Starting seedlings in hydroponics.


I've started experimenting with hydroponics and I've got an ebb and flow system setup. My question is what are some ways people have started plants in hydroponics? I've tried starting plants in soil first and letting them grow a decent root system before transferring them to hydro. But this method worries me because of any left over soil might cause some mold or something. None the less though it has worked for me so far. And the other method I've tried and was very surprised worked was starting a freshly cut clone dipped in water and cloning powder.
start your clone in a rapid rooter or rockwool cube and once root switch to hydro... if you need more time put in a red cup with perlite and make sure u poke holes in ur cup. really there are 100's of ways to do this
I did get some rockwool cubes and I've started experimenting with them now. No clones yet in them but I did just start two new seeds and they popped open. I was just curious though what different ways people have tried it and what ways worked best for them...
I did get some rockwool cubes and I've started experimenting with them now. No clones yet in them but I did just start two new seeds and they popped open. I was just curious though what different ways people have tried it and what ways worked best for them...
Hey Jroller, follow the link to check out what I thought was interesting & might try on my first DWC grow. The guy uses soil in rockwool to germinate before going hydro with the bit of soil still in the rockwool...pretty cool 8-)
Get the 1"X1" RW cubes, moisten with just water (NO NUTRIENTS) and be sure to keep cubes moist. Place out of the light and within 2-3 days you will start seeing them pop out. Drop the seed into the center hole(already provided). If the seed doesn't fall into the hole simply push down gently with a toothpick or something similar. Works 100% of the time.
If you want to know if the seed is viable prior to planting, drop your seeds into a small glass of water and let sit over night. Viable seeds will sink to the bottom while non-viable seeds will remain floating on top of the water.
I would start seeds in rockwool cubes then straight to solo cups with coco. You can cut slices down the side of your cups and set them in your flood table. Also good for peaking at root development. Straight coco holds water well so one flood for 15 min at lights on will be good.