Well-Known Member
the vast majority of people in this country are racists
Welcome to Merica.
the vast majority of people in this country are racists
warning shot to the left ventricle.........yesI say prosecute the fucker to the full extent of the law. I also recommend that DOJ pursue charges against everybody who does this shit. It's a pity the 79 year old man was not armed; it would have been nice to see him shoot the asshole to death.
How do you have pride in your race?These days sneezing the wrong way makes you a racist. If having "pride in your race" makes a person racist, then the vast majority of people in this country are racists? Being proud of who you are and where you come from makes a person racist...wtf? I understand the bigger societal picture which created a crowd of pissed off black youth that decided to just beat the shit out of innocent people. Is it your belief that because they were pissed about something that it somehow makes what they did okay? Is that supposed to justify their actions somehow? Maybe this group of people are just racist assholes who decided to go drag innocent people out of their cars and beat the shit out of them. You have an odd way of looking at things, imo. I'm assuming that you and i just have a different view on what exactly makes an individual racist.
How do you have pride in your race?
That's fucking ridiculous, consider the following "IMA proud orf meh race cos we's so mucher smart than dems niggers".
*applauds while shooting off fireworks*How do you have pride in your race?
That's fucking ridiculous, consider the following "IMA proud orf meh race cos we's so mucher smart than dems niggers".
We're the human species, don't let the Illuminati fracture us with notions of race and nationality. That's why they hate the internet, it brings us all together.
Sorry you feel that wayWelcome to Merica.
Fuck off buck..fucking piece of shit troll. Whats worse than a racist...Uncle Buck on riu. Get a life and stay the fuck out of my conversations.they seem to get worse in the summer. every year this happens to the forum.
How do i have pride in my race and where i come from? Everyone should! Buck your Jewish are you not? Are you ashmed to be a Jew? Are you ashamed of your race? No? Your not? FUCKING RACIST!!!! ...i think THAT'S fucking ridiculous that anyone should be afraid to be proud of who they are and where they come from because some fucking tards think that's racist. The closest friend iv ever had in my life was Mexican, id lay my life on the line for him. I can tel you right now he's not racist but he's damn proud to be Mexican and damn proud of where he comes from. I know my friends that are black feel exactly the same. What are they supposed to be ashamed? You guys are fucked up!! Far left politically fucking correct jackass's. Don't fucking twist what im saying Harrekin..whats this IMA proud of meh race bullshit? Dems niggers? FUCK YOU Harrekin!! Fuck yes im proud of who i am!!! Fuck all of you if you think that's racist!How do you have pride in your race?
That's fucking ridiculous, consider the following "IMA proud orf meh race cos we's so mucher smart than dems niggers".
We're the human species, don't let the Illuminati fracture us with notions of race and nationality. That's why they hate the internet, it brings us all together.
Buck your Jewish are you not? Are you ashmed to be a Jew?
So it's ok to be proud that your ancestors were so weak they were taken in the masses to be slaves. Then only because the people who kept you decided to let you free...then other people decided to let you eat in public and vote. You can be proud of that and it's ok.just honorary jewish. i fast for some holidays and make latkes for others. they've got some good holidays, but you'd be hard pressed to out us as jews. the pater familias jew is very handy and my wife isn't good with money at all. i've got some plumbing problems on the sprinklers here that i just can't figure out, some i'm calling dad in law jew to come help me fix it, since i obviously don't want my landlord's nose anywhere near this place. so much for stereotypes, eh?
we don't go around screaming "jew power!" and "jew pride!" in people's faces like the white pride types tend to do. we don't go around to other races and persuasions and make sure they are proud of their race, like you are doing.
if your arbitrary skin color and geographic location are all you have to be proud of, then you have honestly earned my pity. if you go around shouting about your arbitrary pride in skin color or location, then you will earn my scorn.
jews prided themselves on remembering and telling the tale of the holocaust. blacks prided themselves for hundreds of years in this country (and still do) on their quest to get equal footing. native americans prided themselves on maintaining their culture despite the near holocaust that came their way with white christian settlers taking their lands and violating treaties.
what atrocity do white men in america have to pride themselves on surviving?
Cortez had 20K native alliesSo it's ok to be proud that your ancestors were so weak they were taken in the masses to be slaves. Then only because the people who kept you decided to let you free...then other people decided to let you eat in public and vote. You can be proud of that and it's ok.
Or, your ancestors were so pathetic a few boat loads of dudes defeated empires. Cortez had what, 300 men, and the Aztec couldn't defeat them. Yeah, that's something to be proud of.
So the people who were strong, smart, cunning, and persistent enough to claim a continent, and dominate the world. That's what my race is, world dominating bad ass mother fuckers.
The only time we lose is when the weak among us make us feel bad for being strong.
We're losing now.
But I'm actually kind of proud I come from a stock of people that can dominate the planet.
Sure as hell is a lot better to be the master than the slave, better to be the conquerors than the vanquished.
And this shit ain't new, my fucking race bitch slapped Rome when she was at the height of her power.
My fucking race put a man on the moon.
My fucking race stopped the turks at the gates of Vienna, twice.
My fucking race sailed around the world and said "yes china, your going to smoke that fucking opium", three goddamn times.
My fucking race carved up the world between it's self and played with it for 300 years.
So, if it's fine for being proud because someone freed you and someone else later on said you could vote. ...
And if it's ok to be proud that you remember some stories old people like you told you about buffaloes and shit...
If it's ok to be proud that Hitler (one fucking man) didn't kill everyone like you. .. mostly because my fucking race stopped him.
If it's ok to be proud to fail, then it's ok for me to be proud of my fucking race, who has fucking dominated. Our only failure is liberalism and the notion of guilt for all of our badassness.
They weren't always with him.Cortez had 20K native allies
they saved his ass.
Millions of everyone was enslaved by millions of everyone else.http://themuslimissue.wordpress.com...million-non-muslim-slaves-of-all-skin-colors/
millions of whites were enslaved by Muslims.
the Noche Triste.......yes. "Night of Sorrows." almost Cortez' end. he achieved nil without the Tlaxcalan. don't get me wrong.......Cortez had some fucking huevos, but he and his band could never have survived on the open field at 300:1 odds. not with mortars and machine guns. the Spanish version of history was spun by Cortez' priest, to strengthen his patrons claim to the conquered areas. we should start a history forum; imagine the conflicting histories and fights.They weren't always with him.
Cortez was in the capital city with just a couple hundred of his men, he snatched the emperor and cut a few Aztecs.
Yes, he did get some assistance. But he also did stuff without them.
"1204: the Fourth Crusade, and the Sack of Constantinople."Millions of everyone was enslaved by millions of everyone else.
If you were a crusader, you fought, if you lost you were enslaved.
I didn't say white people were super humans.
They can, and have been beaten before.
If you'll notice, white people split, the Greek east and Latin west schism divided and the Greek east couldn't defend against both.
Constantinople fell first to the 4th crusade in the 1200's.
The turks might not have been able to defeat the eastern empire had the west not betrayed them.