Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

did it dawn on you yet, kynes?

did it hit you?

don't get despondent, ya walking fecal matter. fellow idiots depend on you for inspiration.
"kynes1966 versus the immutable laws of mathematics"

can't do grade level math...

...knows better than 34 national academies of science.

How could someone honestly believe they think they know better than the thousands of experts who study the shit?

What an arrogant piece of shit you must be to do that, probably so arrogant you could never get into any actual science, so now you play pretend on the internet to make yourself feel like a big bad man of science.

He reminds me of this chick;

i'm just wondering if he is still trying to beat the laws of math or just embarrassed by his outright stupidity.

PEMDAS is grade level knowledge.
google is not gonna hire any subway employees.

your anecdotal examples mean nothing. i can tell you all about how HR managers will only hire someone who knows their own value.

keep deluding yourself.
Dude, if you've held comparable positions else where, relocated to someplace new, if you have significant savings you're right.

But there is value in work that is not quantifiable. I would never hire someone who sat around for months because they were "too good" to take the jobs they could get quickly.

Subway is an extreme example for an it superstar who needs a quick job but is shooting for the big position with Google.

There would be hundreds of positions in silicon Vally that they could take starting next day.

They wouldn't have to go to subway.

I thought that was more of a metaphor for a position you're over qualified for.
Turns out you're actually talking about the sandwich store.
you are aware that a gigatonne is a million tonnes right? or did you drop out before ASU covered the metric system?

4 billion tonnes is 40 gigatonnes

thats why the metric system is so easy, you just move the zeroes to the left or the right as needed.

mental note: never trust bucky's maths

"kynes1966 versus the immutable laws of mathematics"
Dude, if you've held comparable positions else where, relocated to someplace new, if you have significant savings you're right.

But there is value in work that is not quantifiable. I would never hire someone who sat around for months because they were "too good" to take the jobs they could get quickly.

Subway is an extreme example for an it superstar who needs a quick job but is shooti

may want to complete your thought next time you unfold yet another meaningless anecdote.
i'm just wondering if he is still trying to beat the laws of math or just embarrassed by his outright stupidity.

PEMDAS is grade level knowledge.

His ego is way too big, he can't be wrong or it'll shatter his world. I know people like that in real life, I don't hang out with them..
anyone can make a subway sandwich or stock the shelves at walmart as a 30 year old grown man, like you and kynes.

i don't think you two are in any position to be preaching to anyone about anything, especially you.

you were only lucky enough to be the subway sandwich maker thanks to continued bailouts from your well-off parents, who didn;t spend their 20s being heroin junkies and getting their buttholes plugged for their next fix.

Says the guy who calls growing pot a job.


try plugging in what's in your own citation, kynes1966.

4 x 10^15

i even posted the link to your citation and a screenshot.

then i even wrote it again, exactly as it was written in your citation, so you can copy and paste and plug it in.

you really are taking climate science confusion to a new level, plumbing the depths of basic grade school math confusion in a retarded attempt to do Dog knows what.

all i can do is laugh and laugh and laugh.
ohh my you really are retarded arent you
His ego is way too big, he can't be wrong or it'll shatter his world. I know people like that in real life, I don't hang out with them..
four times ten to the fifteenth grams is still 40gigatonnes, the math is correct.

in note you havent run the math yourself, your just agreeing with bucky cuz thats more comfortable than accepting the 4x10 to the 15th is 40 gigatonnes.
four times ten to the fifteenth grams is still 40gigatonnes, the math is correct.

in note you havent run the math yourself, your just agreeing with bucky cuz thats more comfortable than accepting the 4x10 to the 15th is 40 gigatonnes.

4 x 10^15 = 4 (10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10) = 4,000,000,000,000,000 (15 0's)

Nope I was wrong, Kynes was right;


You're still a climate change denying idiot, though
"kynes1966 versus the immutable laws of mathematics"
and yet, the calculations are exactly as i entered them, i showed you the steps and you still insist that i am off by a factor ten.

i say YOU are off by a factor of ten, so lets check another source:

this study says 5x10 to the sixteenth grams per year which would be even more.

so even if, as you claim, my math is wrong, and i dont know how to use a fucking calculator, this guy says its even MORE

and it's from Nature, which is probably also a right wing think tank.

derp derp derp.

this has already been covered.

mercury's sun facing side: ~900 degrees F
mercury's other side: ~ -300F

average temp: 300 degrees.

venus avg temp ~850 degrees, day or night, cuz venus is wearing 5 sweaters and a parka. (93% co2)

ANY gas thats dense enough and stable at those temps would do a good job of holding heat.

mars' atmosphere is 96% co2 (thats 3% more!!) and yet it never gets really hot, and when it rotates away from the sun, that spot gets cold as a motherfucker.
mars day side temp ~ +70 f at the motherfucking equator
mars night time temp:~ -100 f at that same location.

where's your god now?

Edit: yeah i hit a three instead of a 1 on my mars night temp pobody's nerfect
Mars' atmosphere is EXTREMELY THIN.
Atmospheric pressures back up my statement.
At .01atmospheres it maintains a 1/100 atmospheric pressure when compared to earth.

See Venus? 91
Amend your argument.