The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Never knew that about rugby don. I work in the south and on a regular occasion I go in on Monday and get asked did u watch the football at the weekend, usually reply with a spiel of shit that's goin on in the premier league only to hear "no,no,no, we mean the GAA" well don't call it fuckin football then lol
Didn't you have football(gaa) growing up in the north hg?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the GAA are worse than the old firms for kicking off. even the players get involved haha

ozzy rules is still a bit close to egg chasing for my liking


Well-Known Member
Lmao @ egg chasing nah it doesn't have all those fucking wank rules American football has its just a load of lads fucking each other up.
.good family sport


Well-Known Member
Why not 24/7? That's probably why ur rh is so high
coz it sound slke a f16 blowiing out the vent

i have a 5" TT extractor i was thinking of hooking up for lights off and add a 2nd carbon filter

still cant smell shit thru the 250m3 filter on a 700 m3 fan :) well suprised after sae saying they was shit


Well-Known Member
coz it sound slke a f16 blowiing out the vent

i have a 5" TT extractor i was thinking of hooking up for lights off and add a 2nd carbon filter

still cant smell shit thru the 250m3 filter on a 700 m3 fan :) well suprised after sae saying they was shit
Probably ur just so used to the smell you dont notice it tbh, i borrowed yet another 1 of those buddy filters off my mate the other day, again its less than 8 weeks old from new an again it cant even stand up to the job, only attached to a 4" RVK n has already started failing after being in the cupboard for less than a week, can smell my crop thru the flat again


Well-Known Member
Yeh in the flower room them fans need to be running 24/7 or you'll get problems with your humidity mate u could end up with bud rot If u don't vent when lights are off!!! Fuck the noise your buds more important mate u don't wanna lose it to rot

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye it's funny peeps always bang on that the american footy is a pussy sport cos they wear all the padding but they seriously need it. some of those guys are 300lb+ if that ran at you and you were stationary it'd be like being hit by a bus.

aye zedd i was prop forward for my school. hated it. was just an excuse for a scrap and a good stamp. vicks on the shoulders the works haha. then they made me play football and I got the nickname 50p toes cos i can't kick a ball straight to save my life.


Well-Known Member
Yeh in the flower room them fans need to be running 24/7 or you'll get problems with your humidity mate u could end up with bud rot If u don't vent when lights are off!!! Fuck the noise your buds more important mate u don't wanna lose it to rot

yeh il set it for 15 mins every hour and go from ther.


Well-Known Member
Yeh in the flower room them fans need to be running 24/7 or you'll get problems with your humidity mate u could end up with bud rot If u don't vent when lights are off!!! Fuck the noise your buds more important mate u don't wanna lose it to rot
If the rh is above 80% I'd put money on it that he will get mold if continued