Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Well-Known Member
HELP Please Random Wilting...
Ok so I'm not sure what's going on plants have been growing beautifully untill recently I changed my globes over from mh to hps and begen 12/12 cycle now leaves have started to severely wilt and canoe downwards...they haven't been over or under watered and havrnt been nute burnt, I'm growing in potting mix and p.h is fine, slightly acidic, water is neutral, lights are 600w hps dimmed down to 400w each they are about 7-8 inches from top of plants haven't changed anything besides globes and light cycle....started misting today to help wilt any ideas what it would be??? Thanks a lot.
I usually start my girls before i flip i run a period of 14/10 for 2 days with mh then let them sleep for 2 days solid before i slam the HPS to them.. Someone told me to ease into it on some strains hell i dunno it worked for me never once did i have anything wilt from mh to HPS not saying this is for everyone or if I'm even right.. but i had no problems


Well-Known Member
I moved them right away like 80-90cms away from them they are looking a lot better now, besides the suspected male grrrrr
Sorry bout the male. i had one too i swore and so did everyone else it was male was just a nice sativa with big pollen sacs. lol but i dumped her immediately and was pissed after i took her out and examined closely i screwed up lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feel bad for him, hope he gets that shit figured out. Get some nice pain killers or something!

I'm doing alright. Got a busy day ahead, wish I had some meds to smoke. Maybe I'll be surprised and get some today.
He's getting fixed up as we speak :) I wish I had some I could send him but all I have is this liquid lortab..lol Seems like everyone will be having a busy afternoon, hope you get some of the good shit bro ;)


Well-Known Member
I thought something smelled funny over here :???: So basically, what's going on here is Dankster420 goes missing and Rooster420 shows up...promoting Dankster and this thread :shock: That's some serious high school shit...then if somebody is challenged on a topic, it has to become a big ordeal and start "reporting" people...WOW :shock: Followed by totally inappropriate comments "somebody isn't getting any pussy" :???: I have a strong feeling that he's got plenty of ass in his face Rosie ;)
Meanwhile...the person doing the reporting is committing a huge "No-no" of having multiple user names...not to mention the fact that while people are asking about Dankster he's shooting the shit as Rooster420 and insulting the intelligence of everybody around :clap:
Well Dankster and Rooster...I certainly hope your toothaches get to feeling better ;) I hate to say it but I don't see any academy awards in your future :eyesmoke:
Now...where is that button?


Well-Known Member
I'd appreciate it if you'd take this sort of thing to PM, especially since you obviously don't have all the facts. Even if you did, doesn't matter, its rude to come on his thread and accuse him of being shady when that is THE LAST THING he is!!!


Well-Known Member
I'd appreciate it if you'd take this sort of thing to PM, especially since you obviously don't have all the facts. Even if you did, doesn't matter, its rude to come on his thread and accuse him of being shady when that is THE LAST THING he is!!!
I'm sorry you feel that way Rosie...I'm kinda offended by the way Dankster420 and his alter ego Rooster420 are handling people...I've watched everything that goes on around here and the old thread for a while...I'm absolutely NOT a rude person...but this time I gotta call him out...because it's just WRONG!! If you feel that I have been out of line...feel free to report me :)


Well-Known Member
Everyone has to throw their two cents in, adding fuel to a fire that was becoming dim.

I wonder how these people are in real life, because I would be surprised if they acted the same way. I'd be more surprised if they had social skills.

Everyone thinks the growing community from the outside is all happy and peace, on the inside it's like any other business. There is a few good people.....


Well-Known Member
Everyone has to throw their two cents in, adding fuel to a fire that was becoming dim.

I wonder how these people are in real life, because I would be surprised if they acted the same way. I'd be more surprised if they had social skills.

Everyone thinks the growing community from the outside is all happy and peace, on the inside it's like any other business. There is a few good people.....
On the contrary, the insults such as the one above, are what keep the embers glowing. Let's not forget the savage raping of other peoples intelligence that happens around here. I have never offended you in any way and I assure you that my "social graces" are of a class far beyond the realm of your understanding :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you feel that way Rosie...I'm kinda offended by the way Dankster420 and his alter ego Rooster420 are handling people...I've watched everything that goes on around here and the old thread for a while...I'm absolutely NOT a rude person...but this time I gotta call him out...because it's just WRONG!! If you feel that I have been out of line...feel free to report me :)
I do actually. You have no idea the person he really is. I've been talking to him for nearly two years now. Sometimes what you read on a screen can be misinterpreted and misconstrued. And just so you know, we have sensitive members in our group and all this fussing about crap upsets them. Ok? THAT's what PMs are for. What you did was just blast someone for being different on their own thread. I'd appreciate it if you would take that down. It isn't necessary and is unwarranted. I'm not speaking of this again on this thread, mine or anyone else's. Why in the world can't folks use PM? is it that hard or is it just that folks like showing out and demeaning people on their own threads? Name calling isn't any better than what you are accusing him of and he isn't able to be here to defend himself right now because he's at the hospital! You really want to talk about being an adult? why aren't you speaking to me in the PM I sent instead of doing this here on his thread?
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