Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

you just keep flailing blindly.

i already added the sauce for my numbers, and they are NOT from a "right wing think tank"

but every source you cite IS from a left wing organization, or the idiots at wikipedia.

i wonder who is more reliable.

lol, senor termite farts is accusing me of flailing blindly.

for examples of flailing blindly, do a search for "CO2" posted by dr kynes and notice all the retarded arguments you have had to abndon due to motherfucking retardedness.

go on and cite another right wing think tank to convince us all that CO2 doesn't even matter.
almost forgot to provide citation about the sydney institute, which again is a right wing political front group funded by phillip morris and shell.

it is not a scientific organization in any way whatsoever. it is a right wing political group.
so, giving a talk at the sydney institute makes Dr Salby a right wing shill?

who else are we not allowed to talk to, in order to maintain our ethical purity?

does being funded by lefty groups spoil our purity?

what about ties to radical eco-terror organizations like Earth First?

you love to "discredit" every contrary position based on specious assumptions, and vague accusations of ethical misconduct, but on your side, anything goes cuz their hearts are pure.

what "discredits" a scientist 9and by extension his research) in bucklefuckle land?

funding from other than leftist sources
disagreeing with bucky
making an argument bucky cant understand (ASU dropouts are now the arbiters of science)
any accusation, no matter how far fetched, of ethical lapse (provided you are not on bucky's side)
being hard to find when bucky uses his AOL search program from 1992
having a name bucky thinks is funny
being fat
being bald
not being wealthy (unless you agree with bucky)
being wealthy (if you disagree with bucky)
having ever read any of the books bucky has determined to be Heresy (including ayn rand, any "conservative author, ayn rand, any author who disagrees with bucky, ayn rand, anything on mathematics, chemistry, history, astronomy, physics or any other subject bucky is ignorant of)

so, now we must cite onoly data from Doctor Seuss, Harry Potter, Twilight and MSNBC.
lol, senor termite farts is accusing me of flailing blindly.

for examples of flailing blindly, do a search for "CO2" posted by dr kynes and notice all the retarded arguments you have had to abndon due to motherfucking retardedness.

go on and cite another right wing think tank to convince us all that CO2 doesn't even matter.

well, oh master of the search function, throw out some examples of my perfidy.

ill wait.
ZURICH - 22 Apr 2013: Today on Earth Day, scientists have announced a collaboration to develop an affordable photovoltaic system capable of concentrating solar radiation 2,000 times and converting 80 percent of the incoming radiation into useful energy. The system can also provide desalinated water and cool air in sunny, remote locations where they are often in short supply.
"a collaboration to develop". Not the same thing. I just announced a collaboration to develop 150% efficient solar cells.
so, giving a talk at the sydney institute makes Dr Salby a right wing shill?

who else are we not allowed to talk to, in order to maintain our ethical purity?

does being funded by lefty groups spoil our purity?

what about ties to radical eco-terror organizations like Earth First?

you love to "discredit" every contrary position based on specious assumptions, and vague accusations of ethical misconduct, but on your side, anything goes cuz their hearts are pure.

what "discredits" a scientist 9and by extension his research) in bucklefuckle land?

funding from other than leftist sources
disagreeing with bucky
making an argument bucky cant understand (ASU dropouts are now the arbiters of science)
any accusation, no matter how far fetched, of ethical lapse (provided you are not on bucky's side)
being hard to find when bucky uses his AOL search program from 1992
having a name bucky thinks is funny
being fat
being bald
not being wealthy (unless you agree with bucky)
being wealthy (if you disagree with bucky)
having ever read any of the books bucky has determined to be Heresy (including ayn rand, any "conservative author, ayn rand, any author who disagrees with bucky, ayn rand, anything on mathematics, chemistry, history, astronomy, physics or any other subject bucky is ignorant of)

so, now we must cite onoly data from Doctor Seuss, Harry Potter, Twilight and MSNBC.

cool down your vagina.

the sydney institute is a think tank, a political group.

its founder is a conservative and the group leans that way as well.

the founder wants to hide the funding sources, but it is known that phillip morris and shell are among the funding sources.

these are facts. make of them what you will.
well, oh master of the search function, throw out some examples of my perfidy.

ill wait.

here you are being a retard about the mauna loa station. i bet you know way better than all those scientists, or at least that is what you have to tell yourself to get through another day of drudgery stocking the shelves at the latest low paying big box store to make the mistake of hiring you.

does it make sense to YOU that CO2 measurements should be done on the side of an active volcano?
I read something once that Venus, billions of years ago, had oceans and a fairly earth like atmosphere.

They estimated that the oceans there were tiny by comparison and that life had not evolved to also use co2.

Since oceans take co2 out of the atmosphere, and theirs were smaller, and the Venus had more volcanic activity, a run away co2 event took off.

The increased heat evaporated off the surface water, and now you can melt led on the surface.

That is the danger of increasing earth's co2 in the atmosphere.

We've doubled the natural am out of co2. But atmospheric concentration is still exceedingly small.

We don't know where the tipping point is, but there is possibly the same danger here on Earth.
Venus has a methane atmosphere, not much co2. Methane is also much more "greenhousey" than co2. We have only a rudementary understanding of the Venusian atmosphere today. We know nothing of what it was a billion years ago.
"a collaboration to develop". Not the same thing. I just announced a collaboration to develop 150% efficient solar cells.
"Develop" not Invent.

the design already has Proof of Concept and at least one working prototype.

"development" is gearing up for production
Venus has a methane atmosphere, not much co2. Methane is also much more "greenhousey" than co2. We have only a rudementary understanding of the Venusian atmosphere today. We know nothing of what it was a billion years ago.

nope, venus is 96% co2, this has already been cited, batted about like a pingpong ball, and has landed squarely in your mug.

you must now consume your beer.

methane has a great deal of difficulty existing in 820 degree temps on a planet with very little hydrogen.
From my understanding of what I have heard, mars was doomed to lose its atmosphere because of insufficient gravity.

I also think that earth is at the far edge of the goldilocks zone, which might place Venus at the near edge. We don't fully understand the exact borders of the goldilocks zone do we?

That combined with the fact that 3 billion years ago the sun might not have been so hot.

Venus is appx 2/3 au from the sun isn't it?
Mars lost its atmosphere when its core solidified and it lost its magnetic field, allowing solar "wind" to blow it away.
nope, venus is 96% co2, this has already been cited, batted about like a pingpong ball, and has landed squarely in your mug.

you must now consume your beer.

methane has a great deal of difficulty existing in 820 degree temps on a planet with very little hydrogen.

don't you feel proud about defending his uncited, unattributed, stabs in the dark elsewhere now?

Did you watch the video? lol

It works, there have been subsequent press releases since that one back in 2013.

Computerworld - IBM, working with other researchers, has announced an "affordable photovoltaic system that can concentrate solar radiation 2,000 times."

A byproduct of the system is that it also produces a massive amount of heat. That heat can be harvested to perform other functions, such as desalinating water and creating cool air in sunny, remote locations where they are often in short supply, the IBM researchers said.

The High Concentration PhotoVoltaic Thermal (HCPVT) system can convert 80% of the incoming solar radiation into useful energy.

They're claiming to have reached 80% efficiency.
No, they didn't. They said they are trying to. Big difference.
If CO2 levels rise higher than about 600PPM it starts causing significant changes to the environment, it's around 400PPM right now and raising at a rate of about 2PPM per year... You do the math
"If CO2 levels rise higher than about 600PPM it starts causing significant changes to the environment" Like what? Basically, nothing. You do the math.
here you are being a retard about the mauna loa station. i bet you know way better than all those scientists, or at least that is what you have to tell yourself to get through another day of drudgery stocking the shelves at the latest low paying big box store to make the mistake of hiring you.
anyone who wishes can follow my conversation with cannabineer as he answers my questions, and nullifies my concerns, resulting in my ACCEPTACE of the mona loa measurements, which continues unabated.

unlike yourself, when somebody explains how i am mistaken, i ACCEPT IT, and do not simply run to another thread an repeat the same claims as if i had never been proved wrong.

Me: Mona Loa is a volcano, and Volcanoes make Co2, wont their samples be fucked up off the charts?
'Neer: nope, see, look at this complex math and shit.
Me: errr... yeah...
'Neer: lemme walk you though this math and shit
< Cue science montage with lab coats, beakers, slide rules and CRT's full of code over an 80's crunch rock anthem>
Me: Holy Shit!
'Neer: yep

in later discussions:
Me: Mona Loa is reliable, Cannabineer explained all that science and shit over in that thread ---->

see how that works?

Bucky: bls price statistics, absurd claims about pretty much anything, etc.
Anybody Else: no, see heres where you are wrong...
<Cue science montage and crunch rock anthem>
Bucky: <slinks off>

in later discussions:
Bucky: bls price statistics, the same absurd claims about pretty much anything, etc.
Anybody Else: didnt we already cover this shit?
Bucky: Nuh Uh!!! <spam ad hominems, memes, penises>

see how that DOESNT work?
don't you feel proud about defending his uncited, unattributed, stabs in the dark elsewhere now?

unlike you, i argue for or against a POSITION, not the person making the statement.

even you sometimes say something that isnt bullshit.
damned if i can think of an example though.
anyone who wishes can follow my conversation with cannabineer as he answers my questions, and nullifies my concerns, resulting in my ACCEPTACE of the mona loa measurements, which continues unabated.

it's just amazing that scientists don't consult with you before going off and doing science stuff.

Bucky: bls price statistics,
Anybody Ese: no, see heres where you are wrong...
<Cue science montage and crunch rock anthem>
Bucky: <slinks off>

i slinked off so hard that you haven't set foot in there since i posted actual BLS prices versus store prices last night.

dumb fuck.