This site seems to have died


Well-Known Member
I used to come here all the time but I just don't find it as enjoyable anymore. Maybe because I'm temporarily shut down due to some moves in life and its a somewhat depressing reminder of what once was. Maybe not. Could be the new set up. Lost my computer and came back to this and I'm all ahhh wtf is this. Oh well.


bud bootlegger
I used to come here all the time but I just don't find it as enjoyable anymore. Maybe because I'm temporarily shut down due to some moves in life and its a somewhat depressing reminder of what once was. Maybe not. Could be the new set up. Lost my computer and came back to this and I'm all ahhh wtf is this. Oh well.
give it a chance jimmy, you're good people imvho, and i know a lot of people were freaked out over the changes, and i'll admit i was one of them for the first few days, but it does grow on you, and it sure as shit works 20000x's better than the old set up, and much less spam anymore.. it's win win for me, just took a bit of getting used to is all..
and i hear you on being shut down, i was too for awhile, and it sucked balls to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Fuck this site is my home away from home lol

And all y'all are my crazy ass stoner cousins

And the mods are my uncle and aunts that also smoke weed but dont like racism and porn in there house

But all of y'all are what makes this site run and be a nice source of information and humor

If it wasn't for RIU

we whould be in a police state that has fake wanna be stoners and 11 year olds and complete dumb ass mods


Well-Known Member
give it a chance jimmy, you're good people imvho, and i know a lot of people were freaked out over the changes, and i'll admit i was one of them for the first few days, but it does grow on you, and it sure as shit works 20000x's better than the old set up, and much less spam anymore.. it's win win for me, just took a bit of getting used to is all..
and i hear you on being shut down, i was too for awhile, and it sucked balls to say the least.
Oh trust me I'm not enough of a technology guy for the new setup to make or break the site for me. Just had so much going on riu definitely took a back seat. But I always enjoyed the site from day one and will try to get caught up.


Well-Known Member
it goes without saying as time passes and you do not engage in the site that you become engaged with friends anytime you step away and come back things are different. there is a site I belong to more taboo than this and it's not the same either not just with this site but with all sites when we take a break from it!!!! New members to get to know give it time!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am new here no smoke to engage with the chat rooms here only drink until girls are ready until then watch out because I will be in full force when things are dry!!!! I am a flirt, tease and a woman should've changed my username to ffoxyone if you know the site and my name than you know what I mean about taboo any guesses!!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha That was so funny. That kid will never get over that. Especially the remote up the anus part at 1:10
His brother was found to have staged some of those videos. The mom, they were all in on it. A little fame goes to your head. That one was still the funniest though.


Well-Known Member
His brother was found to have staged some of those videos. The mom, they were all in on it. A little fame goes to your head. That one was still the funniest though.
Well forget what I just said then lol. They all need ass whoopin's. On youtube because they like being watched.


Well-Known Member
it goes without saying as time passes and you do not engage in the site that you become engaged with friends anytime you step away and come back things are different. there is a site I belong to more taboo than this and it's not the same either not just with this site but with all sites when we take a break from it!!!! New members to get to know give it time!!!!
I had no idea this site was taboo...