Keep parroting that bullshit claim, it doesn't make it more true the more you say it
I've already shown evidence that says the majority of scientists lean left, that includes, especially in STEM fields
You deny it. All you have is "that's not a scientific poll!", then I ask "how would you suggest we determine the political affiliation of scientists scientifically?", then you say "it shouldn't matter what their political affiliation is!" .... then why the fuck did you bring it up in the first place in some retarded attempt at failed smugness as if to say "conservatives do all the real math and science, all the hard work, leftists do the bullshit science that nobody cares about and isn't real science". Everybody who is reading this right now can see right past all your bullshit...
You brought it up, I showed you you're wrong, you cry foul and kick over the checkerboard. That's why nobody likes playing with you (nobody agrees with you)
are you retarded?
polls are not "scientific"
NO poll is "scientific"
polls are about "Samples and Statistics" which may SOUND like science but you forgot what the "Samples and Statistics" are about : FEELS
you cannot measure feels, you cannot do double blind experiments on feels, feels dont follow any rules other than those imposed by each individual's Feels Themselves.
i FEEL like you are getting dumber all the time. my sample IS representative of the target group (me) , and the FEEL is statistically significant (approaching 100% saturation of the study group) thus according to the "Scientific Poll" i just conducted, you ARE therefore getting dumber every day.
ohh wait, thats still just MY OPINION, accurate though it may be, and it still isnt proof that you are actually getting dumber every day, but it's a strong indicator that the things you say are getting dumber every day.
when a scientist MUST infer something through a sample or statistic, he does his best to ensure the samples are representative, takes many samples from many areas, does the test many times to ensure it is accurate, and then double checks his math.
pollsters may use "sciencey" sounding sounding words and elaborate jargon but they are NOT engaged in science, they are engaged in feels.
even worse, they are using statistical samples about feels, which is even less reliable than feels themselves.
but then, this whiney bullshit about feels is just a distraction form the real problem,
Co2's weak greenhouse effect (1/5th the effect of the same volume of water vapour), , and intensely low concentration (1/100th the abundance of water vapour) , making Co2 NOT responsible for climate change.
this has been well established, and you have made no attempt to dispute these two simple facts
therefore your continued insistence that Co2 IS in charge of climate regulation, we can only infer that in fact Co2 is a HOMEOPATHIC greenhouse gas, which makes it more effective as the concentration of co2 drops.
Z. O. M. G.
Holy Mother Fucking Christ On A Cracker. maybe that is it.
thats the lizard people's endgame.
convincing us to foolishly reduce our co2 levels, which will (under the "laws of homeopathy") cause our global temp to skyrocket, making the earth more comfortable for Reptilian Aliens!~!
and you are in on it.
you sunuvabitch!