Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Water vapor does not reflect sunlight. Clouds do, but they're not vapor. "self regulating" is incorrect. tho there is a natural cycle. As there also is with co2. Yes, I know, that's heresy to the AGW church. But switching from "global warming" to "climate change" was heresy, too.
Yawn.... any point to this pedantry?

Any substance?

Let us not forget

Balanced equation:
C3H8 + 5 O2 = 3 CO2 + 4 H2O
wow, you brought some substantive claim to the table.

well lets examine this shit:

co2 levels have been rising
the temp has been rising in fits and starts over a long period of time

if these two are related, then when co2 rises, temps should rise, and as your grap demonstrates that appears to be the case.


in the past, it has been much hotter and much colder than it is now.

co2 levels during the little ice age were not much different than the "pre-industrial baseline" yet despite this, it got cold as fuck , then after it got colder, co2 levels dropped a little, but just a little cuz the even was short

look: graphs:
little ice age temp chart:

from the Right Wing Think Tank PBS:

lookit that. between 1400 and 1700 it got cold as fuck!
what was CO2 doin during this period?


NOT causing warming apparently
right in the middle of the event, co2 concentrations fell off, yet despite shockingly low Co2 levels, it started getting warmer again

if the assumptions are correct, then co2 levels should have fallen BEFORE the cooling, and risen BEFORE the warming
they clearly did not, ergo, co2 didnt cause the last large shift in climate.

co2 levels have been MUCH higher in the past, during times when it was cold as fuck, and warm as fuck , and co2 didnt lead any of these events. it followed them

lets try a new theory:
water vapour is 5x more powerful at trapping heat than co2
water vapour is found in the atmosphere 100x more abundantly than co2
water vapour concentrations in the atmosphere are fairly consistent
changes in co2 seasonally, annually and over the long term are following temperatures, not leading them
thats what dr salby was arguing but you didnt bother to listen to his presentation.

also it turns out...
the sun has been putting out more energy every year, year after year since the end of the little ice age
mars has now begun experiencing "global warming" despite it's terribly thin atmosphere and much greater distance from the sun
the sun, for the last 100 or so years, has been putting out 1-2% more BONUS energy ever year, in addition to the maunder predictions

maybe the SUN is causing some, or even most of the warming we are experiencing, and maybe co2 isnt involved much at all.

but the primary assumption of the IPCC is that co2 is doing it, previously it was doing all of it, now they say it is doing "~51%" and the more "confidence" you need in their claims, the lower that "~51%" gets.

whats the confidence in the "More Than Half" assertion? 75-90%
whats considered statistically valid in a research trial? +/- 0.05
Edit: not 0.05%, but +/- 0.05 which is 5%. fucking typos

so their numbers dont meet the expectation of confidence to be valid, they are at best, educated guesses.

and if the primary assumption is wrong, the whole premise for their models, which led to the conclusions are wrong.
The warming on Mars was clearly caused by the man made rover SUV driving all over the place spewing co2 from its electric drive motors.
You say leftists should stick to the "opinion sciences"

I show you evidence that clearly says otherwise

You say "it shouldn't matter"...


No, it shouldn't matter, and to real scientists who practice real science, it doesn't. You are not a real scientist and you don't practice real science, or understand how it works, what it generally is or how it's applied, as is demonstrated by your consistent denial of real science

Nobody has disputed the conclusions of the IPCC except a small fraction of fanatics who don't practice or understand science

Your citations include anyone you perceive to agree with you that AGW isn't a serious problem, even the report funded by NASA about how solar irradiance plays no significant role in climate change on Earth and has increased over the course of a staggering 24 years by .1%/decade! You thought that report was suggesting the Sun is the major factor because I'm guessing you read the headline and only a paragraph or two in.

The fact is that every citation you've listed to support your denial of ACC has a political or financial interest to keep people like you ignorant of reality, just like they did with tobacco. The ones who aren't clearly don't agree with you and in fact, like NASA, quite clearly agree with Buck and I (and 34 national science academies and the overwhelming majority of scientists). So clearly I got a nice big belly laugh when you actually attempted to use NASA to discredit ACC!

A more accurate analogy would be a high school history teacher who denies the holocaust

A math teacher that denies algebra

A biology teacher that denies evolution

The reason the overwhelming majority of scientists lean left is because the ideals and values of conservatives fly in the face of science, it's that simple. If I believe in Christianity and Jesus and the Bible and I'm studying to earn a biology degree, I either have to accept the facts that organisms evolve and suspend my belief in God, or ignore reality and continue to be a Christian. Creationism/Intelligent design are mutually exclusive with science, hence, why it doesn't belong... now apply that concept to people like you who deny the scientific consensus on ACC...
What validity could you possibly have to criticize anyone's understanding of science when a while back you called me an idiot for saying that water vapor had green house effects?

You are a complete hack and totally useless to anyone.

If your understanding of this stuff is so advanced, how come you're a minimum wage guy who battles chronic unemployment?
What validity could you possibly have to criticize anyone's understanding of science when a while back you called me an idiot for saying that water vapor had green house effects?

You are a complete hack and totally useless to anyone.

If your understanding of this stuff is so advanced, how come you're a minimum wage guy who battles chronic unemployment?

Quote the post where I called you an idiot for saying water vapor had a greenhouse effect

I never said my understanding was "so advanced", I sure as hell know a lot more than any of the denialists about science and ACC, that's demonstrable, and it's hilarious seeing you absolute retards claiming some faux-victory when the entire rest of the world is sitting here laughing at you

One more thing, I haven't been unemployed in 7 years, dipshit, and for 2 of those years I had 2 jobs simultaneously, neither of which were for minimum wage
Now boys, let's not fight. For an individual, say there is Global Warming. OK?

Now, for the same person, say there is no Global Warming. See?

No difference to the individual.
No need. I've been watching you and the boys get your asses handed to you for about 80 pages now. You'll never admit it, but to those watching and not commenting, you look like massive head trauma victims trying to debate the superiority of Gorgonzola when it's clearly Brie time baby.

Step into my office,
Cause your fuckin' fired.

you don't have hiring and firing capability, get back to hanging curtains.

better go tell 34 national academies of science that an overweight, racist 50 year old who still lives with his momma is going off about termite farts and water vapor, they'll probably change their take on the whole situation overnight.

you should stick to what you do best: being wrong about everything and then retreating like the little rat you are when reality shits in your cornflakes.
but then they werent really looking at the material presented, they were looking a their agenda crumbling, and then just panicked.....TROOF

yeah, i'm sure 34 national academies of science are gonna review what an overweight racist 50 year old who still lives with his momma has to say and not only declare AGW to be a hoax, but also move their mauna lau observatory because of your invaluable contributions.

stick to reciting stormfront slogans, your work here is just a showcase of your own confusion beyond anything else.
The other spectra either convey little thermal energy or are not very abundant.

I started to say there's no such thing as "too high", but then I remembered.............

The warming on Mars was clearly caused by the man made rover SUV driving all over the place spewing co2 from its electric drive motors.

Just pointing out you don't know what you're talking about.

See what I'm doing, red? It's called multiquoting.
Quote the post where I called you an idiot for saying water vapor had a greenhouse effect

I never said my understanding was "so advanced", I sure as hell know a lot more than any of the denialists about science and ACC, that's demonstrable, and it's hilarious seeing you absolute retards claiming some faux-victory when the entire rest of the world is sitting here laughing at you

One more thing, I haven't been unemployed in 7 years, dipshit, and for 2 of those years I had 2 jobs simultaneously, neither of which were for minimum wage
I already quoted it, I did so because UncleBuck said he never never denied the same. You made the denial, he liked your post.

Padawanbater2, if you had to have two jobs, that means both of them sucked.
I already quoted it, I did so because UncleBuck said he never never denied the same. You made the denial, he liked your post.

calling you a fucking idiot is not a denial of anything, it is a description of who you are and works even in spite of the fact that you may have made a true statement, which usually happens only by accident.
I already quoted it, I did so because UncleBuck said he never never denied the same. You made the denial, he liked your post.

Padawanbater2, if you had to have two jobs, that means both of them sucked.

People like you say shit like "go to school, get another job, pull yourself up, blah blah blah", then as soon as someone does, people like you say shit like this "if you had 2 jobs both of them sucked".

People like you are simply so far out of touch with reality there's no point in discussing these things with you because you're not equipped with the basic skills needed to maintain the conversation

People like you, Kynes, and a handful of other members who have nothing better to do with their time than come into the politics section every single day and see what they can bitch about next

People like you could vanish off the face of the Earth and the only thing that would happen is that it would get better
calling you a fucking idiot is not a denial of anything, it is a description of who you are and works even in spite of the fact that you may have made a true statement, which usually happens only by accident.
Well you can call me an idiot, without saying the true statement I made was wrong and thus making yourself look like an idiot. You have plausible deniability, buck, pada it is not.
People like you say shit like "go to school, get another job, pull yourself up, blah blah blah", then as soon as someone does, people like you say shit like this "if you had 2 jobs both of them sucked".

People like you are simply so far out of touch with reality there's no point in discussing these things with you because you're not equipped with the basic skills needed to maintain the conversation

People like you, Kynes, and a handful of other members who have nothing better to do with their time than come into the politics section every single day and see what they can bitch about next

People like you could vanish off the face of the Earth and the only thing that would happen is that it would get better
Even if I died, you would not be selected to fill the vacant position.

You see pada, I'm paid because of what I know. The knowledge is hard to come by, and the state has given me a piece of paper saying I know it.

People like you are jealous because you expend more physical effort in your job, but you need very little between the ears to do it. .. actually the less the better.

Anyone can swing a hammer, or dig a hole. But somethings are delicate and you have to know exactly when, where and how to direct someone else to hit it.
Even if I died, you would not be selected to fill the vacant position.

You see pada, I'm paid because of what I know. The knowledge is hard to come by, and the state has given me a piece of paper saying I know it.

People like you are jealous because you expend more physical effort in your job, but you need very little between the ears to do it. .. actually the less the better.

Anyone can swing a hammer, or dig a hole. But somethings are delicate and you have to know exactly when, where and how to direct someone else to hit it.

anyone can make a subway sandwich or stock the shelves at walmart as a 30 year old grown man, like you and kynes.

i don't think you two are in any position to be preaching to anyone about anything, especially you.

you were only lucky enough to be the subway sandwich maker thanks to continued bailouts from your well-off parents, who didn;t spend their 20s being heroin junkies and getting their buttholes plugged for their next fix.
anyone can make a subway sandwich or stock the shelves at walmart as a 30 year old grown man, like you and kynes.

i don't think you two are in any position to be preaching to anyone about anything, especially you.

you were only lucky enough to be the subway sandwich maker thanks to continued bailouts from your well-off parents, who didn;t spend their 20s being heroin junkies and getting their buttholes plugged for their next fix.
Dude, you don't have to convince me that I was a total failure for a few years.

Everyone files at some point, I just did it more.

What is important is what you do after.