even if i did the math wrong, that one is EVEN HIGHER than the otherand it's from Science Magazine which is, and i could be wrong here, NOT a right wing think tank.
lets try that math using Buckulus:
View attachment 3176767
View attachment 3176768
aww shit. Science Magazine says FIFTY Gigatonnes using Buckulus!
human Co2 levels are still 33.4 gigatonnes by the wildest most inflated estimate i could find.
( )
now i can admit i may have done the math wrong, cuz im an athelete not a mathelete, but damn!!
apparently, even when i fuck up on the math, and to my horror, bucky may actually be right, he is still WRONG on the primary question "Do Termites Make More Co2 Than Humans?"
life is beautiful
Edit: yeah im high, That was Science Mag, not Nature.
Nature was some other shit
700 written in scientific notation or exponents: 7x10^2
the only reason i didnt cite the Science study (which has been cited more than 120 times BTW) is cuz it was OLDER, and it's number seemed too high.let me see if i have this right.
you claimed for over a year that termites produce 4̶0̶ ̶b̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶n̶n̶e̶s̶ 4 billion tonnes of CO2 a year.
now you claim that termites produce 5̶0̶0̶ ̶b̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶n̶n̶e̶s̶ 5 billion tonnes of CO2 a year, nearly doubling the output of all human activities in every nation across the globe.
yeah, you totally owned us.
declare some more victory, you denizen of science and higher learning.
i'll honk next time i see a termite driving down I-5 in a 64 foot long truck.
distraction distraction distraction.that's entirely too priceless considering the display you just made of yourself.
but wait! you've got another "study" that says termites produce nearly twice what humans do! 12.5x as much as previously claimed!
and those scientists shouldn't measure CO2 on mauna loa!
and forest fires cause global cooling!
and red1966's water vapor!
clearly, all this means that 34 national academies of science are wrong, and the idiot who doesn't know exponentials or PEMDAS is once again correct, as always.
it's just embarrassing for you at this point, kynes. just stop even trying.
No surprise from you thereseriously, i aint even interested in your bullshit.
youre clownshoes.
and your derping continues unabated.No surprise from you there
You don't understand the basics of the carbon cycle so you scream about termite CO2
You don't understand the basics of greenhouse so you claim nitrogen is 50% greenhouse gas (you couldn't make this shit up)
You scream about how bad water vapour is as a greenhouse gas then scream about how it is ok because water vapour regulates itself thru rain
Scream more about these termites releasing CO2 as part of the natural cycle of CO2 it's fucking hillarious
oh oh timelines can i do one?and your derping continues unabated.
heres what was going on in this thread before you injected yourself into it:
AGW is fake!
AGW is real!
NO it's fake and heres why!
nuhh uhh!
heres another example of the failure of the AGW hypothesis!
what example?
this one right here
right there! i'm pointing at it!
no youre not!
yes i am pointing right at it
well i dont want to see that so i wont look, and now ill say why it's all wrong, despite having not even looked at it!
youre retarded.
nu uhh! my mom says im special
like 600 posts later:
Redd: Positive Assertion about water vapour's greenhouse power (100x that of co2)
Bucky: Nuh Uh!!!
Redd: Yuh Huh!
Bucky: kynes check his claim:
Kynes: citation that water is between 5x and 20x more greenhousey than Co2 depending on if, and how you "Baseline" for albedo and evaporative cooling
Kynes: citations from multiple sources that water vapour is ~4% of the atmosphere by volume
Kynes citations from many sources that Co2 is 0.035% of the atmosphere by volume:
Kynes: using the LOWEST water vapour baselined number (5x co2's greenhouseiness) and rounding down the 4% water vapour by volume to 3.5% just to make the math easier
Kynes: thats 500x more greenhousing from water vapour than co2
Bucky: "nuh uh!! no evidence!" nu uhh! "what citations?" "Nuh Uhh! U R GAY" "Nuh Uhh! right wing think tank!" "Nuh Uhh!! you said termites make more co2 than humans in an unrelated thread last year!!"
You: chiming in with a dopey video that proves nothing, save that co2 is in fact a gteenhouse gas (which was not in dispute)
Kynes: teh fux is that supposed to prove? nobody says co2 isnt a greenhouse gas, it's just a weak one!
you: who are you arguing with?
Kynes: you dumbass.
like 200 posts later:
You: how dare you answer my question???? see how i proved you wrong with this statement! <points at nothing>
Kynes: when? how? where?
You:< waving hands in air and pointing at nothing that substantiates your claim> SEE!! PWNED!! I R King Of Interweb!
Kynes: Clownshoes.
yep. youre clownshoes.
oh oh timelines can i do one?
^^ my first post on this thread ( to heckler (no mention from me of anything to do with water vapour or termites)
you replied to me "gah water vapour"
i never claimed the video did anything you keep saying i claimed
your butt hurt from buck and pada is none of my concern
that they have wound you up so much you appear to shit yourself with every key stroke is not anything i give a fuck about
i really really suggest you educate yourself on reading and going back and checking the forum for when your hissy fit started
aside from that you clearly still do not understand the carbon cycles (or you understand cycle yet willingly use termites as red herring)
and you clearly do not understand greenhouse gasses (or you do understand but willingly use water vapour as a red herring)
neither of those two snippets is bucks or pada fault
oh yeah you wanna try to save face by saying nitrogen is 50% right as greenhouse gas i will continue calling you the fool you appear
I've been drinking a lot. Comparé and soda. I'm pretty sure that's why this post was the funniest.B==========D ~~~~~~ (.)(.)