Here are up close and personal pictures of my plants! *outdoors* :)

So, this is my first time growing, I got into this without really knowing much, so cut a girl some slack! :]

I really don't expect too much considering this is my first time! So I appreciate advice from anyone! Wish I started doing this once I had transplanted the 4 older clones into their pots for the first time.(I've had the the 4 older ones for about 3 weeks now.)

But I had just gotten two clones of Sour Diesel, so hopefully I learn from these older plants to help out these two new ones!

*If you find my other posts I had posted about some irregular branch growth, and also how one of my main leaves coming off.*

Additional Notes: I'm planning on transplanting the 4 older ones one last time. Also a couple plants were LST'd to get even sunlight throughout the entire plant.

1.Sour Bubba

2. NYC Diesel (with irregular branch growth)

3. Sour Bubba #2 (with one main leaf missing at the top)

4. LA Confidential

5/6. Sour Diesel(s) they were wilted and yellowish before transplanted, they look a lot healthier now.



Well-Known Member
Learning as you go can get stressful at times but just remember to keep calm and enjoy this learning experience.
Doing good so far. my advice would be to make sure you have more top soil in your pots next time you transplant.


Well-Known Member
Keep a positive attitude, do a lot of reading, and there's no reason you can't pull multiple oz's off of your first grow.

As a n00b myself, I can honestly say that making mistakes during a grow is beneficial, if not mandatory, in that you can start to "read" the plant, and you begin to realize exactly how tough these little green ladies truly are.

Best of luck to you and your harvest.


Active Member
Did the root balls all stay tagather when transplanting? I've had weird growth when I've fucked up the transplant. I'm still new to dis.
Luckly I only transplant once.


Well-Known Member
Saw your profile pic, read "here are close up and personal pictures of my...",stopped reading, instantly clicked on the thread then realized it was about plants. My bad!! hehe
Plants aren't looking too bad though. What kind of soil you got em in? Water source? Your pot size will be a huge factor when it comes to yield, what size will you use?
Keep a positive attitude, do a lot of reading, and there's no reason you can't pull multiple oz's off of your first grow.

As a n00b myself, I can honestly say that making mistakes during a grow is beneficial, if not mandatory, in that you can start to "read" the plant, and you begin to realize exactly how tough these little green ladies truly are.

Best of luck to you and your harvest.
Thanks :)